/* MIT License http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php Author Tobias Koppers @sokra */ "use strict"; const { ConcatSource, RawSource } = require("webpack-sources"); const RuntimeGlobals = require("../RuntimeGlobals"); const Template = require("../Template"); const { getChunkFilenameTemplate, getCompilationHooks } = require("./JavascriptModulesPlugin"); const { generateEntryStartup, updateHashForEntryStartup } = require("./StartupHelpers"); /** @typedef {import("../Chunk")} Chunk */ /** @typedef {import("../Compiler")} Compiler */ /** @typedef {import("../Entrypoint")} Entrypoint */ class CommonJsChunkFormatPlugin { /** * Apply the plugin * @param {Compiler} compiler the compiler instance * @returns {void} */ apply(compiler) { compiler.hooks.thisCompilation.tap( "CommonJsChunkFormatPlugin", compilation => { compilation.hooks.additionalChunkRuntimeRequirements.tap( "CommonJsChunkLoadingPlugin", (chunk, set, { chunkGraph }) => { if (chunk.hasRuntime()) return; if (chunkGraph.getNumberOfEntryModules(chunk) > 0) { set.add(RuntimeGlobals.require); set.add(RuntimeGlobals.startupEntrypoint); set.add(RuntimeGlobals.externalInstallChunk); } } ); const hooks = getCompilationHooks(compilation); hooks.renderChunk.tap( "CommonJsChunkFormatPlugin", (modules, renderContext) => { const { chunk, chunkGraph, runtimeTemplate } = renderContext; const source = new ConcatSource(); source.add(`exports.id = ${JSON.stringify(chunk.id)};\n`); source.add(`exports.ids = ${JSON.stringify(chunk.ids)};\n`); source.add(`exports.modules = `); source.add(modules); source.add(";\n"); const runtimeModules = chunkGraph.getChunkRuntimeModulesInOrder(chunk); if (runtimeModules.length > 0) { source.add("exports.runtime =\n"); source.add( Template.renderChunkRuntimeModules( runtimeModules, renderContext ) ); } const entries = Array.from( chunkGraph.getChunkEntryModulesWithChunkGroupIterable(chunk) ); if (entries.length > 0) { const runtimeChunk = /** @type {Entrypoint} */ (entries[0][1]).getRuntimeChunk(); const currentOutputName = compilation .getPath( getChunkFilenameTemplate(chunk, compilation.outputOptions), { chunk, contentHashType: "javascript" } ) .split("/"); const runtimeOutputName = compilation .getPath( getChunkFilenameTemplate( runtimeChunk, compilation.outputOptions ), { chunk: /** @type {Chunk} */ (runtimeChunk), contentHashType: "javascript" } ) .split("/"); // remove filename, we only need the directory currentOutputName.pop(); // remove common parts while ( currentOutputName.length > 0 && runtimeOutputName.length > 0 && currentOutputName[0] === runtimeOutputName[0] ) { currentOutputName.shift(); runtimeOutputName.shift(); } // create final path const runtimePath = (currentOutputName.length > 0 ? "../".repeat(currentOutputName.length) : "./") + runtimeOutputName.join("/"); const entrySource = new ConcatSource(); entrySource.add( `(${ runtimeTemplate.supportsArrowFunction() ? "() => " : "function() " }{\n` ); entrySource.add("var exports = {};\n"); entrySource.add(source); entrySource.add(";\n\n// load runtime\n"); entrySource.add( `var ${RuntimeGlobals.require} = require(${JSON.stringify( runtimePath )});\n` ); entrySource.add( `${RuntimeGlobals.externalInstallChunk}(exports);\n` ); const startupSource = new RawSource( generateEntryStartup( chunkGraph, runtimeTemplate, entries, chunk, false ) ); entrySource.add( hooks.renderStartup.call( startupSource, entries[entries.length - 1][0], { ...renderContext, inlined: false } ) ); entrySource.add("\n})()"); return entrySource; } return source; } ); hooks.chunkHash.tap( "CommonJsChunkFormatPlugin", (chunk, hash, { chunkGraph }) => { if (chunk.hasRuntime()) return; hash.update("CommonJsChunkFormatPlugin"); hash.update("1"); const entries = Array.from( chunkGraph.getChunkEntryModulesWithChunkGroupIterable(chunk) ); updateHashForEntryStartup(hash, chunkGraph, entries, chunk); } ); } ); } } module.exports = CommonJsChunkFormatPlugin;