/* MIT License http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php Author Tobias Koppers @sokra, Zackary Jackson @ScriptedAlchemy, Marais Rossouw @maraisr */ "use strict"; const createSchemaValidation = require("../util/create-schema-validation"); const ContainerEntryDependency = require("./ContainerEntryDependency"); const ContainerEntryModuleFactory = require("./ContainerEntryModuleFactory"); const ContainerExposedDependency = require("./ContainerExposedDependency"); const { parseOptions } = require("./options"); /** @typedef {import("../../declarations/plugins/container/ContainerPlugin").ContainerPluginOptions} ContainerPluginOptions */ /** @typedef {import("../Compiler")} Compiler */ /** @typedef {import("./ContainerEntryModule").ExposeOptions} ExposeOptions */ /** @typedef {import("./ContainerEntryModule").ExposesList} ExposesList */ const validate = createSchemaValidation( require("../../schemas/plugins/container/ContainerPlugin.check.js"), () => require("../../schemas/plugins/container/ContainerPlugin.json"), { name: "Container Plugin", baseDataPath: "options" } ); const PLUGIN_NAME = "ContainerPlugin"; class ContainerPlugin { /** * @param {ContainerPluginOptions} options options */ constructor(options) { validate(options); this._options = { name: options.name, shareScope: options.shareScope || "default", library: options.library || { type: "var", name: options.name }, runtime: options.runtime, filename: options.filename || undefined, exposes: /** @type {ExposesList} */ ( parseOptions( options.exposes, item => ({ import: Array.isArray(item) ? item : [item], name: undefined }), item => ({ import: Array.isArray(item.import) ? item.import : [item.import], name: item.name || undefined }) ) ) }; } /** * Apply the plugin * @param {Compiler} compiler the compiler instance * @returns {void} */ apply(compiler) { const { name, exposes, shareScope, filename, library, runtime } = this._options; if (!compiler.options.output.enabledLibraryTypes.includes(library.type)) { compiler.options.output.enabledLibraryTypes.push(library.type); } compiler.hooks.make.tapAsync(PLUGIN_NAME, (compilation, callback) => { const dep = new ContainerEntryDependency(name, exposes, shareScope); dep.loc = { name }; compilation.addEntry( compilation.options.context, dep, { name, filename, runtime, library }, error => { if (error) return callback(error); callback(); } ); }); compiler.hooks.thisCompilation.tap( PLUGIN_NAME, (compilation, { normalModuleFactory }) => { compilation.dependencyFactories.set( ContainerEntryDependency, new ContainerEntryModuleFactory() ); compilation.dependencyFactories.set( ContainerExposedDependency, normalModuleFactory ); } ); } } module.exports = ContainerPlugin;