import { MultipartBody } from "./MultipartBody.mjs"; export function getRuntime({ manuallyImported } = {}) { const recommendation = manuallyImported ? `You may need to use polyfills` : `Add one of these imports before your first \`import … from 'openai'\`: - \`import 'openai/shims/node'\` (if you're running on Node) - \`import 'openai/shims/web'\` (otherwise) `; let _fetch, _Request, _Response, _Headers; try { // @ts-ignore _fetch = fetch; // @ts-ignore _Request = Request; // @ts-ignore _Response = Response; // @ts-ignore _Headers = Headers; } catch (error) { throw new Error(`this environment is missing the following Web Fetch API type: ${error.message}. ${recommendation}`); } return { kind: 'web', fetch: _fetch, Request: _Request, Response: _Response, Headers: _Headers, FormData: // @ts-ignore typeof FormData !== 'undefined' ? FormData : (class FormData { // @ts-ignore constructor() { throw new Error(`file uploads aren't supported in this environment yet as 'FormData' is undefined. ${recommendation}`); } }), Blob: typeof Blob !== 'undefined' ? Blob : (class Blob { constructor() { throw new Error(`file uploads aren't supported in this environment yet as 'Blob' is undefined. ${recommendation}`); } }), File: // @ts-ignore typeof File !== 'undefined' ? File : (class File { // @ts-ignore constructor() { throw new Error(`file uploads aren't supported in this environment yet as 'File' is undefined. ${recommendation}`); } }), ReadableStream: // @ts-ignore typeof ReadableStream !== 'undefined' ? ReadableStream : (class ReadableStream { // @ts-ignore constructor() { throw new Error(`streaming isn't supported in this environment yet as 'ReadableStream' is undefined. ${recommendation}`); } }), getMultipartRequestOptions: async ( // @ts-ignore form, opts) => ({ ...opts, body: new MultipartBody(form), }), getDefaultAgent: (url) => undefined, fileFromPath: () => { throw new Error('The `fileFromPath` function is only supported in Node. See the README for more details:'); }, isFsReadStream: (value) => false, }; } //#