# @gar/promisify ### Promisify an entire object or class instance This module leverages es6 Proxy and Reflect to promisify every function in an object or class instance. It assumes the callback that the function is expecting is the last parameter, and that it is an error-first callback with only one value, i.e. `(err, value) => ...`. This mirrors node's `util.promisify` method. In order that you can use it as a one-stop-shop for all your promisify needs, you can also pass it a function. That function will be promisified as normal using node's built-in `util.promisify` method. [node's custom promisified functions](https://nodejs.org/api/util.html#util_custom_promisified_functions) will also be mirrored, further allowing this to be a drop-in replacement for the built-in `util.promisify`. ### Examples Promisify an entire object ```javascript const promisify = require('@gar/promisify') class Foo { constructor (attr) { this.attr = attr } double (input, cb) { cb(null, input * 2) } const foo = new Foo('baz') const promisified = promisify(foo) console.log(promisified.attr) console.log(await promisified.double(1024)) ``` Promisify a function ```javascript const promisify = require('@gar/promisify') function foo (a, cb) { if (a !== 'bad') { return cb(null, 'ok') } return cb('not ok') } const promisified = promisify(foo) // This will resolve to 'ok' promisified('good') // this will reject promisified('bad') ```