/* MIT License http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php Author Tobias Koppers @sokra */ "use strict"; const glob2regexp = require("glob-to-regexp"); const { JAVASCRIPT_MODULE_TYPE_AUTO, JAVASCRIPT_MODULE_TYPE_ESM, JAVASCRIPT_MODULE_TYPE_DYNAMIC } = require("../ModuleTypeConstants"); const { STAGE_DEFAULT } = require("../OptimizationStages"); const HarmonyExportImportedSpecifierDependency = require("../dependencies/HarmonyExportImportedSpecifierDependency"); const HarmonyImportSpecifierDependency = require("../dependencies/HarmonyImportSpecifierDependency"); const formatLocation = require("../formatLocation"); /** @typedef {import("estree").ModuleDeclaration} ModuleDeclaration */ /** @typedef {import("estree").Statement} Statement */ /** @typedef {import("../Compiler")} Compiler */ /** @typedef {import("../Dependency")} Dependency */ /** @typedef {import("../Dependency").DependencyLocation} DependencyLocation */ /** @typedef {import("../Module")} Module */ /** @typedef {import("../Module").BuildMeta} BuildMeta */ /** @typedef {import("../javascript/JavascriptParser")} JavascriptParser */ /** @typedef {import("../javascript/JavascriptParser").Range} Range */ /** * @typedef {Object} ExportInModule * @property {Module} module the module * @property {string} exportName the name of the export * @property {boolean} checked if the export is conditional */ /** * @typedef {Object} ReexportInfo * @property {Map} static * @property {Map>} dynamic */ /** @typedef {Map} CacheItem */ /** @type {WeakMap} */ const globToRegexpCache = new WeakMap(); /** * @param {string} glob the pattern * @param {Map} cache the glob to RegExp cache * @returns {RegExp} a regular expression */ const globToRegexp = (glob, cache) => { const cacheEntry = cache.get(glob); if (cacheEntry !== undefined) return cacheEntry; if (!glob.includes("/")) { glob = `**/${glob}`; } const baseRegexp = glob2regexp(glob, { globstar: true, extended: true }); const regexpSource = baseRegexp.source; const regexp = new RegExp("^(\\./)?" + regexpSource.slice(1)); cache.set(glob, regexp); return regexp; }; const PLUGIN_NAME = "SideEffectsFlagPlugin"; class SideEffectsFlagPlugin { /** * @param {boolean} analyseSource analyse source code for side effects */ constructor(analyseSource = true) { this._analyseSource = analyseSource; } /** * Apply the plugin * @param {Compiler} compiler the compiler instance * @returns {void} */ apply(compiler) { let cache = globToRegexpCache.get(compiler.root); if (cache === undefined) { cache = new Map(); globToRegexpCache.set(compiler.root, cache); } compiler.hooks.compilation.tap( PLUGIN_NAME, (compilation, { normalModuleFactory }) => { const moduleGraph = compilation.moduleGraph; normalModuleFactory.hooks.module.tap(PLUGIN_NAME, (module, data) => { const resolveData = data.resourceResolveData; if ( resolveData && resolveData.descriptionFileData && resolveData.relativePath ) { const sideEffects = resolveData.descriptionFileData.sideEffects; if (sideEffects !== undefined) { if (module.factoryMeta === undefined) { module.factoryMeta = {}; } const hasSideEffects = SideEffectsFlagPlugin.moduleHasSideEffects( resolveData.relativePath, sideEffects, /** @type {CacheItem} */ (cache) ); module.factoryMeta.sideEffectFree = !hasSideEffects; } } return module; }); normalModuleFactory.hooks.module.tap(PLUGIN_NAME, (module, data) => { if (typeof data.settings.sideEffects === "boolean") { if (module.factoryMeta === undefined) { module.factoryMeta = {}; } module.factoryMeta.sideEffectFree = !data.settings.sideEffects; } return module; }); if (this._analyseSource) { /** * @param {JavascriptParser} parser the parser * @returns {void} */ const parserHandler = parser => { /** @type {undefined | Statement | ModuleDeclaration} */ let sideEffectsStatement; parser.hooks.program.tap(PLUGIN_NAME, () => { sideEffectsStatement = undefined; }); parser.hooks.statement.tap( { name: PLUGIN_NAME, stage: -100 }, statement => { if (sideEffectsStatement) return; if (parser.scope.topLevelScope !== true) return; switch (statement.type) { case "ExpressionStatement": if ( !parser.isPure( statement.expression, /** @type {Range} */ (statement.range)[0] ) ) { sideEffectsStatement = statement; } break; case "IfStatement": case "WhileStatement": case "DoWhileStatement": if ( !parser.isPure( statement.test, /** @type {Range} */ (statement.range)[0] ) ) { sideEffectsStatement = statement; } // statement hook will be called for child statements too break; case "ForStatement": if ( !parser.isPure( statement.init, /** @type {Range} */ (statement.range)[0] ) || !parser.isPure( statement.test, statement.init ? /** @type {Range} */ (statement.init.range)[1] : /** @type {Range} */ (statement.range)[0] ) || !parser.isPure( statement.update, statement.test ? /** @type {Range} */ (statement.test.range)[1] : statement.init ? /** @type {Range} */ (statement.init.range)[1] : /** @type {Range} */ (statement.range)[0] ) ) { sideEffectsStatement = statement; } // statement hook will be called for child statements too break; case "SwitchStatement": if ( !parser.isPure( statement.discriminant, /** @type {Range} */ (statement.range)[0] ) ) { sideEffectsStatement = statement; } // statement hook will be called for child statements too break; case "VariableDeclaration": case "ClassDeclaration": case "FunctionDeclaration": if ( !parser.isPure( statement, /** @type {Range} */ (statement.range)[0] ) ) { sideEffectsStatement = statement; } break; case "ExportNamedDeclaration": case "ExportDefaultDeclaration": if ( !parser.isPure( statement.declaration, /** @type {Range} */ (statement.range)[0] ) ) { sideEffectsStatement = statement; } break; case "LabeledStatement": case "BlockStatement": // statement hook will be called for child statements too break; case "EmptyStatement": break; case "ExportAllDeclaration": case "ImportDeclaration": // imports will be handled by the dependencies break; default: sideEffectsStatement = statement; break; } } ); parser.hooks.finish.tap(PLUGIN_NAME, () => { if (sideEffectsStatement === undefined) { /** @type {BuildMeta} */ (parser.state.module.buildMeta).sideEffectFree = true; } else { const { loc, type } = sideEffectsStatement; moduleGraph .getOptimizationBailout(parser.state.module) .push( () => `Statement (${type}) with side effects in source code at ${formatLocation( /** @type {DependencyLocation} */ (loc) )}` ); } }); }; for (const key of [ JAVASCRIPT_MODULE_TYPE_AUTO, JAVASCRIPT_MODULE_TYPE_ESM, JAVASCRIPT_MODULE_TYPE_DYNAMIC ]) { normalModuleFactory.hooks.parser .for(key) .tap(PLUGIN_NAME, parserHandler); } } compilation.hooks.optimizeDependencies.tap( { name: PLUGIN_NAME, stage: STAGE_DEFAULT }, modules => { const logger = compilation.getLogger( "webpack.SideEffectsFlagPlugin" ); logger.time("update dependencies"); const optimizedModules = new Set(); /** * @param {Module} module module */ const optimizeIncomingConnections = module => { if (optimizedModules.has(module)) return; optimizedModules.add(module); if (module.getSideEffectsConnectionState(moduleGraph) === false) { const exportsInfo = moduleGraph.getExportsInfo(module); for (const connection of moduleGraph.getIncomingConnections( module )) { const dep = connection.dependency; let isReexport; if ( (isReexport = dep instanceof HarmonyExportImportedSpecifierDependency) || (dep instanceof HarmonyImportSpecifierDependency && !dep.namespaceObjectAsContext) ) { if (connection.originModule !== null) { optimizeIncomingConnections(connection.originModule); } // TODO improve for export * if (isReexport && dep.name) { const exportInfo = moduleGraph.getExportInfo( /** @type {Module} */ (connection.originModule), dep.name ); exportInfo.moveTarget( moduleGraph, ({ module }) => module.getSideEffectsConnectionState(moduleGraph) === false, ({ module: newModule, export: exportName }) => { moduleGraph.updateModule(dep, newModule); moduleGraph.addExplanation( dep, "(skipped side-effect-free modules)" ); const ids = dep.getIds(moduleGraph); dep.setIds( moduleGraph, exportName ? [...exportName, ...ids.slice(1)] : ids.slice(1) ); return moduleGraph.getConnection(dep); } ); continue; } // TODO improve for nested imports const ids = dep.getIds(moduleGraph); if (ids.length > 0) { const exportInfo = exportsInfo.getExportInfo(ids[0]); const target = exportInfo.getTarget( moduleGraph, ({ module }) => module.getSideEffectsConnectionState(moduleGraph) === false ); if (!target) continue; moduleGraph.updateModule(dep, target.module); moduleGraph.addExplanation( dep, "(skipped side-effect-free modules)" ); dep.setIds( moduleGraph, target.export ? [...target.export, ...ids.slice(1)] : ids.slice(1) ); } } } } }; for (const module of modules) { optimizeIncomingConnections(module); } logger.timeEnd("update dependencies"); } ); } ); } /** * @param {string} moduleName the module name * @param {undefined | boolean | string | string[]} flagValue the flag value * @param {Map} cache cache for glob to regexp * @returns {boolean | undefined} true, when the module has side effects, undefined or false when not */ static moduleHasSideEffects(moduleName, flagValue, cache) { switch (typeof flagValue) { case "undefined": return true; case "boolean": return flagValue; case "string": return globToRegexp(flagValue, cache).test(moduleName); case "object": return flagValue.some(glob => SideEffectsFlagPlugin.moduleHasSideEffects(moduleName, glob, cache) ); } } } module.exports = SideEffectsFlagPlugin;