"use strict"; /* * Based on the packages get-port https://www.npmjs.com/package/get-port * and portfinder https://www.npmjs.com/package/portfinder * The code structure is similar to get-port, but it searches * ports deterministically like portfinder */ const net = require("net"); const os = require("os"); const minPort = 1024; const maxPort = 65_535; /** * @return {Set} */ const getLocalHosts = () => { const interfaces = os.networkInterfaces(); // Add undefined value for createServer function to use default host, // and default IPv4 host in case createServer defaults to IPv6. // eslint-disable-next-line no-undefined const results = new Set([undefined, ""]); for (const _interface of Object.values(interfaces)) { if (_interface) { for (const config of _interface) { results.add(config.address); } } } return results; }; /** * @param {number} basePort * @param {string | undefined} host * @return {Promise} */ const checkAvailablePort = (basePort, host) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const server = net.createServer(); server.unref(); server.on("error", reject); server.listen(basePort, host, () => { // Next line should return AddressInfo because we're calling it after listen() and before close() const { port } = /** @type {import("net").AddressInfo} */ ( server.address() ); server.close(() => { resolve(port); }); }); }); /** * @param {number} port * @param {Set} hosts * @return {Promise} */ const getAvailablePort = async (port, hosts) => { /** * Errors that mean that host is not available. * @type {Set} */ const nonExistentInterfaceErrors = new Set(["EADDRNOTAVAIL", "EINVAL"]); /* Check if the post is available on every local host name */ for (const host of hosts) { try { await checkAvailablePort(port, host); // eslint-disable-line no-await-in-loop } catch (error) { /* We throw an error only if the interface exists */ if ( !nonExistentInterfaceErrors.has( /** @type {NodeJS.ErrnoException} */ (error).code, ) ) { throw error; } } } return port; }; /** * @param {number} basePort * @param {string=} host * @return {Promise} */ async function getPorts(basePort, host) { if (basePort < minPort || basePort > maxPort) { throw new Error(`Port number must lie between ${minPort} and ${maxPort}`); } let port = basePort; const localhosts = getLocalHosts(); let hosts; if (host && !localhosts.has(host)) { hosts = new Set([host]); } else { /* If the host is equivalent to localhost we need to check every equivalent host else the port might falsely appear as available on some operating systems */ hosts = localhosts; } /** @type {Set} */ const portUnavailableErrors = new Set(["EADDRINUSE", "EACCES"]); while (port <= maxPort) { try { const availablePort = await getAvailablePort(port, hosts); // eslint-disable-line no-await-in-loop return availablePort; } catch (error) { /* Try next port if port is busy; throw for any other error */ if ( !portUnavailableErrors.has( /** @type {NodeJS.ErrnoException} */ (error).code, ) ) { throw error; } port += 1; } } throw new Error("No available ports found"); } module.exports = getPorts;