"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); const codegen_1 = require("../../compile/codegen"); const types_1 = require("../discriminator/types"); const compile_1 = require("../../compile"); const util_1 = require("../../compile/util"); const error = { message: ({ params: { discrError, tagName } }) => discrError === types_1.DiscrError.Tag ? `tag "${tagName}" must be string` : `value of tag "${tagName}" must be in oneOf`, params: ({ params: { discrError, tag, tagName } }) => (0, codegen_1._) `{error: ${discrError}, tag: ${tagName}, tagValue: ${tag}}`, }; const def = { keyword: "discriminator", type: "object", schemaType: "object", error, code(cxt) { const { gen, data, schema, parentSchema, it } = cxt; const { oneOf } = parentSchema; if (!it.opts.discriminator) { throw new Error("discriminator: requires discriminator option"); } const tagName = schema.propertyName; if (typeof tagName != "string") throw new Error("discriminator: requires propertyName"); if (schema.mapping) throw new Error("discriminator: mapping is not supported"); if (!oneOf) throw new Error("discriminator: requires oneOf keyword"); const valid = gen.let("valid", false); const tag = gen.const("tag", (0, codegen_1._) `${data}${(0, codegen_1.getProperty)(tagName)}`); gen.if((0, codegen_1._) `typeof ${tag} == "string"`, () => validateMapping(), () => cxt.error(false, { discrError: types_1.DiscrError.Tag, tag, tagName })); cxt.ok(valid); function validateMapping() { const mapping = getMapping(); gen.if(false); for (const tagValue in mapping) { gen.elseIf((0, codegen_1._) `${tag} === ${tagValue}`); gen.assign(valid, applyTagSchema(mapping[tagValue])); } gen.else(); cxt.error(false, { discrError: types_1.DiscrError.Mapping, tag, tagName }); gen.endIf(); } function applyTagSchema(schemaProp) { const _valid = gen.name("valid"); const schCxt = cxt.subschema({ keyword: "oneOf", schemaProp }, _valid); cxt.mergeEvaluated(schCxt, codegen_1.Name); return _valid; } function getMapping() { var _a; const oneOfMapping = {}; const topRequired = hasRequired(parentSchema); let tagRequired = true; for (let i = 0; i < oneOf.length; i++) { let sch = oneOf[i]; if ((sch === null || sch === void 0 ? void 0 : sch.$ref) && !(0, util_1.schemaHasRulesButRef)(sch, it.self.RULES)) { sch = compile_1.resolveRef.call(it.self, it.schemaEnv.root, it.baseId, sch === null || sch === void 0 ? void 0 : sch.$ref); if (sch instanceof compile_1.SchemaEnv) sch = sch.schema; } const propSch = (_a = sch === null || sch === void 0 ? void 0 : sch.properties) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a[tagName]; if (typeof propSch != "object") { throw new Error(`discriminator: oneOf subschemas (or referenced schemas) must have "properties/${tagName}"`); } tagRequired = tagRequired && (topRequired || hasRequired(sch)); addMappings(propSch, i); } if (!tagRequired) throw new Error(`discriminator: "${tagName}" must be required`); return oneOfMapping; function hasRequired({ required }) { return Array.isArray(required) && required.includes(tagName); } function addMappings(sch, i) { if (sch.const) { addMapping(sch.const, i); } else if (sch.enum) { for (const tagValue of sch.enum) { addMapping(tagValue, i); } } else { throw new Error(`discriminator: "properties/${tagName}" must have "const" or "enum"`); } } function addMapping(tagValue, i) { if (typeof tagValue != "string" || tagValue in oneOfMapping) { throw new Error(`discriminator: "${tagName}" values must be unique strings`); } oneOfMapping[tagValue] = i; } } }, }; exports.default = def; //# sourceMappingURL=index.js.map