"use strict"; const Range = require("./Range"); /** @typedef {import("../validate").Schema} Schema */ /** * @param {Schema} schema * @param {boolean} logic * @return {string[]} */ module.exports.stringHints = function stringHints(schema, logic) { const hints = []; let type = "string"; const currentSchema = { ...schema }; if (!logic) { const tmpLength = currentSchema.minLength; const tmpFormat = currentSchema.formatMinimum; currentSchema.minLength = currentSchema.maxLength; currentSchema.maxLength = tmpLength; currentSchema.formatMinimum = currentSchema.formatMaximum; currentSchema.formatMaximum = tmpFormat; } if (typeof currentSchema.minLength === "number") { if (currentSchema.minLength === 1) { type = "non-empty string"; } else { const length = Math.max(currentSchema.minLength - 1, 0); hints.push(`should be longer than ${length} character${length > 1 ? "s" : ""}`); } } if (typeof currentSchema.maxLength === "number") { if (currentSchema.maxLength === 0) { type = "empty string"; } else { const length = currentSchema.maxLength + 1; hints.push(`should be shorter than ${length} character${length > 1 ? "s" : ""}`); } } if (currentSchema.pattern) { hints.push(`should${logic ? "" : " not"} match pattern ${JSON.stringify(currentSchema.pattern)}`); } if (currentSchema.format) { hints.push(`should${logic ? "" : " not"} match format ${JSON.stringify(currentSchema.format)}`); } if (currentSchema.formatMinimum) { hints.push(`should be ${currentSchema.formatExclusiveMinimum ? ">" : ">="} ${JSON.stringify(currentSchema.formatMinimum)}`); } if (currentSchema.formatMaximum) { hints.push(`should be ${currentSchema.formatExclusiveMaximum ? "<" : "<="} ${JSON.stringify(currentSchema.formatMaximum)}`); } return [type].concat(hints); }; /** * @param {Schema} schema * @param {boolean} logic * @return {string[]} */ module.exports.numberHints = function numberHints(schema, logic) { const hints = [schema.type === "integer" ? "integer" : "number"]; const range = new Range(); if (typeof schema.minimum === "number") { range.left(schema.minimum); } if (typeof schema.exclusiveMinimum === "number") { range.left(schema.exclusiveMinimum, true); } if (typeof schema.maximum === "number") { range.right(schema.maximum); } if (typeof schema.exclusiveMaximum === "number") { range.right(schema.exclusiveMaximum, true); } const rangeFormat = range.format(logic); if (rangeFormat) { hints.push(rangeFormat); } if (typeof schema.multipleOf === "number") { hints.push(`should${logic ? "" : " not"} be multiple of ${schema.multipleOf}`); } return hints; };