"use strict"; const sockjs = require("sockjs"); const BaseServer = require("./BaseServer"); /** @typedef {import("../Server").WebSocketServerConfiguration} WebSocketServerConfiguration */ /** @typedef {import("../Server").ClientConnection} ClientConnection */ // Workaround for sockjs@~0.3.19 // sockjs will remove Origin header, however Origin header is required for checking host. // See https://github.com/webpack/webpack-dev-server/issues/1604 for more information { // @ts-ignore const SockjsSession = require("sockjs/lib/transport").Session; const decorateConnection = SockjsSession.prototype.decorateConnection; /** * @param {import("http").IncomingMessage} req */ // eslint-disable-next-line func-names SockjsSession.prototype.decorateConnection = function (req) { decorateConnection.call(this, req); const connection = this.connection; if ( connection.headers && !("origin" in connection.headers) && "origin" in req.headers ) { connection.headers.origin = req.headers.origin; } }; } module.exports = class SockJSServer extends BaseServer { // options has: error (function), debug (function), server (http/s server), path (string) /** * @param {import("../Server")} server */ constructor(server) { super(server); const webSocketServerOptions = /** @type {NonNullable} */ ( /** @type {WebSocketServerConfiguration} */ (this.server.options.webSocketServer).options ); /** * @param {NonNullable} options * @returns {string} */ const getSockjsUrl = (options) => { if (typeof options.sockjsUrl !== "undefined") { return options.sockjsUrl; } return "/__webpack_dev_server__/sockjs.bundle.js"; }; this.implementation = sockjs.createServer({ // Use provided up-to-date sockjs-client sockjs_url: getSockjsUrl(webSocketServerOptions), // Default logger is very annoy. Limit useless logs. /** * @param {string} severity * @param {string} line */ log: (severity, line) => { if (severity === "error") { this.server.logger.error(line); } else if (severity === "info") { this.server.logger.log(line); } else { this.server.logger.debug(line); } }, }); /** * @param {import("sockjs").ServerOptions & { path?: string }} options * @returns {string | undefined} */ const getPrefix = (options) => { if (typeof options.prefix !== "undefined") { return options.prefix; } return options.path; }; const options = { ...webSocketServerOptions, prefix: getPrefix(webSocketServerOptions), }; this.implementation.installHandlers( /** @type {import("http").Server} */ (this.server.server), options, ); this.implementation.on("connection", (client) => { // @ts-ignore // Implement the the same API as for `ws` client.send = client.write; // @ts-ignore client.terminate = client.close; this.clients.push(/** @type {ClientConnection} */ (client)); client.on("close", () => { this.clients.splice( this.clients.indexOf(/** @type {ClientConnection} */ (client)), 1, ); }); }); // @ts-ignore this.implementation.close = (callback) => { callback(); }; } };