/* MIT License http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php Author Tobias Koppers @sokra */ "use strict"; /** @type {WeakMap>} */ const mergeCache = new WeakMap(); /** @type {WeakMap>>} */ const setPropertyCache = new WeakMap(); const DELETE = Symbol("DELETE"); const DYNAMIC_INFO = Symbol("cleverMerge dynamic info"); /** * Merges two given objects and caches the result to avoid computation if same objects passed as arguments again. * @template T * @template O * @example * // performs cleverMerge(first, second), stores the result in WeakMap and returns result * cachedCleverMerge({a: 1}, {a: 2}) * {a: 2} * // when same arguments passed, gets the result from WeakMap and returns it. * cachedCleverMerge({a: 1}, {a: 2}) * {a: 2} * @param {T} first first object * @param {O} second second object * @returns {T & O | T | O} merged object of first and second object */ const cachedCleverMerge = (first, second) => { if (second === undefined) return first; if (first === undefined) return second; if (typeof second !== "object" || second === null) return second; if (typeof first !== "object" || first === null) return first; let innerCache = mergeCache.get(first); if (innerCache === undefined) { innerCache = new WeakMap(); mergeCache.set(first, innerCache); } const prevMerge = /** @type {T & O} */ (innerCache.get(second)); if (prevMerge !== undefined) return prevMerge; const newMerge = _cleverMerge(first, second, true); innerCache.set(second, newMerge); return /** @type {T & O} */ (newMerge); }; /** * @template T * @param {Partial} obj object * @param {string} property property * @param {string|number|boolean} value assignment value * @returns {T} new object */ const cachedSetProperty = (obj, property, value) => { let mapByProperty = setPropertyCache.get(obj); if (mapByProperty === undefined) { mapByProperty = new Map(); setPropertyCache.set(obj, mapByProperty); } let mapByValue = mapByProperty.get(property); if (mapByValue === undefined) { mapByValue = new Map(); mapByProperty.set(property, mapByValue); } let result = mapByValue.get(value); if (result) return /** @type {T} */ (result); result = { ...obj, [property]: value }; mapByValue.set(value, result); return /** @type {T} */ (result); }; /** * @typedef {Object} ObjectParsedPropertyEntry * @property {any | undefined} base base value * @property {string | undefined} byProperty the name of the selector property * @property {Map} byValues value depending on selector property, merged with base */ /** * @typedef {Object} ParsedObject * @property {Map} static static properties (key is property name) * @property {{ byProperty: string, fn: Function } | undefined} dynamic dynamic part */ /** @type {WeakMap} */ const parseCache = new WeakMap(); /** * @param {object} obj the object * @returns {ParsedObject} parsed object */ const cachedParseObject = obj => { const entry = parseCache.get(obj); if (entry !== undefined) return entry; const result = parseObject(obj); parseCache.set(obj, result); return result; }; /** * @param {object} obj the object * @returns {ParsedObject} parsed object */ const parseObject = obj => { const info = new Map(); let dynamicInfo; const getInfo = p => { const entry = info.get(p); if (entry !== undefined) return entry; const newEntry = { base: undefined, byProperty: undefined, byValues: undefined }; info.set(p, newEntry); return newEntry; }; for (const key of Object.keys(obj)) { if (key.startsWith("by")) { const byProperty = key; const byObj = obj[byProperty]; if (typeof byObj === "object") { for (const byValue of Object.keys(byObj)) { const obj = byObj[byValue]; for (const key of Object.keys(obj)) { const entry = getInfo(key); if (entry.byProperty === undefined) { entry.byProperty = byProperty; entry.byValues = new Map(); } else if (entry.byProperty !== byProperty) { throw new Error( `${byProperty} and ${entry.byProperty} for a single property is not supported` ); } entry.byValues.set(byValue, obj[key]); if (byValue === "default") { for (const otherByValue of Object.keys(byObj)) { if (!entry.byValues.has(otherByValue)) entry.byValues.set(otherByValue, undefined); } } } } } else if (typeof byObj === "function") { if (dynamicInfo === undefined) { dynamicInfo = { byProperty: key, fn: byObj }; } else { throw new Error( `${key} and ${dynamicInfo.byProperty} when both are functions is not supported` ); } } else { const entry = getInfo(key); entry.base = obj[key]; } } else { const entry = getInfo(key); entry.base = obj[key]; } } return { static: info, dynamic: dynamicInfo }; }; /** * @param {Map} info static properties (key is property name) * @param {{ byProperty: string, fn: Function } | undefined} dynamicInfo dynamic part * @returns {object} the object */ const serializeObject = (info, dynamicInfo) => { const obj = {}; // Setup byProperty structure for (const entry of info.values()) { if (entry.byProperty !== undefined) { const byObj = (obj[entry.byProperty] = obj[entry.byProperty] || {}); for (const byValue of entry.byValues.keys()) { byObj[byValue] = byObj[byValue] || {}; } } } for (const [key, entry] of info) { if (entry.base !== undefined) { obj[key] = entry.base; } // Fill byProperty structure if (entry.byProperty !== undefined) { const byObj = (obj[entry.byProperty] = obj[entry.byProperty] || {}); for (const byValue of Object.keys(byObj)) { const value = getFromByValues(entry.byValues, byValue); if (value !== undefined) byObj[byValue][key] = value; } } } if (dynamicInfo !== undefined) { obj[dynamicInfo.byProperty] = dynamicInfo.fn; } return obj; }; const VALUE_TYPE_UNDEFINED = 0; const VALUE_TYPE_ATOM = 1; const VALUE_TYPE_ARRAY_EXTEND = 2; const VALUE_TYPE_OBJECT = 3; const VALUE_TYPE_DELETE = 4; /** * @param {any} value a single value * @returns {VALUE_TYPE_UNDEFINED | VALUE_TYPE_ATOM | VALUE_TYPE_ARRAY_EXTEND | VALUE_TYPE_OBJECT | VALUE_TYPE_DELETE} value type */ const getValueType = value => { if (value === undefined) { return VALUE_TYPE_UNDEFINED; } else if (value === DELETE) { return VALUE_TYPE_DELETE; } else if (Array.isArray(value)) { if (value.lastIndexOf("...") !== -1) return VALUE_TYPE_ARRAY_EXTEND; return VALUE_TYPE_ATOM; } else if ( typeof value === "object" && value !== null && (!value.constructor || value.constructor === Object) ) { return VALUE_TYPE_OBJECT; } return VALUE_TYPE_ATOM; }; /** * Merges two objects. Objects are deeply clever merged. * Arrays might reference the old value with "...". * Non-object values take preference over object values. * @template T * @template O * @param {T} first first object * @param {O} second second object * @returns {T & O | T | O} merged object of first and second object */ const cleverMerge = (first, second) => { if (second === undefined) return first; if (first === undefined) return second; if (typeof second !== "object" || second === null) return second; if (typeof first !== "object" || first === null) return first; return /** @type {T & O} */ (_cleverMerge(first, second, false)); }; /** * Merges two objects. Objects are deeply clever merged. * @param {object} first first object * @param {object} second second object * @param {boolean} internalCaching should parsing of objects and nested merges be cached * @returns {object} merged object of first and second object */ const _cleverMerge = (first, second, internalCaching = false) => { const firstObject = internalCaching ? cachedParseObject(first) : parseObject(first); const { static: firstInfo, dynamic: firstDynamicInfo } = firstObject; // If the first argument has a dynamic part we modify the dynamic part to merge the second argument if (firstDynamicInfo !== undefined) { let { byProperty, fn } = firstDynamicInfo; const fnInfo = fn[DYNAMIC_INFO]; if (fnInfo) { second = internalCaching ? cachedCleverMerge(fnInfo[1], second) : cleverMerge(fnInfo[1], second); fn = fnInfo[0]; } const newFn = (...args) => { const fnResult = fn(...args); return internalCaching ? cachedCleverMerge(fnResult, second) : cleverMerge(fnResult, second); }; newFn[DYNAMIC_INFO] = [fn, second]; return serializeObject(firstObject.static, { byProperty, fn: newFn }); } // If the first part is static only, we merge the static parts and keep the dynamic part of the second argument const secondObject = internalCaching ? cachedParseObject(second) : parseObject(second); const { static: secondInfo, dynamic: secondDynamicInfo } = secondObject; /** @type {Map} */ const resultInfo = new Map(); for (const [key, firstEntry] of firstInfo) { const secondEntry = secondInfo.get(key); const entry = secondEntry !== undefined ? mergeEntries(firstEntry, secondEntry, internalCaching) : firstEntry; resultInfo.set(key, entry); } for (const [key, secondEntry] of secondInfo) { if (!firstInfo.has(key)) { resultInfo.set(key, secondEntry); } } return serializeObject(resultInfo, secondDynamicInfo); }; /** * @param {ObjectParsedPropertyEntry} firstEntry a * @param {ObjectParsedPropertyEntry} secondEntry b * @param {boolean} internalCaching should parsing of objects and nested merges be cached * @returns {ObjectParsedPropertyEntry} new entry */ const mergeEntries = (firstEntry, secondEntry, internalCaching) => { switch (getValueType(secondEntry.base)) { case VALUE_TYPE_ATOM: case VALUE_TYPE_DELETE: // No need to consider firstEntry at all // second value override everything // = second.base + second.byProperty return secondEntry; case VALUE_TYPE_UNDEFINED: if (!firstEntry.byProperty) { // = first.base + second.byProperty return { base: firstEntry.base, byProperty: secondEntry.byProperty, byValues: secondEntry.byValues }; } else if (firstEntry.byProperty !== secondEntry.byProperty) { throw new Error( `${firstEntry.byProperty} and ${secondEntry.byProperty} for a single property is not supported` ); } else { // = first.base + (first.byProperty + second.byProperty) // need to merge first and second byValues const newByValues = new Map(firstEntry.byValues); for (const [key, value] of secondEntry.byValues) { const firstValue = getFromByValues(firstEntry.byValues, key); newByValues.set( key, mergeSingleValue(firstValue, value, internalCaching) ); } return { base: firstEntry.base, byProperty: firstEntry.byProperty, byValues: newByValues }; } default: { if (!firstEntry.byProperty) { // The simple case // = (first.base + second.base) + second.byProperty return { base: mergeSingleValue( firstEntry.base, secondEntry.base, internalCaching ), byProperty: secondEntry.byProperty, byValues: secondEntry.byValues }; } let newBase; const intermediateByValues = new Map(firstEntry.byValues); for (const [key, value] of intermediateByValues) { intermediateByValues.set( key, mergeSingleValue(value, secondEntry.base, internalCaching) ); } if ( Array.from(firstEntry.byValues.values()).every(value => { const type = getValueType(value); return type === VALUE_TYPE_ATOM || type === VALUE_TYPE_DELETE; }) ) { // = (first.base + second.base) + ((first.byProperty + second.base) + second.byProperty) newBase = mergeSingleValue( firstEntry.base, secondEntry.base, internalCaching ); } else { // = first.base + ((first.byProperty (+default) + second.base) + second.byProperty) newBase = firstEntry.base; if (!intermediateByValues.has("default")) intermediateByValues.set("default", secondEntry.base); } if (!secondEntry.byProperty) { // = first.base + (first.byProperty + second.base) return { base: newBase, byProperty: firstEntry.byProperty, byValues: intermediateByValues }; } else if (firstEntry.byProperty !== secondEntry.byProperty) { throw new Error( `${firstEntry.byProperty} and ${secondEntry.byProperty} for a single property is not supported` ); } const newByValues = new Map(intermediateByValues); for (const [key, value] of secondEntry.byValues) { const firstValue = getFromByValues(intermediateByValues, key); newByValues.set( key, mergeSingleValue(firstValue, value, internalCaching) ); } return { base: newBase, byProperty: firstEntry.byProperty, byValues: newByValues }; } } }; /** * @param {Map} byValues all values * @param {string} key value of the selector * @returns {any | undefined} value */ const getFromByValues = (byValues, key) => { if (key !== "default" && byValues.has(key)) { return byValues.get(key); } return byValues.get("default"); }; /** * @param {any} a value * @param {any} b value * @param {boolean} internalCaching should parsing of objects and nested merges be cached * @returns {any} value */ const mergeSingleValue = (a, b, internalCaching) => { const bType = getValueType(b); const aType = getValueType(a); switch (bType) { case VALUE_TYPE_DELETE: case VALUE_TYPE_ATOM: return b; case VALUE_TYPE_OBJECT: { return aType !== VALUE_TYPE_OBJECT ? b : internalCaching ? cachedCleverMerge(a, b) : cleverMerge(a, b); } case VALUE_TYPE_UNDEFINED: return a; case VALUE_TYPE_ARRAY_EXTEND: switch ( aType !== VALUE_TYPE_ATOM ? aType : Array.isArray(a) ? VALUE_TYPE_ARRAY_EXTEND : VALUE_TYPE_OBJECT ) { case VALUE_TYPE_UNDEFINED: return b; case VALUE_TYPE_DELETE: return b.filter(item => item !== "..."); case VALUE_TYPE_ARRAY_EXTEND: { const newArray = []; for (const item of b) { if (item === "...") { for (const item of a) { newArray.push(item); } } else { newArray.push(item); } } return newArray; } case VALUE_TYPE_OBJECT: return b.map(item => (item === "..." ? a : item)); default: throw new Error("Not implemented"); } default: throw new Error("Not implemented"); } }; /** * @template {object} T * @param {T} obj the object * @param {(keyof T)[]=} keysToKeepOriginalValue keys to keep original value * @returns {T} the object without operations like "..." or DELETE */ const removeOperations = (obj, keysToKeepOriginalValue = []) => { const newObj = /** @type {T} */ ({}); for (const key of Object.keys(obj)) { const value = obj[/** @type {keyof T} */ (key)]; const type = getValueType(value); if ( type === VALUE_TYPE_OBJECT && keysToKeepOriginalValue.includes(/** @type {keyof T} */ (key)) ) { newObj[/** @type {keyof T} */ (key)] = value; continue; } switch (type) { case VALUE_TYPE_UNDEFINED: case VALUE_TYPE_DELETE: break; case VALUE_TYPE_OBJECT: newObj[key] = removeOperations( /** @type {TODO} */ (value), keysToKeepOriginalValue ); break; case VALUE_TYPE_ARRAY_EXTEND: newObj[key] = /** @type {any[]} */ (value).filter(i => i !== "..."); break; default: newObj[/** @type {keyof T} */ (key)] = value; break; } } return newObj; }; /** * @template T * @template {string} P * @param {T} obj the object * @param {P} byProperty the by description * @param {...any} values values * @returns {Omit} object with merged byProperty */ const resolveByProperty = (obj, byProperty, ...values) => { if (typeof obj !== "object" || obj === null || !(byProperty in obj)) { return obj; } const { [byProperty]: _byValue, ..._remaining } = /** @type {object} */ (obj); const remaining = /** @type {T} */ (_remaining); const byValue = /** @type {Record | function(...any[]): T} */ ( _byValue ); if (typeof byValue === "object") { const key = values[0]; if (key in byValue) { return cachedCleverMerge(remaining, byValue[key]); } else if ("default" in byValue) { return cachedCleverMerge(remaining, byValue.default); } else { return /** @type {T} */ (remaining); } } else if (typeof byValue === "function") { const result = byValue.apply(null, values); return cachedCleverMerge( remaining, resolveByProperty(result, byProperty, ...values) ); } }; exports.cachedSetProperty = cachedSetProperty; exports.cachedCleverMerge = cachedCleverMerge; exports.cleverMerge = cleverMerge; exports.resolveByProperty = resolveByProperty; exports.removeOperations = removeOperations; exports.DELETE = DELETE;