/* MIT License http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php Author Sergey Melyukov @smelukov */ "use strict"; const { ReplaceSource, RawSource, ConcatSource } = require("webpack-sources"); const { UsageState } = require("../ExportsInfo"); const Generator = require("../Generator"); const RuntimeGlobals = require("../RuntimeGlobals"); const Template = require("../Template"); const { cssExportConvention } = require("../util/conventions"); /** @typedef {import("webpack-sources").Source} Source */ /** @typedef {import("../../declarations/WebpackOptions").CssGeneratorExportsConvention} CssGeneratorExportsConvention */ /** @typedef {import("../../declarations/WebpackOptions").CssGeneratorLocalIdentName} CssGeneratorLocalIdentName */ /** @typedef {import("../Dependency")} Dependency */ /** @typedef {import("../Generator").GenerateContext} GenerateContext */ /** @typedef {import("../Generator").UpdateHashContext} UpdateHashContext */ /** @typedef {import("../Module").ConcatenationBailoutReasonContext} ConcatenationBailoutReasonContext */ /** @typedef {import("../NormalModule")} NormalModule */ /** @typedef {import("../util/Hash")} Hash */ /** * @template T * @typedef {import("../InitFragment")} InitFragment */ const TYPES = new Set(["javascript"]); class CssExportsGenerator extends Generator { /** * @param {CssGeneratorExportsConvention} convention the convention of the exports name * @param {CssGeneratorLocalIdentName | undefined} localIdentName css export local ident name */ constructor(convention, localIdentName) { super(); /** @type {CssGeneratorExportsConvention} */ this.convention = convention; /** @type {CssGeneratorLocalIdentName | undefined} */ this.localIdentName = localIdentName; } // TODO add getConcatenationBailoutReason to allow concatenation // but how to make it have a module id /** * @param {NormalModule} module module for which the code should be generated * @param {GenerateContext} generateContext context for generate * @returns {Source} generated code */ generate(module, generateContext) { const source = new ReplaceSource(new RawSource("")); /** @type {InitFragment[]} */ const initFragments = []; /** @type {Map} */ const cssExports = new Map(); generateContext.runtimeRequirements.add(RuntimeGlobals.module); let chunkInitFragments; const runtimeRequirements = new Set(); const templateContext = { runtimeTemplate: generateContext.runtimeTemplate, dependencyTemplates: generateContext.dependencyTemplates, moduleGraph: generateContext.moduleGraph, chunkGraph: generateContext.chunkGraph, module, runtime: generateContext.runtime, runtimeRequirements: runtimeRequirements, concatenationScope: generateContext.concatenationScope, codeGenerationResults: generateContext.codeGenerationResults, initFragments, cssExports, get chunkInitFragments() { if (!chunkInitFragments) { const data = generateContext.getData(); chunkInitFragments = data.get("chunkInitFragments"); if (!chunkInitFragments) { chunkInitFragments = []; data.set("chunkInitFragments", chunkInitFragments); } } return chunkInitFragments; } }; /** * @param {Dependency} dependency the dependency */ const handleDependency = dependency => { const constructor = /** @type {new (...args: any[]) => Dependency} */ ( dependency.constructor ); const template = generateContext.dependencyTemplates.get(constructor); if (!template) { throw new Error( "No template for dependency: " + dependency.constructor.name ); } template.apply(dependency, source, templateContext); }; module.dependencies.forEach(handleDependency); if (generateContext.concatenationScope) { const source = new ConcatSource(); const usedIdentifiers = new Set(); for (const [name, v] of cssExports) { for (let k of cssExportConvention(name, this.convention)) { let identifier = Template.toIdentifier(k); let i = 0; while (usedIdentifiers.has(identifier)) { identifier = Template.toIdentifier(k + i); } usedIdentifiers.add(identifier); generateContext.concatenationScope.registerExport(k, identifier); source.add( `${ generateContext.runtimeTemplate.supportsConst() ? "const" : "var" } ${identifier} = ${JSON.stringify(v)};\n` ); } } return source; } else { const otherUsed = generateContext.moduleGraph .getExportsInfo(module) .otherExportsInfo.getUsed(generateContext.runtime) !== UsageState.Unused; if (otherUsed) { generateContext.runtimeRequirements.add( RuntimeGlobals.makeNamespaceObject ); } const newCssExports = []; for (let [k, v] of cssExports) { for (let name of cssExportConvention(k, this.convention)) { newCssExports.push(`\t${JSON.stringify(name)}: ${JSON.stringify(v)}`); } } return new RawSource( `${otherUsed ? `${RuntimeGlobals.makeNamespaceObject}(` : ""}${ module.moduleArgument }.exports = {\n${newCssExports.join(",\n")}\n}${otherUsed ? ")" : ""};` ); } } /** * @param {NormalModule} module fresh module * @returns {Set} available types (do not mutate) */ getTypes(module) { return TYPES; } /** * @param {NormalModule} module the module * @param {string=} type source type * @returns {number} estimate size of the module */ getSize(module, type) { return 42; } /** * @param {Hash} hash hash that will be modified * @param {UpdateHashContext} updateHashContext context for updating hash */ updateHash(hash, { module }) {} } module.exports = CssExportsGenerator;