2024-06-09 13:55:01 -04:00

191 lines
4.7 KiB

import TempNode from '../core/TempNode.js';
import { nodeObject, addNodeElement, tslFn, float, vec2, vec4 } from '../shadernode/ShaderNode.js';
import { NodeUpdateType } from '../core/constants.js';
import { mul } from '../math/OperatorNode.js';
import { uv } from '../accessors/UVNode.js';
import { texturePass } from './PassNode.js';
import { uniform } from '../core/UniformNode.js';
import { Vector2, RenderTarget } from 'three';
import QuadMesh from '../../objects/QuadMesh.js';
// WebGPU: The use of a single QuadMesh for both gaussian blur passes results in a single RenderObject with a SampledTexture binding that
// alternates between source textures and triggers creation of new BindGroups and BindGroupLayouts every frame.
const quadMesh1 = new QuadMesh();
const quadMesh2 = new QuadMesh();
class GaussianBlurNode extends TempNode {
constructor( textureNode, sigma = 2 ) {
super( 'vec4' );
this.textureNode = textureNode;
this.sigma = sigma;
this.directionNode = vec2( 1 );
this._invSize = uniform( new Vector2() );
this._passDirection = uniform( new Vector2() );
this._horizontalRT = new RenderTarget(); = 'GaussianBlurNode.horizontal';
this._verticalRT = new RenderTarget(); = 'GaussianBlurNode.vertical';
this._textureNode = texturePass( this, this._verticalRT.texture );
this.updateBeforeType = NodeUpdateType.RENDER;
this.resolution = new Vector2( 1, 1 );
setSize( width, height ) {
width = Math.max( Math.round( width * this.resolution.x ), 1 );
height = Math.max( Math.round( height * this.resolution.y ), 1 );
this._invSize.value.set( 1 / width, 1 / height );
this._horizontalRT.setSize( width, height );
this._verticalRT.setSize( width, height );
updateBefore( frame ) {
const { renderer } = frame;
const textureNode = this.textureNode;
const map = textureNode.value;
const currentRenderTarget = renderer.getRenderTarget();
const currentTexture = textureNode.value;
quadMesh1.material = this._material;
quadMesh2.material = this._material;
this.setSize( map.image.width, map.image.height );
const textureType = map.type;
this._horizontalRT.texture.type = textureType;
this._verticalRT.texture.type = textureType;
// horizontal
renderer.setRenderTarget( this._horizontalRT );
this._passDirection.value.set( 1, 0 );
quadMesh1.render( renderer );
// vertical
textureNode.value = this._horizontalRT.texture;
renderer.setRenderTarget( this._verticalRT );
this._passDirection.value.set( 0, 1 );
quadMesh2.render( renderer );
// restore
renderer.setRenderTarget( currentRenderTarget );
textureNode.value = currentTexture;
getTextureNode() {
return this._textureNode;
setup( builder ) {
const textureNode = this.textureNode;
if ( textureNode.isTextureNode !== true ) {
console.error( 'GaussianBlurNode requires a TextureNode.' );
return vec4();
const uvNode = textureNode.uvNode || uv();
const sampleTexture = ( uv ) => textureNode.cache().context( { getUV: () => uv, forceUVContext: true } );
const blur = tslFn( () => {
const kernelSize = 3 + ( 2 * this.sigma );
const gaussianCoefficients = this._getCoefficients( kernelSize );
const invSize = this._invSize;
const direction = vec2( this.directionNode ).mul( this._passDirection );
const weightSum = float( gaussianCoefficients[ 0 ] ).toVar();
const diffuseSum = vec4( sampleTexture( uvNode ).mul( weightSum ) ).toVar();
for ( let i = 1; i < kernelSize; i ++ ) {
const x = float( i );
const w = float( gaussianCoefficients[ i ] );
const uvOffset = vec2( direction.mul( invSize.mul( x ) ) ).toVar();
const sample1 = vec4( sampleTexture( uvNode.add( uvOffset ) ) );
const sample2 = vec4( sampleTexture( uvNode.sub( uvOffset ) ) );
diffuseSum.addAssign( sample1.add( sample2 ).mul( w ) );
weightSum.addAssign( mul( 2.0, w ) );
return diffuseSum.div( weightSum );
} );
const material = this._material || ( this._material = builder.createNodeMaterial() );
material.fragmentNode = blur();
const properties = builder.getNodeProperties( this );
properties.textureNode = textureNode;
return this._textureNode;
_getCoefficients( kernelRadius ) {
const coefficients = [];
for ( let i = 0; i < kernelRadius; i ++ ) {
coefficients.push( 0.39894 * Math.exp( - 0.5 * i * i / ( kernelRadius * kernelRadius ) ) / kernelRadius );
return coefficients;
export const gaussianBlur = ( node, sigma ) => nodeObject( new GaussianBlurNode( nodeObject( node ), sigma ) );
addNodeElement( 'gaussianBlur', gaussianBlur );
export default GaussianBlurNode;