2024-06-09 13:55:01 -04:00

8 lines
65 KiB

"version": 3,
"sources": ["../../../src/dialects/oracle/query-generator.js"],
"sourcesContent": ["// Copyright (c) 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved\n\n'use strict';\n\nconst Utils = require('../../utils');\nconst DataTypes = require('../../data-types');\nconst AbstractQueryGenerator = require('../abstract/query-generator');\nconst _ = require('lodash');\nconst util = require('util');\nconst Transaction = require('../../transaction');\n\n/**\n * list of reserved words in Oracle DB 21c\n * source:\n *\n * @private\n */\nconst ORACLE_RESERVED_WORDS = ['ACCESS', 'ADD', 'ALL', 'ALTER', 'AND', 'ANY', 'ARRAYLEN', 'AS', 'ASC', 'AUDIT', 'BETWEEN', 'BY', 'CHAR', 'CHECK', 'CLUSTER', 'COLUMN', 'COMMENT', 'COMPRESS', 'CONNECT', 'CREATE', 'CURRENT', 'DATE', 'DECIMAL', 'DEFAULT', 'DELETE', 'DESC', 'DISTINCT', 'DROP', 'ELSE', 'EXCLUSIVE', 'EXISTS', 'FILE', 'FLOAT', 'FOR', 'FROM', 'GRANT', 'GROUP', 'HAVING', 'IDENTIFIED', 'IMMEDIATE', 'IN', 'INCREMENT', 'INDEX', 'INITIAL', 'INSERT', 'INTEGER', 'INTERSECT', 'INTO', 'IS', 'LEVEL', 'LIKE', 'LOCK', 'LONG', 'MAXEXTENTS', 'MINUS', 'MODE', 'MODIFY', 'NOAUDIT', 'NOCOMPRESS', 'NOT', 'NOTFOUND', 'NOWAIT', 'NULL', 'NUMBER', 'OF', 'OFFLINE', 'ON', 'ONLINE', 'OPTION', 'OR', 'ORDER', 'PCTFREE', 'PRIOR', 'PRIVILEGES', 'PUBLIC', 'RAW', 'RENAME', 'RESOURCE', 'REVOKE', 'ROW', 'ROWID', 'ROWLABEL', 'ROWNUM', 'ROWS', 'SELECT', 'SESSION', 'SET', 'SHARE', 'SIZE', 'SMALLINT', 'SQLBUF', 'START', 'SUCCESSFUL', 'SYNONYM', 'SYSDATE', 'TABLE', 'THEN', 'TO', 'TRIGGER', 'UID', 'UNION', 'UNIQUE', 'UPDATE', 'USER', 'VALIDATE', 'VALUES', 'VARCHAR', 'VARCHAR2', 'VIEW', 'WHENEVER', 'WHERE', 'WITH'];\nconst JSON_FUNCTION_REGEX = /^\\s*((?:[a-z]+_){0,2}jsonb?(?:_[a-z]+){0,2})\\([^)]*\\)/i;\nconst JSON_OPERATOR_REGEX = /^\\s*(->>?|@>|<@|\\?[|&]?|\\|{2}|#-)/i;\nconst TOKEN_CAPTURE_REGEX = /^\\s*((?:([`\"'])(?:(?!\\2).|\\2{2})*\\2)|[\\w\\d\\s]+|[().,;+-])/i;\n\nexport class OracleQueryGenerator extends AbstractQueryGenerator {\n constructor(options) {\n super(options);\n }\n\n /**\n * Returns the value as it is stored in the Oracle DB\n *\n * @param {string} value\n */\n getCatalogName(value) {\n if (value) {\n if (this.options.quoteIdentifiers === false) {\n const quotedValue = this.quoteIdentifier(value);\n if (quotedValue === value) {\n value = value.toUpperCase();\n }\n }\n }\n return value;\n }\n\n /**\n * Returns the tableName and schemaName as it is stored the Oracle DB\n *\n * @param {object|string} table\n */\n getSchemaNameAndTableName(table) {\n const tableName = this.getCatalogName(table.tableName || table);\n const schemaName = this.getCatalogName(table.schema);\n return [tableName, schemaName];\n }\n\n createSchema(schema) {\n const quotedSchema = this.quoteIdentifier(schema);\n return [\n 'DECLARE',\n 'USER_FOUND BOOLEAN := FALSE;',\n 'BEGIN',\n ' BEGIN',\n ' EXECUTE IMMEDIATE ',\n this.escape(`CREATE USER ${quotedSchema} IDENTIFIED BY 12345 DEFAULT TABLESPACE USERS`),\n ';',\n ' EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN',\n ' IF SQLCODE != -1920 THEN',\n ' RAISE;',\n ' ELSE',\n ' USER_FOUND := TRUE;',\n ' END IF;',\n ' END;',\n ' IF NOT USER_FOUND THEN',\n ' EXECUTE IMMEDIATE ',\n this.escape(`GRANT \"CONNECT\" TO ${quotedSchema}`),\n ';',\n ' EXECUTE IMMEDIATE ',\n this.escape(`GRANT CREATE TABLE TO ${quotedSchema}`),\n ';',\n ' EXECUTE IMMEDIATE ',\n this.escape(`GRANT CREATE VIEW TO ${quotedSchema}`),\n ';',\n ' EXECUTE IMMEDIATE ',\n this.escape(`GRANT CREATE ANY TRIGGER TO ${quotedSchema}`),\n ';',\n ' EXECUTE IMMEDIATE ',\n this.escape(`GRANT CREATE ANY PROCEDURE TO ${quotedSchema}`),\n ';',\n ' EXECUTE IMMEDIATE ',\n this.escape(`GRANT CREATE SEQUENCE TO ${quotedSchema}`),\n ';',\n ' EXECUTE IMMEDIATE ',\n this.escape(`GRANT CREATE SYNONYM TO ${quotedSchema}`),\n ';',\n ' EXECUTE IMMEDIATE ',\n this.escape(`ALTER USER ${quotedSchema} QUOTA UNLIMITED ON USERS`),\n ';',\n ' END IF;',\n 'END;'\n ].join(' ');\n }\n\n showSchemasQuery() {\n return 'SELECT USERNAME AS \"schema_name\" FROM ALL_USERS WHERE COMMON = (\\'NO\\') AND USERNAME != user';\n }\n\n dropSchema(schema) {\n return [\n 'BEGIN',\n 'EXECUTE IMMEDIATE ',\n this.escape(`DROP USER ${this.quoteTable(schema)} CASCADE`),\n ';',\n 'EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN',\n ' IF SQLCODE != -1918 THEN',\n ' RAISE;',\n ' END IF;',\n 'END;'\n ].join(' ');\n }\n\n versionQuery() {\n return \"SELECT VERSION_FULL FROM PRODUCT_COMPONENT_VERSION WHERE PRODUCT LIKE 'Oracle%'\";\n }\n\n createTableQuery(tableName, attributes, options) {\n const primaryKeys = [],\n foreignKeys = Object.create(null),\n attrStr = [],\n checkStr = [];\n\n const values = {\n table: this.quoteTable(tableName)\n };\n\n // Starting by dealing with all attributes\n for (let attr in attributes) {\n if (!, attr)) continue;\n const dataType = attributes[attr];\n attr = this.quoteIdentifier(attr);\n\n // ORACLE doesn't support inline REFERENCES declarations: move to the end\n if (dataType.includes('PRIMARY KEY')) {\n // Primary key\n primaryKeys.push(attr);\n if (dataType.includes('REFERENCES')) {\n const match = dataType.match(/^(.+) (REFERENCES.*)$/);\n attrStr.push(`${attr} ${match[1].replace(/PRIMARY KEY/, '')}`);\n\n // match[2] already has foreignKeys in correct format so we don't need to replace\n foreignKeys[attr] = match[2];\n } else {\n attrStr.push(`${attr} ${dataType.replace(/PRIMARY KEY/, '').trim()}`);\n }\n } else if (dataType.includes('REFERENCES')) {\n // Foreign key\n const match = dataType.match(/^(.+) (REFERENCES.*)$/);\n attrStr.push(`${attr} ${match[1]}`);\n\n // match[2] already has foreignKeys in correct format so we don't need to replace\n foreignKeys[attr] = match[2];\n } else {\n attrStr.push(`${attr} ${dataType}`);\n }\n }\n\n values['attributes'] = attrStr.join(', ');\n\n const pkString = => this.quoteIdentifier(pk)).join(', ');\n\n if (pkString.length > 0) {\n values.attributes += `,PRIMARY KEY (${pkString})`;\n }\n\n // Dealing with FKs\n for (const fkey in foreignKeys) {\n if (!, fkey)) continue; \n // Oracle default response for FK, doesn't support if defined\n if (foreignKeys[fkey].indexOf('ON DELETE NO ACTION') > -1) {\n foreignKeys[fkey] = foreignKeys[fkey].replace('ON DELETE NO ACTION', '');\n }\n values.attributes += `,FOREIGN KEY (${this.quoteIdentifier(fkey)}) ${foreignKeys[fkey]}`;\n }\n\n if (checkStr.length > 0) {\n values.attributes += `, ${checkStr.join(', ')}`;\n }\n\n // Specific case for unique indexes with Oracle, we have to set the constraint on the column, if not, no FK will be possible (ORA-02270: no matching unique or primary key for this column-list)\n if (options && options.indexes && options.indexes.length > 0) {\n const idxToDelete = [];\n options.indexes.forEach((index, idx) => {\n if ('unique' in index && (index.unique === true || index.unique.length > 0 && index.unique !== false)) {\n // If unique index, transform to unique constraint on column\n const fields = => {\n if (typeof field === 'string') {\n return field;\n } \n return field.attribute;\n \n });\n\n // Now we have to be sure that the constraint isn't already declared in uniqueKeys\n let canContinue = true;\n if (options.uniqueKeys) {\n const keys = Object.keys(options.uniqueKeys);\n\n for (let fieldIdx = 0; fieldIdx < keys.length; fieldIdx++) {\n const currUnique = options.uniqueKeys[keys[fieldIdx]];\n\n if (currUnique.fields.length === fields.length) {\n // lengths are the same, possible same constraint\n for (let i = 0; i < currUnique.fields.length; i++) {\n const field = currUnique.fields[i];\n\n if (_.includes(fields, field)) {\n canContinue = false;\n } else {\n // We have at least one different column, even if we found the same columns previously, we let the constraint be created\n canContinue = true;\n break;\n }\n }\n }\n }\n\n if (canContinue) {\n const indexName = 'name' in index ? : '';\n const constraintToAdd = {\n name: indexName,\n fields\n };\n if (!('uniqueKeys' in options)) {\n options.uniqueKeys = {};\n }\n\n options.uniqueKeys[indexName] = constraintToAdd;\n idxToDelete.push(idx);\n } else {\n // The constraint already exists, we remove it from the list\n idxToDelete.push(idx);\n }\n }\n }\n });\n idxToDelete.forEach(idx => {\n options.indexes.splice(idx, 1);\n });\n }\n\n if (options && !!options.uniqueKeys) {\n _.each(options.uniqueKeys, (columns, indexName) => {\n let canBeUniq = false;\n\n // Check if we can create the unique key\n primaryKeys.forEach(primaryKey => {\n // We can create an unique constraint if it's not on the primary key AND if it doesn't have unique in its definition\n // We replace quotes in primary key with ''\n // Primary key would be a list with double quotes in it so we remove the double quotes\n primaryKey = primaryKey.replace(/\"/g, '');\n\n // We check if the unique indexes are already a part of primary key or not\n // If it is not then we set canbeuniq to true and add a unique constraint to these fields.\n // Else we can ignore unique constraint on these\n if (!_.includes(columns.fields, primaryKey)) {\n canBeUniq = true;\n }\n });\n\n columns.fields.forEach(field => {\n let currField = '';\n if (!_.isString(field)) {\n currField = field.attribute.replace(/[.,\"\\s]/g, '');\n } else {\n currField = field.replace(/[.,\"\\s]/g, '');\n }\n if (currField in attributes) {\n // If canBeUniq is false we need not replace the UNIQUE for the attribute\n // So we replace UNIQUE with '' only if there exists a primary key\n if (attributes[currField].toUpperCase().indexOf('UNIQUE') > -1 && canBeUniq) {\n // We generate the attribute without UNIQUE\n const attrToReplace = attributes[currField].replace('UNIQUE', '');\n // We replace in the final string\n values.attributes = values.attributes.replace(attributes[currField], attrToReplace);\n }\n }\n });\n\n // Oracle cannot have an unique AND a primary key on the same fields, prior to the primary key\n if (canBeUniq) {\n const index = options.uniqueKeys[];\n delete options.uniqueKeys[];\n indexName = indexName.replace(/[.,\\s]/g, '');\n = indexName;\n options.uniqueKeys[indexName] = index;\n\n // Autogenerate Constraint name, if no indexName is given\n if (indexName.length === 0) {\n values.attributes += `,UNIQUE (${ => this.quoteIdentifier(field)).join(', ') })`;\n } else {\n values.attributes +=\n `, CONSTRAINT ${this.quoteIdentifier(indexName)} UNIQUE (${ => this.quoteIdentifier(field)).join(', ') })`;\n }\n }\n });\n }\n\n // we replace single quotes by two quotes in order for the execute statement to work\n const query = Utils.joinSQLFragments([\n 'CREATE TABLE',\n values.table,\n `(${values.attributes})`\n ]);\n\n return Utils.joinSQLFragments([\n 'BEGIN',\n 'EXECUTE IMMEDIATE',\n `${this.escape(query)};`,\n 'EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN',\n 'IF SQLCODE != -955 THEN',\n 'RAISE;',\n 'END IF;',\n 'END;'\n ]);\n }\n\n tableExistsQuery(table) {\n const [tableName, schemaName] = this.getSchemaNameAndTableName(table);\n return `SELECT TABLE_NAME FROM ALL_TABLES WHERE TABLE_NAME = ${this.escape(tableName)} AND OWNER = ${table.schema ? this.escape(schemaName) : 'USER'}`;\n }\n \n describeTableQuery(tableName, schema) {\n const currTableName = this.getCatalogName(tableName.tableName || tableName);\n schema = this.getCatalogName(schema);\n // name, type, datalength (except number / nvarchar), datalength varchar, datalength number, nullable, default value, primary ?\n return [\n 'SELECT atc.COLUMN_NAME, atc.DATA_TYPE, atc.DATA_LENGTH, atc.CHAR_LENGTH, atc.DEFAULT_LENGTH, atc.NULLABLE, ucc.constraint_type ',\n 'FROM all_tab_columns atc ',\n 'LEFT OUTER JOIN ',\n '(SELECT acc.column_name, acc.table_name, ac.constraint_type FROM all_cons_columns acc INNER JOIN all_constraints ac ON acc.constraint_name = ac.constraint_name) ucc ',\n 'ON (atc.table_name = ucc.table_name AND atc.COLUMN_NAME = ucc.COLUMN_NAME) ',\n schema\n ? `WHERE (atc.OWNER = ${this.escape(schema)}) `\n : 'WHERE atc.OWNER = USER ',\n `AND (atc.TABLE_NAME = ${this.escape(currTableName)})`,\n 'ORDER BY atc.COLUMN_NAME, CONSTRAINT_TYPE DESC'\n ].join('');\n }\n\n renameTableQuery(before, after) {\n return Utils.joinSQLFragments([\n 'ALTER TABLE',\n this.quoteTable(before),\n 'RENAME TO',\n this.quoteTable(after)\n ]);\n }\n\n showConstraintsQuery(table) {\n const tableName = this.getCatalogName(table.tableName || table);\n return `SELECT CONSTRAINT_NAME constraint_name FROM user_cons_columns WHERE table_name = ${this.escape(tableName)}`;\n }\n\n showTablesQuery() {\n return 'SELECT owner as table_schema, table_name, 0 as lvl FROM all_tables where OWNER IN(SELECT USERNAME AS \"schema_name\" FROM ALL_USERS WHERE ORACLE_MAINTAINED = \\'N\\')';\n }\n\n dropTableQuery(tableName) {\n return Utils.joinSQLFragments([\n 'BEGIN ',\n 'EXECUTE IMMEDIATE \\'DROP TABLE',\n this.quoteTable(tableName),\n 'CASCADE CONSTRAINTS PURGE\\';',\n 'EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN',\n ' IF SQLCODE != -942 THEN',\n ' RAISE;',\n ' END IF;',\n 'END;'\n ]);\n }\n\n /*\n Modifying the indexname so that it is prefixed with the schema name\n otherwise Oracle tries to add the index to the USER schema\n @overide\n */\n addIndexQuery(tableName, attributes, options, rawTablename) {\n if (typeof tableName !== 'string' && {\n = `${tableName.schema}.${}`;\n }\n return super.addIndexQuery(tableName, attributes, options, rawTablename);\n }\n\n addConstraintQuery(tableName, options) {\n options = options || {};\n\n if (options.onUpdate) {\n // Oracle does not support ON UPDATE, remove it.\n delete options.onUpdate;\n }\n\n if (options.onDelete && options.onDelete.toUpperCase() === 'NO ACTION') {\n // 'ON DELETE NO ACTION' is the default option in Oracle, but it is not supported if defined\n delete options.onDelete;\n }\n\n const constraintSnippet = this.getConstraintSnippet(tableName, options);\n\n tableName = this.quoteTable(tableName);\n return `ALTER TABLE ${tableName} ADD ${constraintSnippet};`;\n }\n\n addColumnQuery(table, key, dataType) {\n dataType.field = key;\n\n const attribute = Utils.joinSQLFragments([\n this.quoteIdentifier(key),\n this.attributeToSQL(dataType, {\n attributeName: key,\n context: 'addColumn'\n })\n ]);\n\n return Utils.joinSQLFragments([\n 'ALTER TABLE',\n this.quoteTable(table),\n 'ADD',\n attribute\n ]);\n }\n\n removeColumnQuery(tableName, attributeName) {\n return Utils.joinSQLFragments([\n 'ALTER TABLE',\n this.quoteTable(tableName),\n 'DROP COLUMN',\n this.quoteIdentifier(attributeName),\n ';'\n ]);\n }\n\n /**\n * Function to add new foreign key to the attribute \n * Block for add and drop foreign key constraint query\n * taking the assumption that there is a single column foreign key reference always\n * i.e. we always do - FOREIGN KEY (a) reference B(a) during createTable queryGenerator\n * so there would be one and only one match for a constraint name for each column\n * and every foreign keyed column would have a different constraint name\n * Since sequelize doesn't support multiple column foreign key, added complexity to\n * add the feature isn't needed\n *\n * @param {string} definition The operation that needs to be performed on the attribute\n * @param {string|object} table The table that needs to be altered\n * @param {string} attributeName The name of the attribute which would get altered\n */\n _alterForeignKeyConstraint(definition, table, attributeName) {\n const [tableName, schemaName] = this.getSchemaNameAndTableName(table);\n const attributeNameConstant = this.escape(this.getCatalogName(attributeName));\n const schemaNameConstant = table.schema ? this.escape(this.getCatalogName(schemaName)) : 'USER';\n const tableNameConstant = this.escape(this.getCatalogName(tableName));\n const getConsNameQuery = [\n 'SELECT constraint_name INTO cons_name',\n 'FROM (',\n ' SELECT DISTINCT cc.owner, cc.table_name, cc.constraint_name, cc.column_name AS cons_columns',\n ' FROM all_cons_columns cc, all_constraints c',\n ' WHERE cc.owner = c.owner',\n ' AND cc.table_name = c.table_name',\n ' AND cc.constraint_name = c.constraint_name',\n ' AND c.constraint_type = \\'R\\'',\n ' GROUP BY cc.owner, cc.table_name, cc.constraint_name, cc.column_name',\n ')',\n 'WHERE owner =',\n schemaNameConstant,\n 'AND table_name =',\n tableNameConstant,\n 'AND cons_columns =',\n attributeNameConstant,\n ';'\n ].join(' ');\n const secondQuery = Utils.joinSQLFragments([\n `ALTER TABLE ${this.quoteIdentifier(tableName)}`,\n 'ADD FOREIGN KEY',\n `(${this.quoteIdentifier(attributeName)})`,\n definition.replace(/.+?(?=REFERENCES)/, '')\n ]);\n return [\n 'BEGIN',\n getConsNameQuery,\n 'EXCEPTION',\n 'WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN',\n ' CONS_NAME := NULL;',\n 'END;',\n 'IF CONS_NAME IS NOT NULL THEN',\n ` EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'ALTER TABLE ${this.quoteTable(table)} DROP CONSTRAINT \"'||CONS_NAME||'\"';`,\n 'END IF;',\n `EXECUTE IMMEDIATE ${this.escape(secondQuery)};`\n ].join(' ');\n }\n\n /**\n * Function to alter table modify\n *\n * @param {string} definition The operation that needs to be performed on the attribute\n * @param {object|string} table The table that needs to be altered\n * @param {string} attributeName The name of the attribute which would get altered\n */\n _modifyQuery(definition, table, attributeName) {\n const query = Utils.joinSQLFragments([\n 'ALTER TABLE',\n this.quoteTable(table),\n 'MODIFY',\n this.quoteIdentifier(attributeName),\n definition\n ]);\n const secondQuery = query.replace('NOT NULL', '').replace('NULL', '');\n return [\n 'BEGIN',\n `EXECUTE IMMEDIATE ${this.escape(query)};`,\n 'EXCEPTION',\n 'WHEN OTHERS THEN',\n ' IF SQLCODE = -1442 OR SQLCODE = -1451 THEN',\n // We execute the statement without the NULL / NOT NULL clause if the first statement failed due to this\n ` EXECUTE IMMEDIATE ${this.escape(secondQuery)};`,\n ' ELSE',\n ' RAISE;',\n ' END IF;',\n 'END;'\n ].join(' ');\n }\n\n changeColumnQuery(table, attributes) {\n const sql = [\n 'DECLARE',\n 'CONS_NAME VARCHAR2(200);',\n 'BEGIN'\n ];\n for (const attributeName in attributes) {\n if (!, attributeName)) continue;\n const definition = attributes[attributeName];\n if (definition.match(/REFERENCES/)) {\n sql.push(this._alterForeignKeyConstraint(definition, table, attributeName));\n } else {\n // Building the modify query\n sql.push(this._modifyQuery(definition, table, attributeName));\n }\n }\n sql.push('END;');\n return sql.join(' ');\n }\n\n renameColumnQuery(tableName, attrBefore, attributes) {\n const newName = Object.keys(attributes)[0];\n return `ALTER TABLE ${this.quoteTable(tableName)} RENAME COLUMN ${this.quoteIdentifier(attrBefore)} TO ${this.quoteIdentifier(newName)}`;\n }\n\n /**\n * Populates the returnAttributes array with outbind bindByPosition values\n * and also the options.outBindAttributes map with bindDef for outbind of InsertQuery\n *\n * @param {Array} returningModelAttributes\n * @param {Array} returnTypes\n * @param {number} inbindLength\n * @param {object} returnAttributes\n * @param {object} options\n *\n * @private\n */\n populateInsertQueryReturnIntoBinds(returningModelAttributes, returnTypes, inbindLength, returnAttributes, options) {\n const oracledb = this.sequelize.connectionManager.lib;\n const outBindAttributes = Object.create(null);\n const outbind = [];\n const outbindParam = this.bindParam(outbind, inbindLength);\n returningModelAttributes.forEach((element, index) => {\n // generateReturnValues function quotes identifier based on the quoteIdentifier option\n // If the identifier starts with a quote we remove it else we use it as is\n if (element.startsWith('\"')) {\n element = element.substring(1, element.length - 1);\n }\n outBindAttributes[element] = Object.assign(returnTypes[index]._getBindDef(oracledb), { dir: oracledb.BIND_OUT });\n const returnAttribute = `${this.format(undefined, undefined, { context: 'INSERT' }, outbindParam)}`;\n returnAttributes.push(returnAttribute);\n });\n options.outBindAttributes = outBindAttributes;\n }\n\n /**\n * Override of upsertQuery, Oracle specific\n * Using PL/SQL for finding the row\n *\n * @param {object|string} tableName\n * @param {Array} insertValues\n * @param {Array} updateValues\n * @param {Array} where\n * @param {object} model\n * @param {object} options\n */\n upsertQuery(tableName, insertValues, updateValues, where, model, options) {\n const rawAttributes = model.rawAttributes;\n const updateQuery = this.updateQuery(tableName, updateValues, where, options, rawAttributes);\n // This bind is passed so that the insert query starts appending to this same bind array\n options.bind = updateQuery.bind;\n const insertQuery = this.insertQuery(tableName, insertValues, rawAttributes, options);\n\n const sql = [\n 'DECLARE ',\n 'BEGIN ',\n updateQuery.query ? [ \n updateQuery.query,\n '; ',\n ' IF ( SQL%ROWCOUNT = 0 ) THEN ',\n insertQuery.query,\n ' :isUpdate := 0; ',\n 'ELSE ',\n ' :isUpdate := 1; ',\n ' END IF; '\n ].join('') : [\n insertQuery.query,\n ' :isUpdate := 0; ',\n // If there is a conflict on insert we ignore\n 'EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN',\n ' IF SQLCODE != -1 THEN',\n ' RAISE;',\n ' END IF;'\n ].join(''),\n 'END;'\n ];\n\n const query = sql.join('');\n const result = { query };\n \n if (options.bindParam !== false) {\n result.bind = updateQuery.bind || insertQuery.bind;\n }\n\n return result;\n }\n\n /**\n * Returns an insert into command for multiple values.\n *\n * @param {string} tableName\n * @param {object} fieldValueHashes\n * @param {object} options\n * @param {object} fieldMappedAttributes\n *\n * @private\n */\n bulkInsertQuery(tableName, fieldValueHashes, options, fieldMappedAttributes) {\n options = options || {};\n options.executeMany = true;\n fieldMappedAttributes = fieldMappedAttributes || {};\n\n const tuples = [];\n const allColumns = {};\n const inBindBindDefMap = {};\n const outBindBindDefMap = {};\n const oracledb = this.sequelize.connectionManager.lib;\n\n // Generating the allColumns map\n // The data is provided as an array of objects. \n // Each object may contain differing numbers of attributes. \n // A set of the attribute names that are used in all objects must be determined. \n // The allColumns map contains the column names and indicates whether the value is generated or not\n // We set allColumns[key] to true if the field is an\n // auto-increment field and the value given is null and fieldMappedAttributes[key]\n // is valid for the specific column else it is set to false\n for (const fieldValueHash of fieldValueHashes) {\n _.forOwn(fieldValueHash, (value, key) => {\n allColumns[key] = fieldMappedAttributes[key] && fieldMappedAttributes[key].autoIncrement === true && value === null;\n });\n }\n\n // Building the inbind parameter\n // A list that would have inbind positions like [:1, :2, :3...] to be used in generating sql string\n let inBindPosition;\n // Iterating over each row of the fieldValueHashes\n for (const fieldValueHash of fieldValueHashes) {\n // Has each column for a row after coverting it to appropriate format using this.format function\n // like ['Mick', 'Broadstone', 2022-02-16T05:24:18.949Z, 2022-02-16T05:24:18.949Z],\n const tuple = [];\n // A function expression for this.bindParam/options.bindparam function\n // This function is passed to this.format function which inserts column values to the tuple list\n // using _bindParam/_stringify function in data-type.js file\n const inbindParam = options.bindParam === undefined ? this.bindParam(tuple) : options.bindParam;\n // We are iterating over each col\n // and pushing the given values to tuple list using this.format function\n // and also simultaneously generating the bindPosition\n // tempBindPostions has the inbind positions\n const tempBindPositions = Object.keys(allColumns).map(key => {\n if (allColumns[key] === true) {\n // We had set allAttributes[key] to true since at least one row for an auto increment column was null\n // If we get any other row that has this specific column as non-null we must raise an error\n // Since for an auto-increment column, either all row has to be null or all row has to be a non-null\n if (fieldValueHash[key] !== null) {\n throw Error('For an auto-increment column either all row must be null or non-null, a mix of null and non-null is not allowed!');\n }\n // Return DEFAULT for auto-increment column and if all values for the column is null in each row\n return 'DEFAULT';\n }\n // Sanitizes the values given by the user and pushes it to the tuple list using inBindParam function and\n // also generates the inbind position for the sql string for example (:1, :2, :3.....) which is a by product of the push\n return this.format(fieldValueHash[key], fieldMappedAttributes[key], { context: 'INSERT' }, inbindParam);\n });\n\n // Even though the bind variable positions are calculated for each row we only retain the values for the first row \n // since the values will be identical\n if (!inBindPosition) {\n inBindPosition = tempBindPositions;\n }\n // Adding the row to the array of rows that will be supplied to executeMany()\n tuples.push(tuple);\n }\n\n // The columns that we are expecting to be returned from the DB like [\"id1\", \"id2\"...]\n const returnColumn = [];\n // The outbind positions for the returning columns like [:3, :4, :5....]\n const returnColumnBindPositions = [];\n // Has the columns name in which data would be inserted like [\"id\", \"name\".....]\n const insertColumns = [];\n // Iterating over the allColumns keys to get the bindDef for inbind and outbinds\n // and also to get the list of insert and return column after applying this.quoteIdentifier\n for (const key of Object.keys(allColumns)) {\n // If fieldMappenAttributes[attr] is defined we generate the bindDef \n // and return clause else we can skip it\n if (fieldMappedAttributes[key]) {\n // BindDef for the specific column\n const bindDef = fieldMappedAttributes[key].type._getBindDef(oracledb);\n if (allColumns[key]) {\n // Binddef for outbinds\n bindDef.dir = oracledb.BIND_OUT;\n outBindBindDefMap[key] = bindDef;\n\n // Building the outbind parameter list\n // ReturnColumn has the column name for example \"id\", \"usedId\", quoting depends on quoteIdentifier option\n returnColumn.push(this.quoteIdentifier(key));\n // Pushing the outbind index to the returnColumnPositions to generate (:3, :4, :5)\n // The start offset depend on the tuple length (bind array size of a particular row)\n // the outbind position starts after the position where inbind position ends\n returnColumnBindPositions.push(`:${tuples[0].length + returnColumn.length}`);\n } else {\n // Binddef for inbinds\n bindDef.dir = oracledb.BIND_IN;\n inBindBindDefMap[key] = bindDef;\n }\n }\n // Quoting and pushing each insert column based on quoteIdentifier option\n insertColumns.push(this.quoteIdentifier(key));\n }\n \n // Generating the sql query\n let query = Utils.joinSQLFragments([\n 'INSERT',\n 'INTO',\n // Table name for the table in which data needs to inserted\n this.quoteTable(tableName),\n // Columns names for the columns of the table (example \"a\", \"b\", \"c\" - quoting depends on the quoteidentifier option)\n `(${insertColumns.join(',')})`,\n 'VALUES',\n // InBind position for the insert query (for example :1, :2, :3....)\n `(${inBindPosition})`\n ]);\n\n // If returnColumn.length is > 0\n // then the returning into clause is needed\n if (returnColumn.length > 0) {\n options.outBindAttributes = outBindBindDefMap;\n query = Utils.joinSQLFragments([\n query,\n 'RETURNING',\n // List of return column (for example \"id\", \"userId\"....)\n `${returnColumn.join(',')}`,\n 'INTO',\n // List of outbindPosition (for example :4, :5, :6....)\n // Start offset depends on where inbindPosition end\n `${returnColumnBindPositions}`\n ]);\n }\n\n // Binding the bind variable to result\n const result = { query };\n // Binding the bindParam to result\n // Tuple has each row for the insert query\n result.bind = tuples;\n // Setting options.inbindAttribute\n options.inbindAttributes = inBindBindDefMap;\n return result;\n }\n\n truncateTableQuery(tableName) {\n return `TRUNCATE TABLE ${this.quoteTable(tableName)}`;\n }\n\n deleteQuery(tableName, where, options, model) {\n options = options || {};\n\n const table = tableName;\n\n where = this.getWhereConditions(where, null, model, options);\n let queryTmpl;\n // delete with limit <l> and optional condition <e> on Oracle: DELETE FROM <t> WHERE rowid in (SELECT rowid FROM <t> WHERE <e> AND rownum <= <l>)\n // Note that the condition <e> has to be in the subquery; otherwise, the subquery would select <l> arbitrary rows.\n if (options.limit) {\n const whereTmpl = where ? ` AND ${where}` : '';\n queryTmpl =\n `DELETE FROM ${this.quoteTable(table)} WHERE rowid IN (SELECT rowid FROM ${this.quoteTable(table)} WHERE rownum <= ${this.escape(options.limit)}${ \n whereTmpl \n })`;\n } else {\n const whereTmpl = where ? ` WHERE ${where}` : '';\n queryTmpl = `DELETE FROM ${this.quoteTable(table)}${whereTmpl}`;\n }\n return queryTmpl;\n }\n\n showIndexesQuery(table) {\n const [tableName, owner] = this.getSchemaNameAndTableName(table);\n const sql = [\n 'SELECT i.index_name,i.table_name, i.column_name, u.uniqueness, i.descend, c.constraint_type ',\n 'FROM all_ind_columns i ',\n 'INNER JOIN all_indexes u ',\n 'ON (u.table_name = i.table_name AND u.index_name = i.index_name) ',\n 'LEFT OUTER JOIN all_constraints c ',\n 'ON (c.table_name = i.table_name AND c.index_name = i.index_name) ',\n `WHERE i.table_name = ${this.escape(tableName)}`,\n ' AND u.table_owner = ',\n owner ? this.escape(owner) : 'USER',\n ' ORDER BY index_name, column_position'\n ];\n\n return sql.join('');\n }\n\n removeIndexQuery(tableName, indexNameOrAttributes) {\n let indexName = indexNameOrAttributes;\n\n if (typeof indexName !== 'string') {\n indexName = Utils.underscore(`${tableName }_${indexNameOrAttributes.join('_')}`);\n }\n\n return `DROP INDEX ${this.quoteIdentifier(indexName)}`;\n }\n\n attributeToSQL(attribute, options) {\n if (!_.isPlainObject(attribute)) {\n attribute = {\n type: attribute\n };\n }\n\n // TODO: Address on update cascade issue whether to throw error or ignore.\n // Add this to documentation when merging to sequelize-main\n // ON UPDATE CASCADE IS NOT SUPPORTED BY ORACLE.\n attribute.onUpdate = '';\n\n // handle self referential constraints\n if (attribute.references) {\n if (attribute.Model && attribute.Model.tableName === attribute.references.model) {\n this.sequelize.log(\n 'Oracle does not support self referencial constraints, ' +\n 'we will remove it but we recommend restructuring your query'\n );\n attribute.onDelete = '';\n }\n }\n\n let template;\n\n template = attribute.type.toSql ? attribute.type.toSql() : '';\n if (attribute.type instanceof DataTypes.JSON) {\n template += ` CHECK (${this.quoteIdentifier(options.attributeName)} IS JSON)`;\n return template;\n }\n if (Utils.defaultValueSchemable(attribute.defaultValue)) {\n template += ` DEFAULT ${this.escape(attribute.defaultValue)}`;\n }\n if (attribute.allowNull === false) {\n template += ' NOT NULL';\n }\n if (attribute.type instanceof DataTypes.ENUM) {\n if (attribute.type.values && !attribute.values) attribute.values = attribute.type.values;\n // enums are a special case\n template +=\n ` CHECK (${this.quoteIdentifier(options.attributeName)} IN(${ \n, value => {\n return this.escape(value);\n }).join(', ') \n }))`;\n return template;\n } \n if (attribute.type instanceof DataTypes.BOOLEAN) {\n template +=\n ` CHECK (${this.quoteIdentifier(options.attributeName)} IN('1', '0'))`;\n return template;\n } \n if (attribute.autoIncrement) {\n template = ' NUMBER(*,0) GENERATED BY DEFAULT ON NULL AS IDENTITY';\n } else if (attribute.type && attribute.type.key === DataTypes.DOUBLE.key) {\n template = attribute.type.toSql();\n } else if (attribute.type) {\n // setting it to false because oracle doesn't support unsigned int so put a check to make it behave like unsigned int\n let unsignedTemplate = '';\n if (attribute.type._unsigned) {\n attribute.type._unsigned = false;\n unsignedTemplate += ` check(${this.quoteIdentifier(options.attributeName)} >= 0)`;\n }\n template = attribute.type.toString();\n\n // Blobs/texts cannot have a defaultValue\n if (\n attribute.type &&\n attribute.type !== 'TEXT' &&\n attribute.type._binary !== true &&\n Utils.defaultValueSchemable(attribute.defaultValue)\n ) {\n template += ` DEFAULT ${this.escape(attribute.defaultValue)}`;\n }\n\n if (!attribute.autoIncrement) {\n // If autoincrement, not null is set automatically\n if (attribute.allowNull === false) {\n template += ' NOT NULL';\n } else if (!attribute.primaryKey && !Utils.defaultValueSchemable(attribute.defaultValue)) {\n template += ' NULL';\n }\n }\n template += unsignedTemplate;\n } else {\n template = '';\n }\n\n if (attribute.unique === true && !attribute.primaryKey) {\n template += ' UNIQUE';\n }\n\n if (attribute.primaryKey) {\n template += ' PRIMARY KEY';\n }\n\n if ((!options || !options.withoutForeignKeyConstraints) && attribute.references) {\n template += ` REFERENCES ${this.quoteTable(attribute.references.model)}`;\n\n if (attribute.references.key) {\n template += ` (${this.quoteIdentifier(attribute.references.key) })`;\n } else {\n template += ` (${this.quoteIdentifier('id') })`;\n }\n\n if (attribute.onDelete && attribute.onDelete.toUpperCase() !== 'NO ACTION') {\n template += ` ON DELETE ${attribute.onDelete.toUpperCase()}`;\n }\n }\n\n return template;\n }\n attributesToSQL(attributes, options) {\n const result = {};\n\n for (const key in attributes) {\n const attribute = attributes[key];\n const attributeName = attribute.field || key;\n result[attributeName] = this.attributeToSQL(attribute, { attributeName, ...options });\n }\n\n return result;\n }\n\n createTrigger() {\n throwMethodUndefined('createTrigger');\n }\n\n dropTrigger() {\n throwMethodUndefined('dropTrigger');\n }\n\n renameTrigger() {\n throwMethodUndefined('renameTrigger');\n }\n\n createFunction() {\n throwMethodUndefined('createFunction');\n }\n\n dropFunction() {\n throwMethodUndefined('dropFunction');\n }\n\n renameFunction() {\n throwMethodUndefined('renameFunction');\n }\n\n getConstraintsOnColumn(table, column) {\n const [tableName, schemaName] = this.getSchemaNameAndTableName(table);\n column = this.getCatalogName(column);\n const sql = [\n 'SELECT CONSTRAINT_NAME FROM user_cons_columns WHERE TABLE_NAME = ',\n this.escape(tableName),\n ' and OWNER = ',\n table.schema ? this.escape(schemaName) : 'USER',\n ' and COLUMN_NAME = ',\n this.escape(column),\n ' AND POSITION IS NOT NULL ORDER BY POSITION'\n ].join('');\n\n return sql;\n }\n\n getForeignKeysQuery(table) {\n // We don't call quoteTable as we don't want the schema in the table name, Oracle seperates it on another field\n const [tableName, schemaName] = this.getSchemaNameAndTableName(table);\n const sql = [\n 'SELECT DISTINCT a.table_name \"tableName\", a.constraint_name \"constraintName\", a.owner \"owner\", a.column_name \"columnName\",', \n ' b.table_name \"referencedTableName\", b.column_name \"referencedColumnName\"',\n ' FROM all_cons_columns a',\n ' JOIN all_constraints c ON a.owner = c.owner AND a.constraint_name = c.constraint_name',\n ' JOIN all_cons_columns b ON c.owner = b.owner AND c.r_constraint_name = b.constraint_name',\n \" WHERE c.constraint_type = 'R'\",\n ' AND a.table_name = ',\n this.escape(tableName),\n ' AND a.owner = ',\n table.schema ? this.escape(schemaName) : 'USER',\n ' ORDER BY a.table_name, a.constraint_name'\n ].join('');\n\n return sql;\n }\n\n dropForeignKeyQuery(tableName, foreignKey) {\n return this.dropConstraintQuery(tableName, foreignKey);\n }\n\n getPrimaryKeyConstraintQuery(table) {\n const [tableName, schemaName] = this.getSchemaNameAndTableName(table);\n const sql = [\n 'SELECT cols.column_name, atc.identity_column ',\n 'FROM all_constraints cons, all_cons_columns cols ',\n 'INNER JOIN all_tab_columns atc ON(atc.table_name = cols.table_name AND atc.COLUMN_NAME = cols.COLUMN_NAME )',\n 'WHERE cols.table_name = ',\n this.escape(tableName),\n 'AND cols.owner = ',\n table.schema ? this.escape(schemaName) : 'USER ',\n \"AND cons.constraint_type = 'P' \",\n 'AND cons.constraint_name = cols.constraint_name ',\n 'AND cons.owner = cols.owner ',\n 'ORDER BY cols.table_name, cols.position'\n ].join('');\n\n return sql;\n }\n\n dropConstraintQuery(tableName, constraintName) {\n return `ALTER TABLE ${this.quoteTable(tableName)} DROP CONSTRAINT ${constraintName}`;\n }\n\n setIsolationLevelQuery(value, options) {\n if (options.parent) {\n return;\n }\n\n switch (value) {\n case Transaction.ISOLATION_LEVELS.READ_UNCOMMITTED:\n case Transaction.ISOLATION_LEVELS.READ_COMMITTED:\n return 'SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL READ COMMITTED;';\n case Transaction.ISOLATION_LEVELS.REPEATABLE_READ:\n // Serializable mode is equal to Snapshot Isolation (SI) \n // defined in ANSI std.\n return 'SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL SERIALIZABLE;';\n default:\n throw new Error(`isolation level \"${value}\" is not supported`);\n }\n }\n\n getAliasToken() {\n return '';\n }\n\n startTransactionQuery(transaction) {\n if (transaction.parent) {\n return `SAVEPOINT ${this.quoteIdentifier(}`;\n }\n\n return 'BEGIN TRANSACTION';\n }\n\n commitTransactionQuery(transaction) {\n if (transaction.parent) {\n return;\n }\n\n return 'COMMIT TRANSACTION';\n }\n\n rollbackTransactionQuery(transaction) {\n if (transaction.parent) {\n return `ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT ${this.quoteIdentifier(}`;\n }\n\n return 'ROLLBACK TRANSACTION';\n }\n\n handleSequelizeMethod(smth, tableName, factory, options, prepend) {\n let str;\n if (smth instanceof Utils.Json) {\n // Parse nested object\n if (smth.conditions) {\n const conditions = this.parseConditionObject(smth.conditions).map(condition =>\n `${this.jsonPathExtractionQuery(condition.path[0], _.tail(condition.path))} = '${condition.value}'`\n );\n\n return conditions.join(' AND ');\n }\n if (smth.path) {\n\n // Allow specifying conditions using the sqlite json functions\n if (this._checkValidJsonStatement(smth.path)) {\n str = smth.path;\n } else {\n // Also support json property accessors\n const paths = _.toPath(smth.path);\n const column = paths.shift();\n str = this.jsonPathExtractionQuery(column, paths);\n }\n if (smth.value) {\n str += util.format(' = %s', this.escape(smth.value));\n }\n\n return str;\n }\n }\n if (smth instanceof Utils.Cast) {\n if (smth.val instanceof Utils.SequelizeMethod) {\n str = this.handleSequelizeMethod(smth.val, tableName, factory, options, prepend);\n if (smth.type === 'boolean') {\n str = `(CASE WHEN ${str}='true' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)`;\n return `CAST(${str} AS NUMBER)`;\n } if (smth.type === 'timestamptz' && /json_value\\(/.test(str)) {\n str = str.slice(0, -1);\n return `${str} RETURNING TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE)`;\n }\n }\n }\n return super.handleSequelizeMethod(smth, tableName, factory, options, prepend);\n }\n\n _checkValidJsonStatement(stmt) {\n if (typeof stmt !== 'string') {\n return false;\n }\n\n let currentIndex = 0;\n let openingBrackets = 0;\n let closingBrackets = 0;\n let hasJsonFunction = false;\n let hasInvalidToken = false;\n\n while (currentIndex < stmt.length) {\n const string = stmt.substr(currentIndex);\n const functionMatches = JSON_FUNCTION_REGEX.exec(string);\n if (functionMatches) {\n currentIndex += functionMatches[0].indexOf('(');\n hasJsonFunction = true;\n continue;\n }\n\n const operatorMatches = JSON_OPERATOR_REGEX.exec(string);\n if (operatorMatches) {\n currentIndex += operatorMatches[0].length;\n hasJsonFunction = true;\n continue;\n }\n\n const tokenMatches = TOKEN_CAPTURE_REGEX.exec(string);\n if (tokenMatches) {\n const capturedToken = tokenMatches[1];\n if (capturedToken === '(') {\n openingBrackets++;\n } else if (capturedToken === ')') {\n closingBrackets++;\n } else if (capturedToken === ';') {\n hasInvalidToken = true;\n break;\n }\n currentIndex += tokenMatches[0].length;\n continue;\n }\n\n break;\n }\n\n // Check invalid json statement\n if (hasJsonFunction && (hasInvalidToken || openingBrackets !== closingBrackets)) {\n throw new Error(`Invalid json statement: ${stmt}`);\n }\n\n // return true if the statement has valid json function\n return hasJsonFunction;\n }\n\n jsonPathExtractionQuery(column, path) {\n let paths = _.toPath(path);\n const quotedColumn = this.isIdentifierQuoted(column) ? column : this.quoteIdentifier(column);\n\n paths = => {\n return /\\D/.test(subPath) ? Utils.addTicks(subPath, '\"') : subPath;\n });\n\n const pathStr = this.escape(['$'].concat(paths).join('.').replace(/\\.(\\d+)(?:(?=\\.)|$)/g, (__, digit) => `[${digit}]`));\n\n return `json_value(${quotedColumn},${pathStr})`;\n }\n\n addLimitAndOffset(options, model) {\n let fragment = '';\n const offset = options.offset || 0,\n isSubQuery = options.hasIncludeWhere || options.hasIncludeRequired || options.hasMultiAssociation;\n\n let orders = {};\n if (options.order) {\n orders = this.getQueryOrders(options, model, isSubQuery);\n }\n\n if (options.limit || options.offset) {\n // Add needed order by clause only when it is not provided\n if (!orders.mainQueryOrder || !orders.mainQueryOrder.length || isSubQuery && (!orders.subQueryOrder || !orders.subQueryOrder.length)) {\n const tablePkFragment = `${this.quoteTable(options.tableAs ||}.${this.quoteIdentifier(model.primaryKeyField)}`;\n fragment += ` ORDER BY ${tablePkFragment}`;\n }\n\n if (options.offset || options.limit) {\n fragment += ` OFFSET ${this.escape(offset)} ROWS`;\n }\n\n if (options.limit) {\n fragment += ` FETCH NEXT ${this.escape(options.limit)} ROWS ONLY`;\n }\n }\n\n return fragment;\n }\n\n booleanValue(value) {\n return value ? 1 : 0;\n }\n\n quoteIdentifier(identifier, force = false) {\n const optForceQuote = force;\n const optQuoteIdentifiers = this.options.quoteIdentifiers !== false;\n const rawIdentifier = Utils.removeTicks(identifier, '\"');\n const regExp = /^(([\\w][\\w\\d_]*))$/g;\n\n if (\n optForceQuote !== true &&\n optQuoteIdentifiers === false &&\n regExp.test(rawIdentifier) &&\n !ORACLE_RESERVED_WORDS.includes(rawIdentifier.toUpperCase())\n ) {\n // In Oracle, if tables, attributes or alias are created double-quoted,\n // they are always case sensitive. If they contain any lowercase\n // characters, they must always be double-quoted otherwise it\n // would get uppercased by the DB.\n // Here, we strip quotes if we don't want case sensitivity.\n return rawIdentifier;\n }\n return Utils.addTicks(rawIdentifier, '\"');\n }\n\n /**\n * It causes bindbyPosition like :1, :2, :3\n * We pass the val parameter so that the outBind indexes\n * starts after the inBind indexes end\n *\n * @param {Array} bind\n * @param {number} posOffset\n */\n bindParam(bind, posOffset = 0) {\n return value => {\n bind.push(value);\n return `:${bind.length + posOffset}`;\n };\n }\n\n /**\n * Returns the authenticate test query string\n */\n authTestQuery() {\n return 'SELECT 1+1 AS result FROM DUAL';\n }\n}\n\n/* istanbul ignore next */\nfunction throwMethodUndefined(methodName) {\n throw new Error(`The method \"${methodName}\" is not defined! Please add it to your sql dialect.`);\n}\n"],
"names": []