import { Matrix4, Quaternion, Vector3 } from 'three'; import { MMDParser } from '../libs/mmdparser.module.js'; /** * Dependencies * - mmd-parser */ class MMDExporter { /* TODO: implement // mesh -> pmd this.parsePmd = function ( object ) { }; */ /* TODO: implement // mesh -> pmx this.parsePmx = function ( object ) { }; */ /* TODO: implement // animation + skeleton -> vmd this.parseVmd = function ( object ) { }; */ /* * skeleton -> vpd * Returns Shift_JIS encoded Uint8Array. Otherwise return strings. */ parseVpd( skin, outputShiftJis, useOriginalBones ) { if ( skin.isSkinnedMesh !== true ) { console.warn( 'THREE.MMDExporter: parseVpd() requires SkinnedMesh instance.' ); return null; } function toStringsFromNumber( num ) { if ( Math.abs( num ) < 1e-6 ) num = 0; let a = num.toString(); if ( a.indexOf( '.' ) === - 1 ) { a += '.'; } a += '000000'; const index = a.indexOf( '.' ); const d = a.slice( 0, index ); const p = a.slice( index + 1, index + 7 ); return d + '.' + p; } function toStringsFromArray( array ) { const a = []; for ( let i = 0, il = array.length; i < il; i ++ ) { a.push( toStringsFromNumber( array[ i ] ) ); } return a.join( ',' ); } skin.updateMatrixWorld( true ); const bones = skin.skeleton.bones; const bones2 = getBindBones( skin ); const position = new Vector3(); const quaternion = new Quaternion(); const quaternion2 = new Quaternion(); const matrix = new Matrix4(); const array = []; array.push( 'Vocaloid Pose Data file' ); array.push( '' ); array.push( ( !== '' ? /\s/g, '_' ) : 'skin' ) + '.osm;' ); array.push( bones.length + ';' ); array.push( '' ); for ( let i = 0, il = bones.length; i < il; i ++ ) { const bone = bones[ i ]; const bone2 = bones2[ i ]; /* * use the bone matrix saved before solving IK. * see CCDIKSolver for the detail. */ if ( useOriginalBones === true && bone.userData.ik !== undefined && bone.userData.ik.originalMatrix !== undefined ) { matrix.fromArray( bone.userData.ik.originalMatrix ); } else { matrix.copy( bone.matrix ); } position.setFromMatrixPosition( matrix ); quaternion.setFromRotationMatrix( matrix ); const pArray = position.sub( bone2.position ).toArray(); const qArray = quaternion2.copy( bone2.quaternion ).conjugate().multiply( quaternion ).toArray(); // right to left pArray[ 2 ] = - pArray[ 2 ]; qArray[ 0 ] = - qArray[ 0 ]; qArray[ 1 ] = - qArray[ 1 ]; array.push( 'Bone' + i + '{' + ); array.push( ' ' + toStringsFromArray( pArray ) + ';' ); array.push( ' ' + toStringsFromArray( qArray ) + ';' ); array.push( '}' ); array.push( '' ); } array.push( '' ); const lines = array.join( '\n' ); return ( outputShiftJis === true ) ? unicodeToShiftjis( lines ) : lines; } } // Unicode to Shift_JIS table let u2sTable; function unicodeToShiftjis( str ) { if ( u2sTable === undefined ) { const encoder = new MMDParser.CharsetEncoder(); const table = encoder.s2uTable; u2sTable = {}; const keys = Object.keys( table ); for ( let i = 0, il = keys.length; i < il; i ++ ) { let key = keys[ i ]; const value = table[ key ]; key = parseInt( key ); u2sTable[ value ] = key; } } const array = []; for ( let i = 0, il = str.length; i < il; i ++ ) { const code = str.charCodeAt( i ); const value = u2sTable[ code ]; if ( value === undefined ) { throw new Error( 'cannot convert charcode 0x' + code.toString( 16 ) ); } else if ( value > 0xff ) { array.push( ( value >> 8 ) & 0xff ); array.push( value & 0xff ); } else { array.push( value & 0xff ); } } return new Uint8Array( array ); } function getBindBones( skin ) { // any more efficient ways? const poseSkin = skin.clone(); poseSkin.pose(); return poseSkin.skeleton.bones; } export { MMDExporter };