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Raw Normal View History

2024-06-09 13:55:01 -04:00
import LightingNode from './LightingNode.js';
import { NodeUpdateType } from '../core/constants.js';
import { uniform } from '../core/UniformNode.js';
import { addNodeClass } from '../core/Node.js';
import { /*vec2,*/ vec3, vec4 } from '../shadernode/ShaderNode.js';
import { reference } from '../accessors/ReferenceNode.js';
import { texture } from '../accessors/TextureNode.js';
import { positionWorld } from '../accessors/PositionNode.js';
import { normalWorld } from '../accessors/NormalNode.js';
import { WebGPUCoordinateSystem } from 'three';
//import { add } from '../math/OperatorNode.js';
import { Color, DepthTexture, NearestFilter, LessCompare, NoToneMapping } from 'three';
let overrideMaterial = null;
class AnalyticLightNode extends LightingNode {
constructor( light = null ) {
this.updateType = NodeUpdateType.FRAME;
this.light = light;
this.rtt = null;
this.shadowNode = null;
this.shadowMaskNode = null;
this.color = new Color();
this._defaultColorNode = uniform( this.color );
this.colorNode = this._defaultColorNode;
this.isAnalyticLightNode = true;
getCacheKey() {
return super.getCacheKey() + '-' + ( + '-' + ( this.light.castShadow ? '1' : '0' ) );
getHash() {
return this.light.uuid;
setupShadow( builder ) {
const { object } = builder;
if ( object.receiveShadow === false ) return;
let shadowNode = this.shadowNode;
if ( shadowNode === null ) {
if ( overrideMaterial === null ) {
overrideMaterial = builder.createNodeMaterial();
overrideMaterial.fragmentNode = vec4( 0, 0, 0, 1 );
overrideMaterial.isShadowNodeMaterial = true; // Use to avoid other overrideMaterial override material.fragmentNode unintentionally when using material.shadowNode
const shadow = this.light.shadow;
const rtt = builder.createRenderTarget( shadow.mapSize.width, shadow.mapSize.height );
const depthTexture = new DepthTexture();
depthTexture.minFilter = NearestFilter;
depthTexture.magFilter = NearestFilter;
depthTexture.image.width = shadow.mapSize.width;
depthTexture.image.height = shadow.mapSize.height;
depthTexture.compareFunction = LessCompare;
rtt.depthTexture = depthTexture;;
const bias = reference( 'bias', 'float', shadow );
const normalBias = reference( 'normalBias', 'float', shadow );
const position = object.material.shadowPositionNode || positionWorld;
let shadowCoord = uniform( shadow.matrix ).mul( position.add( normalWorld.mul( normalBias ) ) );
shadowCoord = shadowCoord.w );
const frustumTest = shadowCoord.x.greaterThanEqual( 0 )
.and( shadowCoord.x.lessThanEqual( 1 ) )
.and( shadowCoord.y.greaterThanEqual( 0 ) )
.and( shadowCoord.y.lessThanEqual( 1 ) )
.and( shadowCoord.z.lessThanEqual( 1 ) );
let coordZ = shadowCoord.z.add( bias );
if ( builder.renderer.coordinateSystem === WebGPUCoordinateSystem ) {
coordZ = coordZ.mul( 2 ).sub( 1 ); // WebGPU: Convertion [ 0, 1 ] to [ - 1, 1 ]
shadowCoord = vec3(
shadowCoord.y.oneMinus(), // follow webgpu standards
const textureCompare = ( depthTexture, shadowCoord, compare ) => texture( depthTexture, shadowCoord ).compare( compare );
//const textureCompare = ( depthTexture, shadowCoord, compare ) => compare.step( texture( depthTexture, shadowCoord ) );
// BasicShadowMap
shadowNode = textureCompare( depthTexture, shadowCoord.xy, shadowCoord.z );
// PCFShadowMap
const mapSize = reference( 'mapSize', 'vec2', shadow );
const radius = reference( 'radius', 'float', shadow );
const texelSize = vec2( 1 ).div( mapSize );
const dx0 = texelSize.x.negate().mul( radius );
const dy0 = texelSize.y.negate().mul( radius );
const dx1 = texelSize.x.mul( radius );
const dy1 = texelSize.y.mul( radius );
const dx2 = dx0.mul( 2 );
const dy2 = dy0.mul( 2 );
const dx3 = dx1.mul( 2 );
const dy3 = dy1.mul( 2 );
shadowNode = add(
textureCompare( depthTexture, shadowCoord.xy.add( vec2( dx0, dy0 ) ), shadowCoord.z ),
textureCompare( depthTexture, shadowCoord.xy.add( vec2( 0, dy0 ) ), shadowCoord.z ),
textureCompare( depthTexture, shadowCoord.xy.add( vec2( dx1, dy0 ) ), shadowCoord.z ),
textureCompare( depthTexture, shadowCoord.xy.add( vec2( dx2, dy2 ) ), shadowCoord.z ),
textureCompare( depthTexture, shadowCoord.xy.add( vec2( 0, dy2 ) ), shadowCoord.z ),
textureCompare( depthTexture, shadowCoord.xy.add( vec2( dx3, dy2 ) ), shadowCoord.z ),
textureCompare( depthTexture, shadowCoord.xy.add( vec2( dx0, 0 ) ), shadowCoord.z ),
textureCompare( depthTexture, shadowCoord.xy.add( vec2( dx2, 0 ) ), shadowCoord.z ),
textureCompare( depthTexture, shadowCoord.xy, shadowCoord.z ),
textureCompare( depthTexture, shadowCoord.xy.add( vec2( dx3, 0 ) ), shadowCoord.z ),
textureCompare( depthTexture, shadowCoord.xy.add( vec2( dx1, 0 ) ), shadowCoord.z ),
textureCompare( depthTexture, shadowCoord.xy.add( vec2( dx2, dy3 ) ), shadowCoord.z ),
textureCompare( depthTexture, shadowCoord.xy.add( vec2( 0, dy3 ) ), shadowCoord.z ),
textureCompare( depthTexture, shadowCoord.xy.add( vec2( dx3, dy3 ) ), shadowCoord.z ),
textureCompare( depthTexture, shadowCoord.xy.add( vec2( dx0, dy1 ) ), shadowCoord.z ),
textureCompare( depthTexture, shadowCoord.xy.add( vec2( 0, dy1 ) ), shadowCoord.z ),
textureCompare( depthTexture, shadowCoord.xy.add( vec2( dx1, dy1 ) ), shadowCoord.z )
).mul( 1 / 17 );
const shadowColor = texture( rtt.texture, shadowCoord );
const shadowMaskNode = frustumTest.mix( 1, shadowNode.mix( shadowColor.a.mix( 1, shadowColor ), 1 ) );
this.rtt = rtt;
this.colorNode = this.colorNode.mul( shadowMaskNode );
this.shadowNode = shadowNode;
this.shadowMaskNode = shadowMaskNode;
this.updateBeforeType = NodeUpdateType.RENDER;
setup( builder ) {
if ( this.light.castShadow ) this.setupShadow( builder );
else if ( this.shadowNode !== null ) this.disposeShadow();
updateShadow( frame ) {
const { rtt, light } = this;
const { renderer, scene } = frame;
const currentOverrideMaterial = scene.overrideMaterial;
scene.overrideMaterial = overrideMaterial;
rtt.setSize( light.shadow.mapSize.width, light.shadow.mapSize.height );
light.shadow.updateMatrices( light );
const currentToneMapping = renderer.toneMapping;
const currentRenderTarget = renderer.getRenderTarget();
const currentRenderObjectFunction = renderer.getRenderObjectFunction();
renderer.setRenderObjectFunction( ( object, ...params ) => {
if ( object.castShadow === true ) {
renderer.renderObject( object, ...params );
} );
renderer.setRenderTarget( rtt );
renderer.toneMapping = NoToneMapping;
renderer.render( scene, );
renderer.setRenderTarget( currentRenderTarget );
renderer.setRenderObjectFunction( currentRenderObjectFunction );
renderer.toneMapping = currentToneMapping;
scene.overrideMaterial = currentOverrideMaterial;
disposeShadow() {
this.shadowNode = null;
this.shadowMaskNode = null;
this.rtt = null;
this.colorNode = this._defaultColorNode;
updateBefore( frame ) {
const { light } = this;
if ( light.castShadow ) this.updateShadow( frame );
update( /*frame*/ ) {
const { light } = this;
this.color.copy( light.color ).multiplyScalar( light.intensity );
export default AnalyticLightNode;
addNodeClass( 'AnalyticLightNode', AnalyticLightNode );