# 👋 Wondering what everything in here does? `openai` supports a wide variety of runtime environments like Node.js, Deno, Bun, browsers, and various edge runtimes, as well as both CommonJS (CJS) and EcmaScript Modules (ESM). To do this, `openai` provides shims for either using `node-fetch` when in Node (because `fetch` is still experimental there) or the global `fetch` API built into the environment when not in Node. It uses [conditional exports](https://nodejs.org/api/packages.html#conditional-exports) to automatically select the correct shims for each environment. However, conditional exports are a fairly new feature and not supported everywhere. For instance, the TypeScript `"moduleResolution": "node"` setting doesn't consult the `exports` map, compared to `"moduleResolution": "nodeNext"`, which does. Unfortunately that's still the default setting, and it can result in errors like getting the wrong raw `Response` type from `.asResponse()`, for example. The user can work around these issues by manually importing one of: - `import 'openai/shims/node'` - `import 'openai/shims/web'` All of the code here in `_shims` handles selecting the automatic default shims or manual overrides. ### How it works - Runtime Runtime shims get installed by calling `setShims` exported by `openai/_shims/registry`. Manually importing `openai/shims/node` or `openai/shims/web`, calls `setShims` with the respective runtime shims. All client code imports shims from `openai/_shims/index`, which: - checks if shims have been set manually - if not, calls `setShims` with the shims from `openai/_shims/auto/runtime` - re-exports the installed shims from `openai/_shims/registry`. `openai/_shims/auto/runtime` exports web runtime shims. If the `node` export condition is set, the export map replaces it with `openai/_shims/auto/runtime-node`. ### How it works - Type time All client code imports shim types from `openai/_shims/index`, which selects the manual types from `openai/_shims/manual-types` if they have been declared, otherwise it exports the auto types from `openai/_shims/auto/types`. `openai/_shims/manual-types` exports an empty namespace. Manually importing `openai/shims/node` or `openai/shims/web` merges declarations into this empty namespace, so they get picked up by `openai/_shims/index`. `openai/_shims/auto/types` exports web type definitions. If the `node` export condition is set, the export map replaces it with `openai/_shims/auto/types-node`, though TS only picks this up if `"moduleResolution": "nodenext"` or `"moduleResolution": "bundler"`.