
8 lines
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2024-06-09 13:55:01 -04:00
"version": 3,
"sources": ["../../../src/dialects/oracle/query-interface.js"],
"sourcesContent": ["// Copyright (c) 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved\n\n'use strict';\nconst { QueryInterface } = require('../abstract/query-interface');\nconst QueryTypes = require('../../query-types');\n\nconst _ = require('lodash');\n/**\n * The interface that Sequelize uses to talk with Oracle database\n */\nexport class OracleQueryInterface extends QueryInterface {\n\n /**\n * Upsert\n *\n * @param {string} tableName table to upsert on\n * @param {object} insertValues values to be inserted, mapped to field name\n * @param {object} updateValues values to be updated, mapped to field name\n * @param {object} where where conditions, which can be used for UPDATE part when INSERT fails\n * @param {object} options query options\n *\n * @returns {Promise<boolean,?number>} Resolves an array with <created, primaryKey>\n */\n async upsert(tableName, insertValues, updateValues, where, options) {\n options = { ...options };\n\n const model = options.model;\n const primaryKeys = Object.values(model.primaryKeys).map(item => item.field);\n const uniqueKeys = Object.values(model.uniqueKeys).filter(c => c.fields.length > 0).map(c => c.fields);\n const indexKeys = Object.values(model._indexes).filter(c => c.unique && c.fields.length > 0).map(c => c.fields);\n\n options.type = QueryTypes.UPSERT;\n options.updateOnDuplicate = Object.keys(updateValues);\n options.upsertKeys = [];\n\n // For fields in updateValues, try to find a constraint or unique index\n // that includes given field. Only first matching upsert key is used.\n for (const field of options.updateOnDuplicate) {\n const uniqueKey = uniqueKeys.find(fields => fields.includes(field));\n if (uniqueKey) {\n options.upsertKeys = uniqueKey;\n break;\n }\n\n const indexKey = indexKeys.find(fields => fields.includes(field));\n if (indexKey) {\n options.upsertKeys = indexKey;\n break;\n }\n }\n\n // Always use PK, if no constraint available OR update data contains PK\n if (\n options.upsertKeys.length === 0\n || _.intersection(options.updateOnDuplicate, primaryKeys).length\n ) {\n options.upsertKeys = primaryKeys;\n }\n\n options.upsertKeys = _.uniq(options.upsertKeys);\n\n let whereHasNull = false;\n\n primaryKeys.forEach(element => {\n if (where[element] === null) {\n whereHasNull = true;\n }\n });\n\n if (whereHasNull === true) {\n where = options.upsertKeys.reduce((result, attribute) => {\n result[attribute] = insertValues[attribute];\n return result;\n }, {}); \n }\n\n const sql = this.queryGenerator.upsertQuery(tableName, insertValues, updateValues, where, model, options);\n // we need set this to undefined otherwise sequelize would raise an error\n // Error: Both `sql.bind` and `options.bind` cannot be set at the same time\n if (sql.bind) {\n options.bind = undefined;\n }\n return await this.sequelize.query(sql, options);\n }\n}\n"],
"names": []