/* MIT License http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php Author Tobias Koppers @sokra */ "use strict"; const { JAVASCRIPT_MODULE_TYPE_AUTO, JAVASCRIPT_MODULE_TYPE_DYNAMIC, JAVASCRIPT_MODULE_TYPE_ESM } = require("./ModuleTypeConstants"); const RuntimeGlobals = require("./RuntimeGlobals"); const ConstDependency = require("./dependencies/ConstDependency"); /** @typedef {import("estree").CallExpression} CallExpression */ /** @typedef {import("./Compiler")} Compiler */ /** @typedef {import("./Dependency").DependencyLocation} DependencyLocation */ /** @typedef {import("./javascript/JavascriptParser")} JavascriptParser */ /** @typedef {import("./javascript/JavascriptParser").Range} Range */ const nestedWebpackIdentifierTag = Symbol("nested webpack identifier"); const PLUGIN_NAME = "CompatibilityPlugin"; class CompatibilityPlugin { /** * Apply the plugin * @param {Compiler} compiler the compiler instance * @returns {void} */ apply(compiler) { compiler.hooks.compilation.tap( PLUGIN_NAME, (compilation, { normalModuleFactory }) => { compilation.dependencyTemplates.set( ConstDependency, new ConstDependency.Template() ); normalModuleFactory.hooks.parser .for(JAVASCRIPT_MODULE_TYPE_AUTO) .tap(PLUGIN_NAME, (parser, parserOptions) => { if ( parserOptions.browserify !== undefined && !parserOptions.browserify ) return; parser.hooks.call.for("require").tap( PLUGIN_NAME, /** * @param {CallExpression} expr call expression * @returns {boolean | void} true when need to handle */ expr => { // support for browserify style require delegator: "require(o, !0)" if (expr.arguments.length !== 2) return; const second = parser.evaluateExpression(expr.arguments[1]); if (!second.isBoolean()) return; if (second.asBool() !== true) return; const dep = new ConstDependency( "require", /** @type {Range} */ (expr.callee.range) ); dep.loc = /** @type {DependencyLocation} */ (expr.loc); if (parser.state.current.dependencies.length > 0) { const last = parser.state.current.dependencies[ parser.state.current.dependencies.length - 1 ]; if ( last.critical && last.options && last.options.request === "." && last.userRequest === "." && last.options.recursive ) parser.state.current.dependencies.pop(); } parser.state.module.addPresentationalDependency(dep); return true; } ); }); /** * @param {JavascriptParser} parser the parser * @returns {void} */ const handler = parser => { // Handle nested requires parser.hooks.preStatement.tap(PLUGIN_NAME, statement => { if ( statement.type === "FunctionDeclaration" && statement.id && statement.id.name === RuntimeGlobals.require ) { const newName = `__nested_webpack_require_${ /** @type {Range} */ (statement.range)[0] }__`; parser.tagVariable( statement.id.name, nestedWebpackIdentifierTag, { name: newName, declaration: { updated: false, loc: statement.id.loc, range: statement.id.range } } ); return true; } }); parser.hooks.pattern .for(RuntimeGlobals.require) .tap(PLUGIN_NAME, pattern => { const newName = `__nested_webpack_require_${ /** @type {Range} */ (pattern.range)[0] }__`; parser.tagVariable(pattern.name, nestedWebpackIdentifierTag, { name: newName, declaration: { updated: false, loc: pattern.loc, range: pattern.range } }); return true; }); parser.hooks.pattern .for(RuntimeGlobals.exports) .tap(PLUGIN_NAME, pattern => { parser.tagVariable(pattern.name, nestedWebpackIdentifierTag, { name: "__nested_webpack_exports__", declaration: { updated: false, loc: pattern.loc, range: pattern.range } }); return true; }); parser.hooks.expression .for(nestedWebpackIdentifierTag) .tap(PLUGIN_NAME, expr => { const { name, declaration } = parser.currentTagData; if (!declaration.updated) { const dep = new ConstDependency(name, declaration.range); dep.loc = declaration.loc; parser.state.module.addPresentationalDependency(dep); declaration.updated = true; } const dep = new ConstDependency( name, /** @type {Range} */ (expr.range) ); dep.loc = /** @type {DependencyLocation} */ (expr.loc); parser.state.module.addPresentationalDependency(dep); return true; }); // Handle hashbang parser.hooks.program.tap(PLUGIN_NAME, (program, comments) => { if (comments.length === 0) return; const c = comments[0]; if (c.type === "Line" && /** @type {Range} */ (c.range)[0] === 0) { if (parser.state.source.slice(0, 2).toString() !== "#!") return; // this is a hashbang comment const dep = new ConstDependency("//", 0); dep.loc = /** @type {DependencyLocation} */ (c.loc); parser.state.module.addPresentationalDependency(dep); } }); }; normalModuleFactory.hooks.parser .for(JAVASCRIPT_MODULE_TYPE_AUTO) .tap(PLUGIN_NAME, handler); normalModuleFactory.hooks.parser .for(JAVASCRIPT_MODULE_TYPE_DYNAMIC) .tap(PLUGIN_NAME, handler); normalModuleFactory.hooks.parser .for(JAVASCRIPT_MODULE_TYPE_ESM) .tap(PLUGIN_NAME, handler); } ); } } module.exports = CompatibilityPlugin;