import ClippingContext from './ClippingContext.js'; let id = 0; function getKeys( obj ) { const keys = Object.keys( obj ); let proto = Object.getPrototypeOf( obj ); while ( proto ) { const descriptors = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors( proto ); for ( const key in descriptors ) { if ( descriptors[ key ] !== undefined ) { const descriptor = descriptors[ key ]; if ( descriptor && typeof descriptor.get === 'function' ) { keys.push( key ); } } } proto = Object.getPrototypeOf( proto ); } return keys; } export default class RenderObject { constructor( nodes, geometries, renderer, object, material, scene, camera, lightsNode, renderContext ) { this._nodes = nodes; this._geometries = geometries; = id ++; this.renderer = renderer; this.object = object; this.material = material; this.scene = scene; = camera; this.lightsNode = lightsNode; this.context = renderContext; this.geometry = object.geometry; this.version = material.version; this.drawRange = null; this.attributes = null; this.pipeline = null; this.vertexBuffers = null; this.updateClipping( renderContext.clippingContext ); this.clippingContextVersion = this.clippingContext.version; this.initialNodesCacheKey = this.getNodesCacheKey(); this.initialCacheKey = this.getCacheKey(); this._nodeBuilderState = null; this._bindings = null; this.onDispose = null; this.isRenderObject = true; this.onMaterialDispose = () => { this.dispose(); }; this.material.addEventListener( 'dispose', this.onMaterialDispose ); } updateClipping( parent ) { const material = this.material; let clippingContext = this.clippingContext; if ( Array.isArray( material.clippingPlanes ) ) { if ( clippingContext === parent || ! clippingContext ) { clippingContext = new ClippingContext(); this.clippingContext = clippingContext; } clippingContext.update( parent, material ); } else if ( this.clippingContext !== parent ) { this.clippingContext = parent; } } get clippingNeedsUpdate() { if ( this.clippingContext.version === this.clippingContextVersion ) return false; this.clippingContextVersion = this.clippingContext.version; return true; } getNodeBuilderState() { return this._nodeBuilderState || ( this._nodeBuilderState = this._nodes.getForRender( this ) ); } getBindings() { return this._bindings || ( this._bindings = this.getNodeBuilderState().createBindings() ); } getIndex() { return this._geometries.getIndex( this ); } getChainArray() { return [ this.object, this.material, this.context, this.lightsNode ]; } getAttributes() { if ( this.attributes !== null ) return this.attributes; const nodeAttributes = this.getNodeBuilderState().nodeAttributes; const geometry = this.geometry; const attributes = []; const vertexBuffers = new Set(); for ( const nodeAttribute of nodeAttributes ) { const attribute = nodeAttribute.node && nodeAttribute.node.attribute ? nodeAttribute.node.attribute : geometry.getAttribute( ); if ( attribute === undefined ) continue; attributes.push( attribute ); const bufferAttribute = attribute.isInterleavedBufferAttribute ? : attribute; vertexBuffers.add( bufferAttribute ); } this.attributes = attributes; this.vertexBuffers = Array.from( vertexBuffers.values() ); return attributes; } getVertexBuffers() { if ( this.vertexBuffers === null ) this.getAttributes(); return this.vertexBuffers; } getMaterialCacheKey() { const { object, material } = this; let cacheKey = material.customProgramCacheKey(); for ( const property of getKeys( material ) ) { if ( /^(is[A-Z]|_)|^(visible|version|uuid|name|opacity|userData)$/.test( property ) ) continue; let value = material[ property ]; if ( value !== null ) { const type = typeof value; if ( type === 'number' ) value = value !== 0 ? '1' : '0'; // Convert to on/off, important for clearcoat, transmission, etc else if ( type === 'object' ) value = '{}'; } cacheKey += /*property + ':' +*/ value + ','; } cacheKey += this.clippingContextVersion + ','; if ( object.skeleton ) { cacheKey += object.skeleton.bones.length + ','; } if ( object.morphTargetInfluences ) { cacheKey += object.morphTargetInfluences.length + ','; } if ( object.isBatchedMesh ) { cacheKey += object._matricesTexture.uuid + ','; } return cacheKey; } get needsUpdate() { return this.initialNodesCacheKey !== this.getNodesCacheKey() || this.clippingNeedsUpdate; } getNodesCacheKey() { // Environment Nodes Cache Key return this._nodes.getCacheKey( this.scene, this.lightsNode ); } getCacheKey() { return this.getMaterialCacheKey() + ',' + this.getNodesCacheKey(); } dispose() { this.material.removeEventListener( 'dispose', this.onMaterialDispose ); this.onDispose(); } }