import TempNode from '../core/TempNode.js'; import { addNodeClass } from '../core/Node.js'; import { addNodeElement, tslFn, nodeObject, float, mat3, vec3 } from '../shadernode/ShaderNode.js'; import { rendererReference } from '../accessors/RendererReferenceNode.js'; import { clamp, log2, max, pow } from '../math/MathNode.js'; import { mul } from '../math/OperatorNode.js'; import { NoToneMapping, LinearToneMapping, ReinhardToneMapping, CineonToneMapping, ACESFilmicToneMapping, AgXToneMapping } from 'three'; // exposure only const LinearToneMappingNode = tslFn( ( { color, exposure } ) => { return color.mul( exposure ).clamp(); } ); // source: const ReinhardToneMappingNode = tslFn( ( { color, exposure } ) => { color = color.mul( exposure ); return color.div( color.add( 1.0 ) ).clamp(); } ); // source: const OptimizedCineonToneMappingNode = tslFn( ( { color, exposure } ) => { // optimized filmic operator by Jim Hejl and Richard Burgess-Dawson color = color.mul( exposure ); color = color.sub( 0.004 ).max( 0.0 ); const a = color.mul( color.mul( 6.2 ).add( 0.5 ) ); const b = color.mul( color.mul( 6.2 ).add( 1.7 ) ).add( 0.06 ); return a.div( b ).pow( 2.2 ); } ); // source: const RRTAndODTFit = tslFn( ( { color } ) => { const a = color.mul( color.add( 0.0245786 ) ).sub( 0.000090537 ); const b = color.mul( color.add( 0.4329510 ).mul( 0.983729 ) ).add( 0.238081 ); return a.div( b ); } ); // source: const ACESFilmicToneMappingNode = tslFn( ( { color, exposure } ) => { // sRGB => XYZ => D65_2_D60 => AP1 => RRT_SAT const ACESInputMat = mat3( 0.59719, 0.35458, 0.04823, 0.07600, 0.90834, 0.01566, 0.02840, 0.13383, 0.83777 ); // ODT_SAT => XYZ => D60_2_D65 => sRGB const ACESOutputMat = mat3( 1.60475, - 0.53108, - 0.07367, - 0.10208, 1.10813, - 0.00605, - 0.00327, - 0.07276, 1.07602 ); color = color.mul( exposure ).div( 0.6 ); color = ACESInputMat.mul( color ); // Apply RRT and ODT color = RRTAndODTFit( { color } ); color = ACESOutputMat.mul( color ); // Clamp to [0, 1] return color.clamp(); } ); const LINEAR_REC2020_TO_LINEAR_SRGB = mat3( vec3( 1.6605, - 0.1246, - 0.0182 ), vec3( - 0.5876, 1.1329, - 0.1006 ), vec3( - 0.0728, - 0.0083, 1.1187 ) ); const LINEAR_SRGB_TO_LINEAR_REC2020 = mat3( vec3( 0.6274, 0.0691, 0.0164 ), vec3( 0.3293, 0.9195, 0.0880 ), vec3( 0.0433, 0.0113, 0.8956 ) ); const agxDefaultContrastApprox = tslFn( ( [ x_immutable ] ) => { const x = vec3( x_immutable ).toVar(); const x2 = vec3( x.mul( x ) ).toVar(); const x4 = vec3( x2.mul( x2 ) ).toVar(); return float( 15.5 ).mul( x4.mul( x2 ) ).sub( mul( 40.14, x4.mul( x ) ) ).add( mul( 31.96, x4 ).sub( mul( 6.868, x2.mul( x ) ) ).add( mul( 0.4298, x2 ).add( mul( 0.1191, x ).sub( 0.00232 ) ) ) ); } ); const AGXToneMappingNode = tslFn( ( { color, exposure } ) => { const colortone = vec3( color ).toVar(); const AgXInsetMatrix = mat3( vec3( 0.856627153315983, 0.137318972929847, 0.11189821299995 ), vec3( 0.0951212405381588, 0.761241990602591, 0.0767994186031903 ), vec3( 0.0482516061458583, 0.101439036467562, 0.811302368396859 ) ); const AgXOutsetMatrix = mat3( vec3( 1.1271005818144368, - 0.1413297634984383, - 0.14132976349843826 ), vec3( - 0.11060664309660323, 1.157823702216272, - 0.11060664309660294 ), vec3( - 0.016493938717834573, - 0.016493938717834257, 1.2519364065950405 ) ); const AgxMinEv = float( - 12.47393 ); const AgxMaxEv = float( 4.026069 ); colortone.mulAssign( exposure ); colortone.assign( LINEAR_SRGB_TO_LINEAR_REC2020.mul( colortone ) ); colortone.assign( AgXInsetMatrix.mul( colortone ) ); colortone.assign( max( colortone, 1e-10 ) ); colortone.assign( log2( colortone ) ); colortone.assign( colortone.sub( AgxMinEv ).div( AgxMaxEv.sub( AgxMinEv ) ) ); colortone.assign( clamp( colortone, 0.0, 1.0 ) ); colortone.assign( agxDefaultContrastApprox( colortone ) ); colortone.assign( AgXOutsetMatrix.mul( colortone ) ); colortone.assign( pow( max( vec3( 0.0 ), colortone ), vec3( 2.2 ) ) ); colortone.assign( LINEAR_REC2020_TO_LINEAR_SRGB.mul( colortone ) ); colortone.assign( clamp( colortone, 0.0, 1.0 ) ); return colortone; } ); const toneMappingLib = { [ LinearToneMapping ]: LinearToneMappingNode, [ ReinhardToneMapping ]: ReinhardToneMappingNode, [ CineonToneMapping ]: OptimizedCineonToneMappingNode, [ ACESFilmicToneMapping ]: ACESFilmicToneMappingNode, [ AgXToneMapping ]: AGXToneMappingNode }; class ToneMappingNode extends TempNode { constructor( toneMapping = NoToneMapping, exposureNode = toneMappingExposure, colorNode = null ) { super( 'vec3' ); this.toneMapping = toneMapping; this.exposureNode = exposureNode; this.colorNode = colorNode; } getCacheKey() { let cacheKey = super.getCacheKey(); cacheKey = '{toneMapping:' + this.toneMapping + ',nodes:' + cacheKey + '}'; return cacheKey; } setup( builder ) { const colorNode = this.colorNode || builder.context.color; const toneMapping = this.toneMapping; if ( toneMapping === NoToneMapping ) return colorNode; const toneMappingParams = { exposure: this.exposureNode, color: colorNode }; const toneMappingNode = toneMappingLib[ toneMapping ]; let outputNode = null; if ( toneMappingNode ) { outputNode = toneMappingNode( toneMappingParams ); } else { console.error( 'ToneMappingNode: Unsupported Tone Mapping configuration.', toneMapping ); outputNode = colorNode; } return outputNode; } } export default ToneMappingNode; export const toneMapping = ( mapping, exposure, color ) => nodeObject( new ToneMappingNode( mapping, nodeObject( exposure ), nodeObject( color ) ) ); export const toneMappingExposure = rendererReference( 'toneMappingExposure', 'float' ); addNodeElement( 'toneMapping', ( color, mapping, exposure ) => toneMapping( mapping, exposure, color ) ); addNodeClass( 'ToneMappingNode', ToneMappingNode );