2024-06-09 13:55:01 -04:00

34 lines
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import { FsaNodeFsOpenFile } from './FsaNodeFsOpenFile';
import type * as fsa from '../fsa/types';
import type * as misc from '../node/types/misc';
import type { FsaNodeSyncAdapter } from './types';
export declare class FsaNodeCore {
protected readonly root: fsa.IFileSystemDirectoryHandle | Promise<fsa.IFileSystemDirectoryHandle>;
syncAdapter?: FsaNodeSyncAdapter | undefined;
protected static fd: number;
protected readonly fds: Map<number, FsaNodeFsOpenFile>;
constructor(root: fsa.IFileSystemDirectoryHandle | Promise<fsa.IFileSystemDirectoryHandle>, syncAdapter?: FsaNodeSyncAdapter | undefined);
protected getSyncAdapter(): FsaNodeSyncAdapter;
* A list of reusable (opened and closed) file descriptors, that should be
* used first before creating a new file descriptor.
releasedFds: number[];
protected newFdNumber(): number;
* @param path Path from root to the new folder.
* @param create Whether to create the folders if they don't exist.
protected getDir(path: string[], create: boolean, funcName?: string): Promise<fsa.IFileSystemDirectoryHandle>;
protected getFile(path: string[], name: string, funcName?: string, create?: boolean): Promise<fsa.IFileSystemFileHandle>;
protected getFileOrDir(path: string[], name: string, funcName?: string): Promise<fsa.IFileSystemFileHandle | fsa.IFileSystemDirectoryHandle>;
protected getFileByFd(fd: number, funcName?: string): FsaNodeFsOpenFile;
protected getFileByFdAsync(fd: number, funcName?: string): Promise<FsaNodeFsOpenFile>;
__getFileById(id: misc.TFileId, funcName?: string): Promise<fsa.IFileSystemFileHandle>;
protected getFileByIdOrCreate(id: misc.TFileId, funcName?: string): Promise<fsa.IFileSystemFileHandle>;
protected __open(filename: string, flags: number, mode: number): Promise<FsaNodeFsOpenFile>;
protected __open2(fsaFile: fsa.IFileSystemFileHandle, filename: string, flags: number, mode: number): FsaNodeFsOpenFile;
protected __close(fd: number): Promise<void>;
protected getFileName(id: misc.TFileId): string;