"use strict"; let hasSyncZlib = true; let zlib = require("zlib"); if (!zlib.deflateSync) { hasSyncZlib = false; } let constants = require("./constants"); let Packer = require("./packer"); module.exports = function (metaData, opt) { if (!hasSyncZlib) { throw new Error( "To use the sync capability of this library in old node versions, please pin pngjs to v2.3.0" ); } let options = opt || {}; let packer = new Packer(options); let chunks = []; // Signature chunks.push(Buffer.from(constants.PNG_SIGNATURE)); // Header chunks.push(packer.packIHDR(metaData.width, metaData.height)); if (metaData.gamma) { chunks.push(packer.packGAMA(metaData.gamma)); } let filteredData = packer.filterData( metaData.data, metaData.width, metaData.height ); // compress it let compressedData = zlib.deflateSync( filteredData, packer.getDeflateOptions() ); filteredData = null; if (!compressedData || !compressedData.length) { throw new Error("bad png - invalid compressed data response"); } chunks.push(packer.packIDAT(compressedData)); // End chunks.push(packer.packIEND()); return Buffer.concat(chunks); };