"use strict"; let util = require("util"); let zlib = require("zlib"); let ChunkStream = require("./chunkstream"); let FilterAsync = require("./filter-parse-async"); let Parser = require("./parser"); let bitmapper = require("./bitmapper"); let formatNormaliser = require("./format-normaliser"); let ParserAsync = (module.exports = function (options) { ChunkStream.call(this); this._parser = new Parser(options, { read: this.read.bind(this), error: this._handleError.bind(this), metadata: this._handleMetaData.bind(this), gamma: this.emit.bind(this, "gamma"), palette: this._handlePalette.bind(this), transColor: this._handleTransColor.bind(this), finished: this._finished.bind(this), inflateData: this._inflateData.bind(this), simpleTransparency: this._simpleTransparency.bind(this), headersFinished: this._headersFinished.bind(this), }); this._options = options; this.writable = true; this._parser.start(); }); util.inherits(ParserAsync, ChunkStream); ParserAsync.prototype._handleError = function (err) { this.emit("error", err); this.writable = false; this.destroy(); if (this._inflate && this._inflate.destroy) { this._inflate.destroy(); } if (this._filter) { this._filter.destroy(); // For backward compatibility with Node 7 and below. // Suppress errors due to _inflate calling write() even after // it's destroy()'ed. this._filter.on("error", function () {}); } this.errord = true; }; ParserAsync.prototype._inflateData = function (data) { if (!this._inflate) { if (this._bitmapInfo.interlace) { this._inflate = zlib.createInflate(); this._inflate.on("error", this.emit.bind(this, "error")); this._filter.on("complete", this._complete.bind(this)); this._inflate.pipe(this._filter); } else { let rowSize = ((this._bitmapInfo.width * this._bitmapInfo.bpp * this._bitmapInfo.depth + 7) >> 3) + 1; let imageSize = rowSize * this._bitmapInfo.height; let chunkSize = Math.max(imageSize, zlib.Z_MIN_CHUNK); this._inflate = zlib.createInflate({ chunkSize: chunkSize }); let leftToInflate = imageSize; let emitError = this.emit.bind(this, "error"); this._inflate.on("error", function (err) { if (!leftToInflate) { return; } emitError(err); }); this._filter.on("complete", this._complete.bind(this)); let filterWrite = this._filter.write.bind(this._filter); this._inflate.on("data", function (chunk) { if (!leftToInflate) { return; } if (chunk.length > leftToInflate) { chunk = chunk.slice(0, leftToInflate); } leftToInflate -= chunk.length; filterWrite(chunk); }); this._inflate.on("end", this._filter.end.bind(this._filter)); } } this._inflate.write(data); }; ParserAsync.prototype._handleMetaData = function (metaData) { this._metaData = metaData; this._bitmapInfo = Object.create(metaData); this._filter = new FilterAsync(this._bitmapInfo); }; ParserAsync.prototype._handleTransColor = function (transColor) { this._bitmapInfo.transColor = transColor; }; ParserAsync.prototype._handlePalette = function (palette) { this._bitmapInfo.palette = palette; }; ParserAsync.prototype._simpleTransparency = function () { this._metaData.alpha = true; }; ParserAsync.prototype._headersFinished = function () { // Up until this point, we don't know if we have a tRNS chunk (alpha) // so we can't emit metadata any earlier this.emit("metadata", this._metaData); }; ParserAsync.prototype._finished = function () { if (this.errord) { return; } if (!this._inflate) { this.emit("error", "No Inflate block"); } else { // no more data to inflate this._inflate.end(); } }; ParserAsync.prototype._complete = function (filteredData) { if (this.errord) { return; } let normalisedBitmapData; try { let bitmapData = bitmapper.dataToBitMap(filteredData, this._bitmapInfo); normalisedBitmapData = formatNormaliser(bitmapData, this._bitmapInfo); bitmapData = null; } catch (ex) { this._handleError(ex); return; } this.emit("parsed", normalisedBitmapData); };