/** * Filesystem Cache * * Given a file and a transform function, cache the result into files * or retrieve the previously cached files if the given file is already known. * * @see https://github.com/babel/babel-loader/issues/34 * @see https://github.com/babel/babel-loader/pull/41 */ const os = require("os"); const path = require("path"); const zlib = require("zlib"); const crypto = require("crypto"); const { promisify } = require("util"); const { readFile, writeFile, mkdir } = require("fs/promises"); const findCacheDirP = import("find-cache-dir"); const transform = require("./transform"); // Lazily instantiated when needed let defaultCacheDirectory = null; let hashType = "sha256"; // use md5 hashing if sha256 is not available try { crypto.createHash(hashType); } catch (err) { hashType = "md5"; } const gunzip = promisify(zlib.gunzip); const gzip = promisify(zlib.gzip); /** * Read the contents from the compressed file. * * @async * @params {String} filename * @params {Boolean} compress */ const read = async function (filename, compress) { const data = await readFile(filename + (compress ? ".gz" : "")); const content = compress ? await gunzip(data) : data; return JSON.parse(content.toString()); }; /** * Write contents into a compressed file. * * @async * @params {String} filename * @params {Boolean} compress * @params {String} result */ const write = async function (filename, compress, result) { const content = JSON.stringify(result); const data = compress ? await gzip(content) : content; return await writeFile(filename + (compress ? ".gz" : ""), data); }; /** * Build the filename for the cached file * * @params {String} source File source code * @params {Object} options Options used * * @return {String} */ const filename = function (source, identifier, options) { const hash = crypto.createHash(hashType); const contents = JSON.stringify({ source, options, identifier }); hash.update(contents); return hash.digest("hex") + ".json"; }; /** * Handle the cache * * @params {String} directory * @params {Object} params */ const handleCache = async function (directory, params) { const { source, options = {}, cacheIdentifier, cacheDirectory, cacheCompression } = params; const file = path.join(directory, filename(source, cacheIdentifier, options)); try { // No errors mean that the file was previously cached // we just need to return it return await read(file, cacheCompression); } catch (err) {} const fallback = typeof cacheDirectory !== "string" && directory !== os.tmpdir(); // Make sure the directory exists. try { // overwrite directory if exists await mkdir(directory, { recursive: true }); } catch (err) { if (fallback) { return handleCache(os.tmpdir(), params); } throw err; } // Otherwise just transform the file // return it to the user asap and write it in cache const result = await transform(source, options); // Do not cache if there are external dependencies, // since they might change and we cannot control it. if (!result.externalDependencies.length) { try { await write(file, cacheCompression, result); } catch (err) { if (fallback) { // Fallback to tmpdir if node_modules folder not writable return handleCache(os.tmpdir(), params); } throw err; } } return result; }; /** * Retrieve file from cache, or create a new one for future reads * * @async * @param {Object} params * @param {String} params.cacheDirectory Directory to store cached files * @param {String} params.cacheIdentifier Unique identifier to bust cache * @param {Boolean} params.cacheCompression Whether compressing cached files * @param {String} params.source Original contents of the file to be cached * @param {Object} params.options Options to be given to the transform fn * * @example * * const result = await cache({ * cacheDirectory: '.tmp/cache', * cacheIdentifier: 'babel-loader-cachefile', * cacheCompression: false, * source: *source code from file*, * options: { * experimental: true, * runtime: true * }, * }); */ module.exports = async function (params) { let directory; if (typeof params.cacheDirectory === "string") { directory = params.cacheDirectory; } else { if (defaultCacheDirectory === null) { const { default: findCacheDir } = await findCacheDirP; defaultCacheDirectory = findCacheDir({ name: "babel-loader" }) || os.tmpdir(); } directory = defaultCacheDirectory; } return await handleCache(directory, params); };