2024-06-09 13:55:01 -04:00

96 lines
4.1 KiB

"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.getWriteFileOptions = exports.writeFileDefaults = exports.getRealpathOptsAndCb = exports.getRealpathOptions = exports.getStatOptsAndCb = exports.getStatOptions = exports.getAppendFileOptsAndCb = exports.getAppendFileOpts = exports.getReaddirOptsAndCb = exports.getReaddirOptions = exports.getReadFileOptions = exports.getRmOptsAndCb = exports.getRmdirOptions = exports.getDefaultOptsAndCb = exports.getDefaultOpts = exports.optsDefaults = exports.optsAndCbGenerator = exports.optsGenerator = exports.getOptions = exports.getMkdirOptions = void 0;
const constants_1 = require("./constants");
const encoding_1 = require("../encoding");
const util_1 = require("./util");
const mkdirDefaults = {
mode: 511 /* MODE.DIR */,
recursive: false,
const getMkdirOptions = (options) => {
if (typeof options === 'number')
return Object.assign({}, mkdirDefaults, { mode: options });
return Object.assign({}, mkdirDefaults, options);
exports.getMkdirOptions = getMkdirOptions;
const ERRSTR_OPTS = tipeof => `Expected options to be either an object or a string, but got ${tipeof} instead`;
function getOptions(defaults, options) {
let opts;
if (!options)
return defaults;
else {
const tipeof = typeof options;
switch (tipeof) {
case 'string':
opts = Object.assign({}, defaults, { encoding: options });
case 'object':
opts = Object.assign({}, defaults, options);
throw TypeError(ERRSTR_OPTS(tipeof));
if (opts.encoding !== 'buffer')
(0, encoding_1.assertEncoding)(opts.encoding);
return opts;
exports.getOptions = getOptions;
function optsGenerator(defaults) {
return options => getOptions(defaults, options);
exports.optsGenerator = optsGenerator;
function optsAndCbGenerator(getOpts) {
return (options, callback) => typeof options === 'function' ? [getOpts(), options] : [getOpts(options), (0, util_1.validateCallback)(callback)];
exports.optsAndCbGenerator = optsAndCbGenerator;
exports.optsDefaults = {
encoding: 'utf8',
exports.getDefaultOpts = optsGenerator(exports.optsDefaults);
exports.getDefaultOptsAndCb = optsAndCbGenerator(exports.getDefaultOpts);
const rmdirDefaults = {
recursive: false,
const getRmdirOptions = (options) => {
return Object.assign({}, rmdirDefaults, options);
exports.getRmdirOptions = getRmdirOptions;
const getRmOpts = optsGenerator(exports.optsDefaults);
exports.getRmOptsAndCb = optsAndCbGenerator(getRmOpts);
const readFileOptsDefaults = {
flag: 'r',
exports.getReadFileOptions = optsGenerator(readFileOptsDefaults);
const readdirDefaults = {
encoding: 'utf8',
recursive: false,
withFileTypes: false,
exports.getReaddirOptions = optsGenerator(readdirDefaults);
exports.getReaddirOptsAndCb = optsAndCbGenerator(exports.getReaddirOptions);
const appendFileDefaults = {
encoding: 'utf8',
mode: 438 /* MODE.DEFAULT */,
flag: constants_1.FLAGS[constants_1.FLAGS.a],
exports.getAppendFileOpts = optsGenerator(appendFileDefaults);
exports.getAppendFileOptsAndCb = optsAndCbGenerator(exports.getAppendFileOpts);
const statDefaults = {
bigint: false,
const getStatOptions = (options = {}) => Object.assign({}, statDefaults, options);
exports.getStatOptions = getStatOptions;
const getStatOptsAndCb = (options, callback) => typeof options === 'function' ? [(0, exports.getStatOptions)(), options] : [(0, exports.getStatOptions)(options), (0, util_1.validateCallback)(callback)];
exports.getStatOptsAndCb = getStatOptsAndCb;
const realpathDefaults = exports.optsDefaults;
exports.getRealpathOptions = optsGenerator(realpathDefaults);
exports.getRealpathOptsAndCb = optsAndCbGenerator(exports.getRealpathOptions);
exports.writeFileDefaults = {
encoding: 'utf8',
mode: 438 /* MODE.DEFAULT */,
flag: constants_1.FLAGS[constants_1.FLAGS.w],
exports.getWriteFileOptions = optsGenerator(exports.writeFileDefaults);