import { type RequestOptions } from "./core.js"; import { FormData, type Blob, type FilePropertyBag, type FsReadStream } from "./_shims/index.js"; import { MultipartBody } from "./_shims/MultipartBody.js"; export { fileFromPath } from "./_shims/index.js"; type BlobLikePart = string | ArrayBuffer | ArrayBufferView | BlobLike | Uint8Array | DataView; export type BlobPart = string | ArrayBuffer | ArrayBufferView | Blob | Uint8Array | DataView; /** * Typically, this is a native "File" class. * * We provide the {@link toFile} utility to convert a variety of objects * into the File class. * * For convenience, you can also pass a fetch Response, or in Node, * the result of fs.createReadStream(). */ export type Uploadable = FileLike | ResponseLike | FsReadStream; /** * Intended to match web.Blob, node.Blob, node-fetch.Blob, etc. */ export interface BlobLike { /** [MDN Reference]( */ readonly size: number; /** [MDN Reference]( */ readonly type: string; /** [MDN Reference]( */ text(): Promise; /** [MDN Reference]( */ slice(start?: number, end?: number): BlobLike; } /** * Intended to match web.File, node.File, node-fetch.File, etc. */ export interface FileLike extends BlobLike { /** [MDN Reference]( */ readonly lastModified: number; /** [MDN Reference]( */ readonly name: string; } /** * Intended to match web.Response, node.Response, node-fetch.Response, etc. */ export interface ResponseLike { url: string; blob(): Promise; } export declare const isResponseLike: (value: any) => value is ResponseLike; export declare const isFileLike: (value: any) => value is FileLike; /** * The BlobLike type omits arrayBuffer() because @types/node-fetch@^2.6.4 lacks it; but this check * adds the arrayBuffer() method type because it is available and used at runtime */ export declare const isBlobLike: (value: any) => value is BlobLike & { arrayBuffer(): Promise; }; export declare const isUploadable: (value: any) => value is Uploadable; export type ToFileInput = Uploadable | Exclude | AsyncIterable; /** * Helper for creating a {@link File} to pass to an SDK upload method from a variety of different data formats * @param value the raw content of the file. Can be an {@link Uploadable}, {@link BlobLikePart}, or {@link AsyncIterable} of {@link BlobLikePart}s * @param {string=} name the name of the file. If omitted, toFile will try to determine a file name from bits if possible * @param {Object=} options additional properties * @param {string=} options.type the MIME type of the content * @param {number=} options.lastModified the last modified timestamp * @returns a {@link File} with the given properties */ export declare function toFile(value: ToFileInput | PromiseLike, name?: string | null | undefined, options?: FilePropertyBag | undefined): Promise; export declare const isMultipartBody: (body: any) => body is MultipartBody; /** * Returns a multipart/form-data request if any part of the given request body contains a File / Blob value. * Otherwise returns the request as is. */ export declare const maybeMultipartFormRequestOptions: >(opts: RequestOptions) => Promise>; export declare const multipartFormRequestOptions: >(opts: RequestOptions) => Promise>; export declare const createForm: >(body: T | undefined) => Promise; //#