import DataMap from './DataMap.js'; import { AttributeType } from './Constants.js'; class Bindings extends DataMap { constructor( backend, nodes, textures, attributes, pipelines, info ) { super(); this.backend = backend; this.textures = textures; this.pipelines = pipelines; this.attributes = attributes; this.nodes = nodes; = info; this.pipelines.bindings = this; // assign bindings to pipelines } getForRender( renderObject ) { const bindings = renderObject.getBindings(); const data = this.get( renderObject ); if ( data.bindings !== bindings ) { // each object defines an array of bindings (ubos, textures, samplers etc.) data.bindings = bindings; this._init( bindings ); this.backend.createBindings( bindings ); } return data.bindings; } getForCompute( computeNode ) { const data = this.get( computeNode ); if ( data.bindings === undefined ) { const nodeBuilderState = this.nodes.getForCompute( computeNode ); const bindings = nodeBuilderState.bindings; data.bindings = bindings; this._init( bindings ); this.backend.createBindings( bindings ); } return data.bindings; } updateForCompute( computeNode ) { this._update( computeNode, this.getForCompute( computeNode ) ); } updateForRender( renderObject ) { this._update( renderObject, this.getForRender( renderObject ) ); } _init( bindings ) { for ( const binding of bindings ) { if ( binding.isSampledTexture ) { this.textures.updateTexture( binding.texture ); } else if ( binding.isStorageBuffer ) { const attribute = binding.attribute; this.attributes.update( attribute, AttributeType.STORAGE ); } } } _update( object, bindings ) { const { backend } = this; let needsBindingsUpdate = false; // iterate over all bindings and check if buffer updates or a new binding group is required for ( const binding of bindings ) { if ( binding.isNodeUniformsGroup ) { const updated = this.nodes.updateGroup( binding ); if ( ! updated ) continue; } if ( binding.isUniformBuffer ) { const updated = binding.update(); if ( updated ) { backend.updateBinding( binding ); } } else if ( binding.isSampledTexture ) { const texture = binding.texture; if ( binding.needsBindingsUpdate ) needsBindingsUpdate = true; const updated = binding.update(); if ( updated ) { this.textures.updateTexture( binding.texture ); } if ( texture.isStorageTexture === true ) { const textureData = this.get( texture ); if ( === true ) { textureData.needsMipmap = true; } else if ( texture.generateMipmaps === true && this.textures.needsMipmaps( texture ) && textureData.needsMipmap === true ) { this.backend.generateMipmaps( texture ); textureData.needsMipmap = false; } } } } if ( needsBindingsUpdate === true ) { const pipeline = this.pipelines.getForRender( object ); this.backend.updateBindings( bindings, pipeline ); } } } export default Bindings;