var fs = require('fs'); var path = require('path'); var execSync = require('child_process').execSync; var exec = function (cmd) { execSync(cmd, {stdio: 'inherit'}); }; /* global jake, task, desc, publishTask */ task('build', ['lint', 'clean', 'browserify', 'minify'], function () { console.log('Build completed.'); }); desc('Cleans browerified/minified files and package files'); task('clean', ['clobber'], function () { jake.rmRf('./ejs.js'); jake.rmRf('./ejs.min.js'); console.log('Cleaned up compiled files.'); }); desc('Lints the source code'); task('lint', ['clean'], function () { var epath = path.join('./node_modules/.bin/eslint'); exec(epath+' "**/*.js"'); console.log('Linting completed.'); }); task('browserify', function () { var epath = path.join('./node_modules/browserify/bin/cmd.js'); exec(epath+' --standalone ejs lib/ejs.js > ejs.js'); console.log('Browserification completed.'); }); task('minify', function () { var epath = path.join('./node_modules/uglify-js/bin/uglifyjs'); exec(epath+' ejs.js > ejs.min.js'); console.log('Minification completed.'); }); desc('Generates the EJS API docs for the public API'); task('doc', function () { jake.rmRf('out'); var epath = path.join('./node_modules/.bin/jsdoc'); exec(epath+' --verbose -c jsdoc.json lib/* docs/jsdoc/*'); console.log('Documentation generated in ./out.'); }); desc('Generates the EJS API docs for the public and private API'); task('devdoc', function () { jake.rmRf('out'); var epath = path.join('./node_modules/.bin/jsdoc'); exec(epath+' --verbose -p -c jsdoc.json lib/* docs/jsdoc/*'); console.log('Documentation generated in ./out.'); }); desc('Publishes the EJS API docs'); task('docPublish', ['doc'], function () { fs.writeFileSync('out/CNAME', ''); console.log('Pushing docs to gh-pages...'); var epath = path.join('./node_modules/.bin/git-directory-deploy'); exec(epath+' --directory out/'); console.log('Docs published to gh-pages.'); }); desc('Runs the EJS test suite'); task('test', ['lint'], function () { exec(path.join('./node_modules/.bin/mocha --u tdd')); }); publishTask('ejs', ['build'], function () { this.packageFiles.include([ 'jakefile.js', '', 'LICENSE', 'package.json', 'ejs.js', 'ejs.min.js', 'lib/**', 'bin/**', 'usage.txt' ]); }); jake.Task.publish.on('complete', function () { console.log('Updating hosted docs...'); console.log('If this fails, run jake docPublish to re-try.'); jake.Task.docPublish.invoke(); });