import {type OperationOptions} from 'retry'; export class AbortError extends Error { readonly name: 'AbortError'; readonly originalError: Error; /** Abort retrying and reject the promise. @param message - An error message or a custom error. */ constructor(message: string | Error); } export type FailedAttemptError = { readonly attemptNumber: number; readonly retriesLeft: number; } & Error; export type Options = { /** Callback invoked on each retry. Receives the error thrown by `input` as the first argument with properties `attemptNumber` and `retriesLeft` which indicate the current attempt number and the number of attempts left, respectively. The `onFailedAttempt` function can return a promise. For example, to add a [delay]( ``` import pRetry from 'p-retry'; import delay from 'delay'; const run = async () => { ... }; const result = await pRetry(run, { onFailedAttempt: async error => { console.log('Waiting for 1 second before retrying'); await delay(1000); } }); ``` If the `onFailedAttempt` function throws, all retries will be aborted and the original promise will reject with the thrown error. */ readonly onFailedAttempt?: (error: FailedAttemptError) => void | Promise; /** Decide if a retry should occur based on the error. Returning true triggers a retry, false aborts with the error. It is not called for `TypeError` (except network errors) and `AbortError`. @param error - The error thrown by the input function. @example ``` import pRetry from 'p-retry'; const run = async () => { … }; const result = await pRetry(run, { shouldRetry: error => !(error instanceof CustomError); }); ``` In the example above, the operation will be retried unless the error is an instance of `CustomError`. */ readonly shouldRetry?: (error: FailedAttemptError) => boolean | Promise; /** You can abort retrying using [`AbortController`]( ``` import pRetry from 'p-retry'; const run = async () => { … }; const controller = new AbortController(); cancelButton.addEventListener('click', () => { controller.abort(new Error('User clicked cancel button')); }); try { await pRetry(run, {signal: controller.signal}); } catch (error) { console.log(error.message); //=> 'User clicked cancel button' } ``` */ readonly signal?: AbortSignal; } & OperationOptions; /** Returns a `Promise` that is fulfilled when calling `input` returns a fulfilled promise. If calling `input` returns a rejected promise, `input` is called again until the max retries are reached, it then rejects with the last rejection reason. Does not retry on most `TypeErrors`, with the exception of network errors. This is done on a best case basis as different browsers have different [messages]( to indicate this. See [whatwg/fetch#526 (comment)]( @param input - Receives the number of attempts as the first argument and is expected to return a `Promise` or any value. @param options - Options are passed to the [`retry`]( module. @example ``` import pRetry, {AbortError} from 'p-retry'; import fetch from 'node-fetch'; const run = async () => { const response = await fetch(''); // Abort retrying if the resource doesn't exist if (response.status === 404) { throw new AbortError(response.statusText); } return response.blob(); }; console.log(await pRetry(run, {retries: 5})); // With the `onFailedAttempt` option: const result = await pRetry(run, { onFailedAttempt: error => { console.log(`Attempt ${error.attemptNumber} failed. There are ${error.retriesLeft} retries left.`); // 1st request => Attempt 1 failed. There are 4 retries left. // 2nd request => Attempt 2 failed. There are 3 retries left. // … }, retries: 5 }); console.log(result); ``` */ export default function pRetry( input: (attemptCount: number) => PromiseLike | T, options?: Options ): Promise;