
1407 lines
171 KiB

[1722183357] Log start
[1722183357] Cmd: llama-cli --hf-repo morrissas/Llama-2-7b-chat-hf-Q4_K_M-GGUF --hf-file llama-2-7b-chat-hf-q4_k_m.gguf -p "The meaning to life and the universe is"
[1722183357] main: build = 3482 (e54c35e4)
[1722183357] main: built with Apple clang version 15.0.0 (clang-1500.3.9.4) for arm64-apple-darwin23.4.0
[1722183357] main: seed = 1722183357
[1722183357] main: llama backend init
[1722183357] main: load the model and apply lora adapter, if any
[1722183358] llama_model_loader: loaded meta data with 32 key-value pairs and 291 tensors from /Users/emkay/Library/Caches/llama.cpp/llama-2-7b-chat-hf-q4_k_m.gguf (version GGUF V3 (latest))
[1722183358] llama_model_loader: Dumping metadata keys/values. Note: KV overrides do not apply in this output.
[1722183358] llama_model_loader: - kv 0: general.architecture str = llama
[1722183358] llama_model_loader: - kv 1: general.type str = model
[1722183358] llama_model_loader: - kv 2: str = Llama 2 7b Chat Hf
[1722183358] llama_model_loader: - kv 3: general.organization str = Meta Llama
[1722183358] llama_model_loader: - kv 4: general.finetune str = chat-hf
[1722183358] llama_model_loader: - kv 5: general.basename str = Llama-2
[1722183358] llama_model_loader: - kv 6: general.size_label str = 7B
[1722183358] llama_model_loader: - kv 7: general.license str = llama2
[1722183358] llama_model_loader: - kv 8: general.tags arr[str,6] = ["facebook", "meta", "pytorch", "llam...
[1722183358] llama_model_loader: - kv 9: general.languages arr[str,1] = ["en"]
[1722183358] llama_model_loader: - kv 10: llama.block_count u32 = 32
[1722183358] llama_model_loader: - kv 11: llama.context_length u32 = 4096
[1722183358] llama_model_loader: - kv 12: llama.embedding_length u32 = 4096
[1722183358] llama_model_loader: - kv 13: llama.feed_forward_length u32 = 11008
[1722183358] llama_model_loader: - kv 14: llama.attention.head_count u32 = 32
[1722183358] llama_model_loader: - kv 15: llama.attention.head_count_kv u32 = 32
[1722183358] llama_model_loader: - kv 16: llama.attention.layer_norm_rms_epsilon f32 = 0.000010
[1722183358] llama_model_loader: - kv 17: general.file_type u32 = 15
[1722183358] llama_model_loader: - kv 18: llama.vocab_size u32 = 32000
[1722183358] llama_model_loader: - kv 19: llama.rope.dimension_count u32 = 128
[1722183358] llama_model_loader: - kv 20: tokenizer.ggml.model str = llama
[1722183358] llama_model_loader: - kv 21: tokenizer.ggml.pre str = default
[1722183358] llama_model_loader: - kv 22: tokenizer.ggml.tokens arr[str,32000] = ["<unk>", "<s>", "</s>", "<0x00>", "<...
[1722183358] llama_model_loader: - kv 23: tokenizer.ggml.scores arr[f32,32000] = [0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.0000...
[1722183358] llama_model_loader: - kv 24: tokenizer.ggml.token_type arr[i32,32000] = [2, 3, 3, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, ...
[1722183358] llama_model_loader: - kv 25: tokenizer.ggml.bos_token_id u32 = 1
[1722183358] llama_model_loader: - kv 26: tokenizer.ggml.eos_token_id u32 = 2
[1722183358] llama_model_loader: - kv 27: tokenizer.ggml.unknown_token_id u32 = 0
[1722183358] llama_model_loader: - kv 28: tokenizer.ggml.add_bos_token bool = true
[1722183358] llama_model_loader: - kv 29: tokenizer.ggml.add_eos_token bool = false
[1722183358] llama_model_loader: - kv 30: tokenizer.chat_template str = {% if messages[0]['role'] == 'system'...
[1722183358] llama_model_loader: - kv 31: general.quantization_version u32 = 2
[1722183358] llama_model_loader: - type f32: 65 tensors
[1722183358] llama_model_loader: - type q4_K: 193 tensors
[1722183358] llama_model_loader: - type q6_K: 33 tensors
[1722183358] llm_load_vocab: special tokens cache size = 3
[1722183358] llm_load_vocab: token to piece cache size = 0.1684 MB
[1722183358] llm_load_print_meta: format = GGUF V3 (latest)
[1722183358] llm_load_print_meta: arch = llama
[1722183358] llm_load_print_meta: vocab type = SPM
[1722183358] llm_load_print_meta: n_vocab = 32000
[1722183358] llm_load_print_meta: n_merges = 0
[1722183358] llm_load_print_meta: vocab_only = 0
[1722183358] llm_load_print_meta: n_ctx_train = 4096
[1722183358] llm_load_print_meta: n_embd = 4096
[1722183358] llm_load_print_meta: n_layer = 32
[1722183358] llm_load_print_meta: n_head = 32
[1722183358] llm_load_print_meta: n_head_kv = 32
[1722183358] llm_load_print_meta: n_rot = 128
[1722183358] llm_load_print_meta: n_swa = 0
[1722183358] llm_load_print_meta: n_embd_head_k = 128
[1722183358] llm_load_print_meta: n_embd_head_v = 128
[1722183358] llm_load_print_meta: n_gqa = 1
[1722183358] llm_load_print_meta: n_embd_k_gqa = 4096
[1722183358] llm_load_print_meta: n_embd_v_gqa = 4096
[1722183358] llm_load_print_meta: f_norm_eps = 0.0e+00
[1722183358] llm_load_print_meta: f_norm_rms_eps = 1.0e-05
[1722183358] llm_load_print_meta: f_clamp_kqv = 0.0e+00
[1722183358] llm_load_print_meta: f_max_alibi_bias = 0.0e+00
[1722183358] llm_load_print_meta: f_logit_scale = 0.0e+00
[1722183358] llm_load_print_meta: n_ff = 11008
[1722183358] llm_load_print_meta: n_expert = 0
[1722183358] llm_load_print_meta: n_expert_used = 0
[1722183358] llm_load_print_meta: causal attn = 1
[1722183358] llm_load_print_meta: pooling type = 0
[1722183358] llm_load_print_meta: rope type = 0
[1722183358] llm_load_print_meta: rope scaling = linear
[1722183358] llm_load_print_meta: freq_base_train = 10000.0
[1722183358] llm_load_print_meta: freq_scale_train = 1
[1722183358] llm_load_print_meta: n_ctx_orig_yarn = 4096
[1722183358] llm_load_print_meta: rope_finetuned = unknown
[1722183358] llm_load_print_meta: ssm_d_conv = 0
[1722183358] llm_load_print_meta: ssm_d_inner = 0
[1722183358] llm_load_print_meta: ssm_d_state = 0
[1722183358] llm_load_print_meta: ssm_dt_rank = 0
[1722183358] llm_load_print_meta: model type = 7B
[1722183358] llm_load_print_meta: model ftype = Q4_K - Medium
[1722183358] llm_load_print_meta: model params = 6.74 B
[1722183358] llm_load_print_meta: model size = 3.80 GiB (4.84 BPW)
[1722183358] llm_load_print_meta: = Llama 2 7b Chat Hf
[1722183358] llm_load_print_meta: BOS token = 1 '<s>'
[1722183358] llm_load_print_meta: EOS token = 2 '</s>'
[1722183358] llm_load_print_meta: UNK token = 0 '<unk>'
[1722183358] llm_load_print_meta: LF token = 13 '<0x0A>'
[1722183358] llm_load_print_meta: max token length = 48
[1722183358] llm_load_tensors: ggml ctx size = 0.27 MiB
[1722183358] ggml_backend_metal_log_allocated_size: allocated buffer, size = 3820.94 MiB, ( 3821.00 / 5461.34)[1722183358]
[1722183358] llm_load_tensors: offloading 32 repeating layers to GPU
[1722183358] llm_load_tensors: offloading non-repeating layers to GPU
[1722183358] llm_load_tensors: offloaded 33/33 layers to GPU
[1722183358] llm_load_tensors: CPU buffer size = 70.31 MiB
[1722183358] llm_load_tensors: Metal buffer size = 3820.93 MiB
[1722183358] .[1722183358] .[1722183358] .[1722183358] .[1722183358] .[1722183358] .[1722183358] .[1722183358] .[1722183358] .[1722183358] .[1722183358] .[1722183358] .[1722183358] .[1722183358] .[1722183358] .[1722183358] .[1722183358] .[1722183358] .[1722183358] .[1722183358] .[1722183358] .[1722183358] .[1722183358] .[1722183358] .[1722183358] .[1722183358] .[1722183358] .[1722183358] .[1722183358] .[1722183358] .[1722183358] .[1722183358] .[1722183358] .[1722183358] .[1722183358] .[1722183358] .[1722183358] .[1722183358] .[1722183358] .[1722183358] .[1722183358] .[1722183358] .[1722183358] .[1722183358] .[1722183358] .[1722183358] .[1722183358] .[1722183358] .[1722183358] .[1722183358] .[1722183358] .[1722183358] .[1722183358] .[1722183358] .[1722183358] .[1722183358] .[1722183358] .[1722183358] .[1722183358] .[1722183358] .[1722183358] .[1722183358] .[1722183358] .[1722183358] .[1722183358] .[1722183358] .[1722183358] .[1722183358] .[1722183358] .[1722183358] .[1722183358] .[1722183358] .[1722183358] .[1722183358] .[1722183358] .[1722183358] .[1722183358] .[1722183358] .[1722183358] .[1722183358] .[1722183358] .[1722183358] .[1722183358] .[1722183358] .[1722183358] .[1722183358] .[1722183358] .[1722183358] .[1722183358] .[1722183358] .[1722183358] .[1722183358] .[1722183358] .[1722183358] .[1722183358] .[1722183358] .[1722183358] .[1722183358] .[1722183358]
[1722183358] llama_new_context_with_model: n_ctx = 4096
[1722183358] llama_new_context_with_model: n_batch = 2048
[1722183358] llama_new_context_with_model: n_ubatch = 512
[1722183358] llama_new_context_with_model: flash_attn = 0
[1722183358] llama_new_context_with_model: freq_base = 10000.0
[1722183358] llama_new_context_with_model: freq_scale = 1
[1722183358] ggml_metal_init: allocating
[1722183358] ggml_metal_init: found device: Apple M2
[1722183358] ggml_metal_init: picking default device: Apple M2
[1722183358] ggml_metal_init: using embedded metal library
[1722183358] ggml_metal_init: GPU name: Apple M2
[1722183358] ggml_metal_init: GPU family: MTLGPUFamilyApple8 (1008)
[1722183358] ggml_metal_init: GPU family: MTLGPUFamilyCommon3 (3003)
[1722183358] ggml_metal_init: GPU family: MTLGPUFamilyMetal3 (5001)
[1722183358] ggml_metal_init: simdgroup reduction support = true
[1722183358] ggml_metal_init: simdgroup matrix mul. support = true
[1722183358] ggml_metal_init: hasUnifiedMemory = true
[1722183358] ggml_metal_init: recommendedMaxWorkingSetSize = 5726.63 MB
[1722183358] llama_kv_cache_init: Metal KV buffer size = 2048.00 MiB
[1722183358] llama_new_context_with_model: KV self size = 2048.00 MiB, K (f16): 1024.00 MiB, V (f16): 1024.00 MiB
[1722183358] llama_new_context_with_model: CPU output buffer size = 0.12 MiB
[1722183358] llama_new_context_with_model: Metal compute buffer size = 296.00 MiB
[1722183358] llama_new_context_with_model: CPU compute buffer size = 16.01 MiB
[1722183358] llama_new_context_with_model: graph nodes = 1030
[1722183358] llama_new_context_with_model: graph splits = 2
[1722183358] warming up the model with an empty run
[1722183370] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183370] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_ctx: 4096
[1722183371] system_info: n_threads = 4 / 8 | AVX = 0 | AVX_VNNI = 0 | AVX2 = 0 | AVX512 = 0 | AVX512_VBMI = 0 | AVX512_VNNI = 0 | AVX512_BF16 = 0 | FMA = 0 | NEON = 1 | SVE = 0 | ARM_FMA = 1 | F16C = 0 | FP16_VA = 1 | WASM_SIMD = 0 | BLAS = 1 | SSE3 = 0 | SSSE3 = 0 | VSX = 0 | MATMUL_INT8 = 0 | LLAMAFILE = 1 |
[1722183371] add_bos: 1
[1722183371] tokenize the prompt
[1722183371] prompt: "The meaning to life and the universe is"
[1722183371] tokens: [ '<s>':1, ' The':450, ' meaning':6593, ' to':304, ' life':2834, ' and':322, ' the':278, ' universe':19859, ' is':338 ]
[1722183371] recalculate the cached logits (check): embd_inp.empty() false, n_matching_session_tokens 0, embd_inp.size() 9, session_tokens.size() 0, embd_inp.size() 9
[1722183371] sampling:
repeat_last_n = 64, repeat_penalty = 1.000, frequency_penalty = 0.000, presence_penalty = 0.000
top_k = 40, tfs_z = 1.000, top_p = 0.950, min_p = 0.050, typical_p = 1.000, temp = 0.800
mirostat = 0, mirostat_lr = 0.100, mirostat_ent = 5.000
[1722183371] sampling order:
CFG -> Penalties -> top_k -> tfs_z -> typical_p -> top_p -> min_p -> temperature
[1722183371] generate: n_ctx = 4096, n_batch = 2048, n_predict = -1, n_keep = 1
[1722183371] embd_inp.size(): 9, n_consumed: 0
[1722183371] eval: [ '<s>':1, ' The':450, ' meaning':6593, ' to':304, ' life':2834, ' and':322, ' the':278, ' universe':19859, ' is':338 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 9
[1722183371] last: [ '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<s>':1, ' The':450, ' meaning':6593, ' to':304, ' life':2834, ' and':322, ' the':278, ' universe':19859, ' is':338, '$':39 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -2
[1722183371] eval: [ '$':39 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 10
[1722183371] last: [ '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<s>':1, ' The':450, ' meaning':6593, ' to':304, ' life':2834, ' and':322, ' the':278, ' universe':19859, ' is':338, '$':39, '':25 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -3
[1722183371] eval: [ '':25 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 11
[1722183371] last: [ '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<s>':1, ' The':450, ' meaning':6593, ' to':304, ' life':2834, ' and':322, ' the':278, ' universe':19859, ' is':338, '$':39, '':25, '#':38 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -4
[1722183371] eval: [ '#':38 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 12
[1722183371] last: [ '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<s>':1, ' The':450, ' meaning':6593, ' to':304, ' life':2834, ' and':322, ' the':278, ' universe':19859, ' is':338, '$':39, '':25, '#':38, '':13 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -5
[1722183371] eval: [ '':13 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 13
[1722183371] last: [ '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<s>':1, ' The':450, ' meaning':6593, ' to':304, ' life':2834, ' and':322, ' the':278, ' universe':19859, ' is':338, '$':39, '':25, '#':38, '':13, '':4 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -6
[1722183371] eval: [ '':4 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 14
[1722183371] last: [ '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<s>':1, ' The':450, ' meaning':6593, ' to':304, ' life':2834, ' and':322, ' the':278, ' universe':19859, ' is':338, '$':39, '':25, '#':38, '':13, '':4, '':13 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -7
[1722183371] eval: [ '':13 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 15
[1722183371] last: [ '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<s>':1, ' The':450, ' meaning':6593, ' to':304, ' life':2834, ' and':322, ' the':278, ' universe':19859, ' is':338, '$':39, '':25, '#':38, '':13, '':4, '':13, '!':36 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -8
[1722183371] eval: [ '!':36 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 16
[1722183371] last: [ '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<s>':1, ' The':450, ' meaning':6593, ' to':304, ' life':2834, ' and':322, ' the':278, ' universe':19859, ' is':338, '$':39, '':25, '#':38, '':13, '':4, '':13, '!':36, '':15 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -9
[1722183371] eval: [ '':15 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 17
[1722183371] last: [ '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<s>':1, ' The':450, ' meaning':6593, ' to':304, ' life':2834, ' and':322, ' the':278, ' universe':19859, ' is':338, '$':39, '':25, '#':38, '':13, '':4, '':13, '!':36, '':15, '':26 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -10
[1722183371] eval: [ '':26 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 18
[1722183371] last: [ '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<s>':1, ' The':450, ' meaning':6593, ' to':304, ' life':2834, ' and':322, ' the':278, ' universe':19859, ' is':338, '$':39, '':25, '#':38, '':13, '':4, '':13, '!':36, '':15, '':26, '"':37 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -11
[1722183371] eval: [ '"':37 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 19
[1722183371] last: [ '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<s>':1, ' The':450, ' meaning':6593, ' to':304, ' life':2834, ' and':322, ' the':278, ' universe':19859, ' is':338, '$':39, '':25, '#':38, '':13, '':4, '':13, '!':36, '':15, '':26, '"':37, '':6 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -12
[1722183371] eval: [ '':6 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 20
[1722183371] last: [ '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<s>':1, ' The':450, ' meaning':6593, ' to':304, ' life':2834, ' and':322, ' the':278, ' universe':19859, ' is':338, '$':39, '':25, '#':38, '':13, '':4, '':13, '!':36, '':15, '':26, '"':37, '':6, '':30 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -13
[1722183371] eval: [ '':30 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 21
[1722183371] last: [ '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<s>':1, ' The':450, ' meaning':6593, ' to':304, ' life':2834, ' and':322, ' the':278, ' universe':19859, ' is':338, '$':39, '':25, '#':38, '':13, '':4, '':13, '!':36, '':15, '':26, '"':37, '':6, '':30, '<unk>':0 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -14
[1722183371] eval: [ '<unk>':0 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 22
[1722183371] last: [ '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<s>':1, ' The':450, ' meaning':6593, ' to':304, ' life':2834, ' and':322, ' the':278, ' universe':19859, ' is':338, '$':39, '':25, '#':38, '':13, '':4, '':13, '!':36, '':15, '':26, '"':37, '':6, '':30, '<unk>':0, '':24 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -15
[1722183371] eval: [ '':24 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 23
[1722183371] last: [ '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<s>':1, ' The':450, ' meaning':6593, ' to':304, ' life':2834, ' and':322, ' the':278, ' universe':19859, ' is':338, '$':39, '':25, '#':38, '':13, '':4, '':13, '!':36, '':15, '':26, '"':37, '':6, '':30, '<unk>':0, '':24, '':16 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -16
[1722183371] eval: [ '':16 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 24
[1722183371] last: [ '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<s>':1, ' The':450, ' meaning':6593, ' to':304, ' life':2834, ' and':322, ' the':278, ' universe':19859, ' is':338, '$':39, '':25, '#':38, '':13, '':4, '':13, '!':36, '':15, '':26, '"':37, '':6, '':30, '<unk>':0, '':24, '':16, '':21 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -17
[1722183371] eval: [ '':21 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 25
[1722183371] last: [ '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<s>':1, ' The':450, ' meaning':6593, ' to':304, ' life':2834, ' and':322, ' the':278, ' universe':19859, ' is':338, '$':39, '':25, '#':38, '':13, '':4, '':13, '!':36, '':15, '':26, '"':37, '':6, '':30, '<unk>':0, '':24, '':16, '':21, '':24 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -18
[1722183371] eval: [ '':24 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 26
[1722183371] last: [ '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<s>':1, ' The':450, ' meaning':6593, ' to':304, ' life':2834, ' and':322, ' the':278, ' universe':19859, ' is':338, '$':39, '':25, '#':38, '':13, '':4, '':13, '!':36, '':15, '':26, '"':37, '':6, '':30, '<unk>':0, '':24, '':16, '':21, '':24, '':4 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -19
[1722183371] eval: [ '':4 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 27
[1722183371] last: [ '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<s>':1, ' The':450, ' meaning':6593, ' to':304, ' life':2834, ' and':322, ' the':278, ' universe':19859, ' is':338, '$':39, '':25, '#':38, '':13, '':4, '':13, '!':36, '':15, '':26, '"':37, '':6, '':30, '<unk>':0, '':24, '':16, '':21, '':24, '':4, '':27 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -20
[1722183371] eval: [ '':27 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 28
[1722183371] last: [ '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<s>':1, ' The':450, ' meaning':6593, ' to':304, ' life':2834, ' and':322, ' the':278, ' universe':19859, ' is':338, '$':39, '':25, '#':38, '':13, '':4, '':13, '!':36, '':15, '':26, '"':37, '':6, '':30, '<unk>':0, '':24, '':16, '':21, '':24, '':4, '':27, '':12 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -21
[1722183371] eval: [ '':12 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 29
[1722183371] last: [ '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<s>':1, ' The':450, ' meaning':6593, ' to':304, ' life':2834, ' and':322, ' the':278, ' universe':19859, ' is':338, '$':39, '':25, '#':38, '':13, '':4, '':13, '!':36, '':15, '':26, '"':37, '':6, '':30, '<unk>':0, '':24, '':16, '':21, '':24, '':4, '':27, '':12, '':24 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -22
[1722183371] eval: [ '':24 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 30
[1722183371] last: [ '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<s>':1, ' The':450, ' meaning':6593, ' to':304, ' life':2834, ' and':322, ' the':278, ' universe':19859, ' is':338, '$':39, '':25, '#':38, '':13, '':4, '':13, '!':36, '':15, '':26, '"':37, '':6, '':30, '<unk>':0, '':24, '':16, '':21, '':24, '':4, '':27, '':12, '':24, '<unk>':0 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -23
[1722183371] eval: [ '<unk>':0 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 31
[1722183371] last: [ '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<s>':1, ' The':450, ' meaning':6593, ' to':304, ' life':2834, ' and':322, ' the':278, ' universe':19859, ' is':338, '$':39, '':25, '#':38, '':13, '':4, '':13, '!':36, '':15, '':26, '"':37, '':6, '':30, '<unk>':0, '':24, '':16, '':21, '':24, '':4, '':27, '':12, '':24, '<unk>':0, '':8 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -24
[1722183371] eval: [ '':8 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 32
[1722183371] last: [ '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<s>':1, ' The':450, ' meaning':6593, ' to':304, ' life':2834, ' and':322, ' the':278, ' universe':19859, ' is':338, '$':39, '':25, '#':38, '':13, '':4, '':13, '!':36, '':15, '':26, '"':37, '':6, '':30, '<unk>':0, '':24, '':16, '':21, '':24, '':4, '':27, '':12, '':24, '<unk>':0, '':8, '':18 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -25
[1722183371] eval: [ '':18 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 33
[1722183371] last: [ '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<s>':1, ' The':450, ' meaning':6593, ' to':304, ' life':2834, ' and':322, ' the':278, ' universe':19859, ' is':338, '$':39, '':25, '#':38, '':13, '':4, '':13, '!':36, '':15, '':26, '"':37, '':6, '':30, '<unk>':0, '':24, '':16, '':21, '':24, '':4, '':27, '':12, '':24, '<unk>':0, '':8, '':18, '':33 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -26
[1722183371] eval: [ '':33 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 34
[1722183371] last: [ '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<s>':1, ' The':450, ' meaning':6593, ' to':304, ' life':2834, ' and':322, ' the':278, ' universe':19859, ' is':338, '$':39, '':25, '#':38, '':13, '':4, '':13, '!':36, '':15, '':26, '"':37, '':6, '':30, '<unk>':0, '':24, '':16, '':21, '':24, '':4, '':27, '':12, '':24, '<unk>':0, '':8, '':18, '':33, '':29 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -27
[1722183371] eval: [ '':29 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 35
[1722183371] last: [ '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<s>':1, ' The':450, ' meaning':6593, ' to':304, ' life':2834, ' and':322, ' the':278, ' universe':19859, ' is':338, '$':39, '':25, '#':38, '':13, '':4, '':13, '!':36, '':15, '':26, '"':37, '':6, '':30, '<unk>':0, '':24, '':16, '':21, '':24, '':4, '':27, '':12, '':24, '<unk>':0, '':8, '':18, '':33, '':29, '':33 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -28
[1722183371] eval: [ '':33 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 36
[1722183371] last: [ '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<s>':1, ' The':450, ' meaning':6593, ' to':304, ' life':2834, ' and':322, ' the':278, ' universe':19859, ' is':338, '$':39, '':25, '#':38, '':13, '':4, '':13, '!':36, '':15, '':26, '"':37, '':6, '':30, '<unk>':0, '':24, '':16, '':21, '':24, '':4, '':27, '':12, '':24, '<unk>':0, '':8, '':18, '':33, '':29, '':33, '':25 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -29
[1722183371] eval: [ '':25 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 37
[1722183371] last: [ '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<s>':1, ' The':450, ' meaning':6593, ' to':304, ' life':2834, ' and':322, ' the':278, ' universe':19859, ' is':338, '$':39, '':25, '#':38, '':13, '':4, '':13, '!':36, '':15, '':26, '"':37, '':6, '':30, '<unk>':0, '':24, '':16, '':21, '':24, '':4, '':27, '':12, '':24, '<unk>':0, '':8, '':18, '':33, '':29, '':33, '':25, '':12 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -30
[1722183371] eval: [ '':12 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 38
[1722183371] last: [ '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<s>':1, ' The':450, ' meaning':6593, ' to':304, ' life':2834, ' and':322, ' the':278, ' universe':19859, ' is':338, '$':39, '':25, '#':38, '':13, '':4, '':13, '!':36, '':15, '':26, '"':37, '':6, '':30, '<unk>':0, '':24, '':16, '':21, '':24, '':4, '':27, '':12, '':24, '<unk>':0, '':8, '':18, '':33, '':29, '':33, '':25, '':12, '':26 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -31
[1722183371] eval: [ '':26 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 39
[1722183371] last: [ '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<s>':1, ' The':450, ' meaning':6593, ' to':304, ' life':2834, ' and':322, ' the':278, ' universe':19859, ' is':338, '$':39, '':25, '#':38, '':13, '':4, '':13, '!':36, '':15, '':26, '"':37, '':6, '':30, '<unk>':0, '':24, '':16, '':21, '':24, '':4, '':27, '':12, '':24, '<unk>':0, '':8, '':18, '':33, '':29, '':33, '':25, '':12, '':26, '':24 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -32
[1722183371] eval: [ '':24 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 40
[1722183371] last: [ '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<s>':1, ' The':450, ' meaning':6593, ' to':304, ' life':2834, ' and':322, ' the':278, ' universe':19859, ' is':338, '$':39, '':25, '#':38, '':13, '':4, '':13, '!':36, '':15, '':26, '"':37, '':6, '':30, '<unk>':0, '':24, '':16, '':21, '':24, '':4, '':27, '':12, '':24, '<unk>':0, '':8, '':18, '':33, '':29, '':33, '':25, '':12, '':26, '':24, '':15 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -33
[1722183371] eval: [ '':15 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 41
[1722183371] last: [ '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<s>':1, ' The':450, ' meaning':6593, ' to':304, ' life':2834, ' and':322, ' the':278, ' universe':19859, ' is':338, '$':39, '':25, '#':38, '':13, '':4, '':13, '!':36, '':15, '':26, '"':37, '':6, '':30, '<unk>':0, '':24, '':16, '':21, '':24, '':4, '':27, '':12, '':24, '<unk>':0, '':8, '':18, '':33, '':29, '':33, '':25, '':12, '':26, '':24, '':15, '':10 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -34
[1722183371] eval: [ '':10 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 42
[1722183371] last: [ '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<s>':1, ' The':450, ' meaning':6593, ' to':304, ' life':2834, ' and':322, ' the':278, ' universe':19859, ' is':338, '$':39, '':25, '#':38, '':13, '':4, '':13, '!':36, '':15, '':26, '"':37, '':6, '':30, '<unk>':0, '':24, '':16, '':21, '':24, '':4, '':27, '':12, '':24, '<unk>':0, '':8, '':18, '':33, '':29, '':33, '':25, '':12, '':26, '':24, '':15, '':10, '':21 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -35
[1722183371] eval: [ '':21 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 43
[1722183371] last: [ '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<s>':1, ' The':450, ' meaning':6593, ' to':304, ' life':2834, ' and':322, ' the':278, ' universe':19859, ' is':338, '$':39, '':25, '#':38, '':13, '':4, '':13, '!':36, '':15, '':26, '"':37, '':6, '':30, '<unk>':0, '':24, '':16, '':21, '':24, '':4, '':27, '':12, '':24, '<unk>':0, '':8, '':18, '':33, '':29, '':33, '':25, '':12, '':26, '':24, '':15, '':10, '':21, '':25 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -36
[1722183371] eval: [ '':25 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 44
[1722183371] last: [ '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<s>':1, ' The':450, ' meaning':6593, ' to':304, ' life':2834, ' and':322, ' the':278, ' universe':19859, ' is':338, '$':39, '':25, '#':38, '':13, '':4, '':13, '!':36, '':15, '':26, '"':37, '':6, '':30, '<unk>':0, '':24, '':16, '':21, '':24, '':4, '':27, '':12, '':24, '<unk>':0, '':8, '':18, '':33, '':29, '':33, '':25, '':12, '':26, '':24, '':15, '':10, '':21, '':25, '':25 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -37
[1722183371] eval: [ '':25 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 45
[1722183371] last: [ '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<s>':1, ' The':450, ' meaning':6593, ' to':304, ' life':2834, ' and':322, ' the':278, ' universe':19859, ' is':338, '$':39, '':25, '#':38, '':13, '':4, '':13, '!':36, '':15, '':26, '"':37, '':6, '':30, '<unk>':0, '':24, '':16, '':21, '':24, '':4, '':27, '':12, '':24, '<unk>':0, '':8, '':18, '':33, '':29, '':33, '':25, '':12, '':26, '':24, '':15, '':10, '':21, '':25, '':25, '':18 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -38
[1722183371] eval: [ '':18 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 46
[1722183371] last: [ '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<s>':1, ' The':450, ' meaning':6593, ' to':304, ' life':2834, ' and':322, ' the':278, ' universe':19859, ' is':338, '$':39, '':25, '#':38, '':13, '':4, '':13, '!':36, '':15, '':26, '"':37, '':6, '':30, '<unk>':0, '':24, '':16, '':21, '':24, '':4, '':27, '':12, '':24, '<unk>':0, '':8, '':18, '':33, '':29, '':33, '':25, '':12, '':26, '':24, '':15, '':10, '':21, '':25, '':25, '':18, '':32 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -39
[1722183371] eval: [ '':32 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 47
[1722183371] last: [ '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<s>':1, ' The':450, ' meaning':6593, ' to':304, ' life':2834, ' and':322, ' the':278, ' universe':19859, ' is':338, '$':39, '':25, '#':38, '':13, '':4, '':13, '!':36, '':15, '':26, '"':37, '':6, '':30, '<unk>':0, '':24, '':16, '':21, '':24, '':4, '':27, '':12, '':24, '<unk>':0, '':8, '':18, '':33, '':29, '':33, '':25, '':12, '':26, '':24, '':15, '':10, '':21, '':25, '':25, '':18, '':32, '':19 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -40
[1722183371] eval: [ '':19 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 48
[1722183371] last: [ '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<s>':1, ' The':450, ' meaning':6593, ' to':304, ' life':2834, ' and':322, ' the':278, ' universe':19859, ' is':338, '$':39, '':25, '#':38, '':13, '':4, '':13, '!':36, '':15, '':26, '"':37, '':6, '':30, '<unk>':0, '':24, '':16, '':21, '':24, '':4, '':27, '':12, '':24, '<unk>':0, '':8, '':18, '':33, '':29, '':33, '':25, '':12, '':26, '':24, '':15, '':10, '':21, '':25, '':25, '':18, '':32, '':19, '':11 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -41
[1722183371] eval: [ '':11 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 49
[1722183371] last: [ '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<s>':1, ' The':450, ' meaning':6593, ' to':304, ' life':2834, ' and':322, ' the':278, ' universe':19859, ' is':338, '$':39, '':25, '#':38, '':13, '':4, '':13, '!':36, '':15, '':26, '"':37, '':6, '':30, '<unk>':0, '':24, '':16, '':21, '':24, '':4, '':27, '':12, '':24, '<unk>':0, '':8, '':18, '':33, '':29, '':33, '':25, '':12, '':26, '':24, '':15, '':10, '':21, '':25, '':25, '':18, '':32, '':19, '':11, '':24 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -42
[1722183371] eval: [ '':24 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 50
[1722183371] last: [ '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<s>':1, ' The':450, ' meaning':6593, ' to':304, ' life':2834, ' and':322, ' the':278, ' universe':19859, ' is':338, '$':39, '':25, '#':38, '':13, '':4, '':13, '!':36, '':15, '':26, '"':37, '':6, '':30, '<unk>':0, '':24, '':16, '':21, '':24, '':4, '':27, '':12, '':24, '<unk>':0, '':8, '':18, '':33, '':29, '':33, '':25, '':12, '':26, '':24, '':15, '':10, '':21, '':25, '':25, '':18, '':32, '':19, '':11, '':24, '':28 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -43
[1722183371] eval: [ '':28 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 51
[1722183371] last: [ '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<s>':1, ' The':450, ' meaning':6593, ' to':304, ' life':2834, ' and':322, ' the':278, ' universe':19859, ' is':338, '$':39, '':25, '#':38, '':13, '':4, '':13, '!':36, '':15, '':26, '"':37, '':6, '':30, '<unk>':0, '':24, '':16, '':21, '':24, '':4, '':27, '':12, '':24, '<unk>':0, '':8, '':18, '':33, '':29, '':33, '':25, '':12, '':26, '':24, '':15, '':10, '':21, '':25, '':25, '':18, '':32, '':19, '':11, '':24, '':28, '':10 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -44
[1722183371] eval: [ '':10 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 52
[1722183371] last: [ '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<s>':1, ' The':450, ' meaning':6593, ' to':304, ' life':2834, ' and':322, ' the':278, ' universe':19859, ' is':338, '$':39, '':25, '#':38, '':13, '':4, '':13, '!':36, '':15, '':26, '"':37, '':6, '':30, '<unk>':0, '':24, '':16, '':21, '':24, '':4, '':27, '':12, '':24, '<unk>':0, '':8, '':18, '':33, '':29, '':33, '':25, '':12, '':26, '':24, '':15, '':10, '':21, '':25, '':25, '':18, '':32, '':19, '':11, '':24, '':28, '':10, '':21 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -45
[1722183371] eval: [ '':21 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 53
[1722183371] last: [ '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<s>':1, ' The':450, ' meaning':6593, ' to':304, ' life':2834, ' and':322, ' the':278, ' universe':19859, ' is':338, '$':39, '':25, '#':38, '':13, '':4, '':13, '!':36, '':15, '':26, '"':37, '':6, '':30, '<unk>':0, '':24, '':16, '':21, '':24, '':4, '':27, '':12, '':24, '<unk>':0, '':8, '':18, '':33, '':29, '':33, '':25, '':12, '':26, '':24, '':15, '':10, '':21, '':25, '':25, '':18, '':32, '':19, '':11, '':24, '':28, '':10, '':21, '':24 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -46
[1722183371] eval: [ '':24 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 54
[1722183371] last: [ '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<s>':1, ' The':450, ' meaning':6593, ' to':304, ' life':2834, ' and':322, ' the':278, ' universe':19859, ' is':338, '$':39, '':25, '#':38, '':13, '':4, '':13, '!':36, '':15, '':26, '"':37, '':6, '':30, '<unk>':0, '':24, '':16, '':21, '':24, '':4, '':27, '':12, '':24, '<unk>':0, '':8, '':18, '':33, '':29, '':33, '':25, '':12, '':26, '':24, '':15, '':10, '':21, '':25, '':25, '':18, '':32, '':19, '':11, '':24, '':28, '':10, '':21, '':24, '':17 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -47
[1722183371] eval: [ '':17 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 55
[1722183371] last: [ '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<s>':1, ' The':450, ' meaning':6593, ' to':304, ' life':2834, ' and':322, ' the':278, ' universe':19859, ' is':338, '$':39, '':25, '#':38, '':13, '':4, '':13, '!':36, '':15, '':26, '"':37, '':6, '':30, '<unk>':0, '':24, '':16, '':21, '':24, '':4, '':27, '':12, '':24, '<unk>':0, '':8, '':18, '':33, '':29, '':33, '':25, '':12, '':26, '':24, '':15, '':10, '':21, '':25, '':25, '':18, '':32, '':19, '':11, '':24, '':28, '':10, '':21, '':24, '':17, '':22 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -48
[1722183371] eval: [ '':22 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 56
[1722183371] last: [ '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<s>':1, ' The':450, ' meaning':6593, ' to':304, ' life':2834, ' and':322, ' the':278, ' universe':19859, ' is':338, '$':39, '':25, '#':38, '':13, '':4, '':13, '!':36, '':15, '':26, '"':37, '':6, '':30, '<unk>':0, '':24, '':16, '':21, '':24, '':4, '':27, '':12, '':24, '<unk>':0, '':8, '':18, '':33, '':29, '':33, '':25, '':12, '':26, '':24, '':15, '':10, '':21, '':25, '':25, '':18, '':32, '':19, '':11, '':24, '':28, '':10, '':21, '':24, '':17, '':22, '':12 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -49
[1722183371] eval: [ '':12 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 57
[1722183371] last: [ '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<s>':1, ' The':450, ' meaning':6593, ' to':304, ' life':2834, ' and':322, ' the':278, ' universe':19859, ' is':338, '$':39, '':25, '#':38, '':13, '':4, '':13, '!':36, '':15, '':26, '"':37, '':6, '':30, '<unk>':0, '':24, '':16, '':21, '':24, '':4, '':27, '':12, '':24, '<unk>':0, '':8, '':18, '':33, '':29, '':33, '':25, '':12, '':26, '':24, '':15, '':10, '':21, '':25, '':25, '':18, '':32, '':19, '':11, '':24, '':28, '':10, '':21, '':24, '':17, '':22, '':12, '$':39 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -50
[1722183371] eval: [ '$':39 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 58
[1722183371] last: [ '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<s>':1, ' The':450, ' meaning':6593, ' to':304, ' life':2834, ' and':322, ' the':278, ' universe':19859, ' is':338, '$':39, '':25, '#':38, '':13, '':4, '':13, '!':36, '':15, '':26, '"':37, '':6, '':30, '<unk>':0, '':24, '':16, '':21, '':24, '':4, '':27, '':12, '':24, '<unk>':0, '':8, '':18, '':33, '':29, '':33, '':25, '':12, '':26, '':24, '':15, '':10, '':21, '':25, '':25, '':18, '':32, '':19, '':11, '':24, '':28, '':10, '':21, '':24, '':17, '':22, '':12, '$':39, '':16 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -51
[1722183371] eval: [ '':16 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 59
[1722183371] last: [ '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<s>':1, ' The':450, ' meaning':6593, ' to':304, ' life':2834, ' and':322, ' the':278, ' universe':19859, ' is':338, '$':39, '':25, '#':38, '':13, '':4, '':13, '!':36, '':15, '':26, '"':37, '':6, '':30, '<unk>':0, '':24, '':16, '':21, '':24, '':4, '':27, '':12, '':24, '<unk>':0, '':8, '':18, '':33, '':29, '':33, '':25, '':12, '':26, '':24, '':15, '':10, '':21, '':25, '':25, '':18, '':32, '':19, '':11, '':24, '':28, '':10, '':21, '':24, '':17, '':22, '':12, '$':39, '':16, '':5 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -52
[1722183371] eval: [ '':5 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 60
[1722183371] last: [ '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<s>':1, ' The':450, ' meaning':6593, ' to':304, ' life':2834, ' and':322, ' the':278, ' universe':19859, ' is':338, '$':39, '':25, '#':38, '':13, '':4, '':13, '!':36, '':15, '':26, '"':37, '':6, '':30, '<unk>':0, '':24, '':16, '':21, '':24, '':4, '':27, '':12, '':24, '<unk>':0, '':8, '':18, '':33, '':29, '':33, '':25, '':12, '':26, '':24, '':15, '':10, '':21, '':25, '':25, '':18, '':32, '':19, '':11, '':24, '':28, '':10, '':21, '':24, '':17, '':22, '':12, '$':39, '':16, '':5, '':4 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -53
[1722183371] eval: [ '':4 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 61
[1722183371] last: [ '<unk>':0, '<unk>':0, '<s>':1, ' The':450, ' meaning':6593, ' to':304, ' life':2834, ' and':322, ' the':278, ' universe':19859, ' is':338, '$':39, '':25, '#':38, '':13, '':4, '':13, '!':36, '':15, '':26, '"':37, '':6, '':30, '<unk>':0, '':24, '':16, '':21, '':24, '':4, '':27, '':12, '':24, '<unk>':0, '':8, '':18, '':33, '':29, '':33, '':25, '':12, '':26, '':24, '':15, '':10, '':21, '':25, '':25, '':18, '':32, '':19, '':11, '':24, '':28, '':10, '':21, '':24, '':17, '':22, '':12, '$':39, '':16, '':5, '':4, '':5 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -54
[1722183371] eval: [ '':5 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 62
[1722183371] last: [ '<unk>':0, '<s>':1, ' The':450, ' meaning':6593, ' to':304, ' life':2834, ' and':322, ' the':278, ' universe':19859, ' is':338, '$':39, '':25, '#':38, '':13, '':4, '':13, '!':36, '':15, '':26, '"':37, '':6, '':30, '<unk>':0, '':24, '':16, '':21, '':24, '':4, '':27, '':12, '':24, '<unk>':0, '':8, '':18, '':33, '':29, '':33, '':25, '':12, '':26, '':24, '':15, '':10, '':21, '':25, '':25, '':18, '':32, '':19, '':11, '':24, '':28, '':10, '':21, '':24, '':17, '':22, '':12, '$':39, '':16, '':5, '':4, '':5, '':20 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -55
[1722183371] eval: [ '':20 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 63
[1722183371] last: [ '<s>':1, ' The':450, ' meaning':6593, ' to':304, ' life':2834, ' and':322, ' the':278, ' universe':19859, ' is':338, '$':39, '':25, '#':38, '':13, '':4, '':13, '!':36, '':15, '':26, '"':37, '':6, '':30, '<unk>':0, '':24, '':16, '':21, '':24, '':4, '':27, '':12, '':24, '<unk>':0, '':8, '':18, '':33, '':29, '':33, '':25, '':12, '':26, '':24, '':15, '':10, '':21, '':25, '':25, '':18, '':32, '':19, '':11, '':24, '':28, '':10, '':21, '':24, '':17, '':22, '':12, '$':39, '':16, '':5, '':4, '':5, '':20, '':30 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -56
[1722183371] eval: [ '':30 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 64
[1722183371] last: [ ' The':450, ' meaning':6593, ' to':304, ' life':2834, ' and':322, ' the':278, ' universe':19859, ' is':338, '$':39, '':25, '#':38, '':13, '':4, '':13, '!':36, '':15, '':26, '"':37, '':6, '':30, '<unk>':0, '':24, '':16, '':21, '':24, '':4, '':27, '':12, '':24, '<unk>':0, '':8, '':18, '':33, '':29, '':33, '':25, '':12, '':26, '':24, '':15, '':10, '':21, '':25, '':25, '':18, '':32, '':19, '':11, '':24, '':28, '':10, '':21, '':24, '':17, '':22, '':12, '$':39, '':16, '':5, '':4, '':5, '':20, '':30, '':15 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -57
[1722183371] eval: [ '':15 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 65
[1722183371] last: [ ' meaning':6593, ' to':304, ' life':2834, ' and':322, ' the':278, ' universe':19859, ' is':338, '$':39, '':25, '#':38, '':13, '':4, '':13, '!':36, '':15, '':26, '"':37, '':6, '':30, '<unk>':0, '':24, '':16, '':21, '':24, '':4, '':27, '':12, '':24, '<unk>':0, '':8, '':18, '':33, '':29, '':33, '':25, '':12, '':26, '':24, '':15, '':10, '':21, '':25, '':25, '':18, '':32, '':19, '':11, '':24, '':28, '':10, '':21, '':24, '':17, '':22, '':12, '$':39, '':16, '':5, '':4, '':5, '':20, '':30, '':15, '<s>':1 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -58
[1722183371] eval: [ '<s>':1 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 66
[1722183371] last: [ ' to':304, ' life':2834, ' and':322, ' the':278, ' universe':19859, ' is':338, '$':39, '':25, '#':38, '':13, '':4, '':13, '!':36, '':15, '':26, '"':37, '':6, '':30, '<unk>':0, '':24, '':16, '':21, '':24, '':4, '':27, '':12, '':24, '<unk>':0, '':8, '':18, '':33, '':29, '':33, '':25, '':12, '':26, '':24, '':15, '':10, '':21, '':25, '':25, '':18, '':32, '':19, '':11, '':24, '':28, '':10, '':21, '':24, '':17, '':22, '':12, '$':39, '':16, '':5, '':4, '':5, '':20, '':30, '':15, '<s>':1, '':23 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -59
[1722183371] eval: [ '':23 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 67
[1722183371] last: [ ' life':2834, ' and':322, ' the':278, ' universe':19859, ' is':338, '$':39, '':25, '#':38, '':13, '':4, '':13, '!':36, '':15, '':26, '"':37, '':6, '':30, '<unk>':0, '':24, '':16, '':21, '':24, '':4, '':27, '':12, '':24, '<unk>':0, '':8, '':18, '':33, '':29, '':33, '':25, '':12, '':26, '':24, '':15, '':10, '':21, '':25, '':25, '':18, '':32, '':19, '':11, '':24, '':28, '':10, '':21, '':24, '':17, '':22, '':12, '$':39, '':16, '':5, '':4, '':5, '':20, '':30, '':15, '<s>':1, '':23, '':14 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -60
[1722183371] eval: [ '':14 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 68
[1722183371] last: [ ' and':322, ' the':278, ' universe':19859, ' is':338, '$':39, '':25, '#':38, '':13, '':4, '':13, '!':36, '':15, '':26, '"':37, '':6, '':30, '<unk>':0, '':24, '':16, '':21, '':24, '':4, '':27, '':12, '':24, '<unk>':0, '':8, '':18, '':33, '':29, '':33, '':25, '':12, '':26, '':24, '':15, '':10, '':21, '':25, '':25, '':18, '':32, '':19, '':11, '':24, '':28, '':10, '':21, '':24, '':17, '':22, '':12, '$':39, '':16, '':5, '':4, '':5, '':20, '':30, '':15, '<s>':1, '':23, '':14, '':23 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -61
[1722183371] eval: [ '':23 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 69
[1722183371] last: [ ' the':278, ' universe':19859, ' is':338, '$':39, '':25, '#':38, '':13, '':4, '':13, '!':36, '':15, '':26, '"':37, '':6, '':30, '<unk>':0, '':24, '':16, '':21, '':24, '':4, '':27, '':12, '':24, '<unk>':0, '':8, '':18, '':33, '':29, '':33, '':25, '':12, '':26, '':24, '':15, '':10, '':21, '':25, '':25, '':18, '':32, '':19, '':11, '':24, '':28, '':10, '':21, '':24, '':17, '':22, '':12, '$':39, '':16, '':5, '':4, '':5, '':20, '':30, '':15, '<s>':1, '':23, '':14, '':23, '':5 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -62
[1722183371] eval: [ '':5 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 70
[1722183371] last: [ ' universe':19859, ' is':338, '$':39, '':25, '#':38, '':13, '':4, '':13, '!':36, '':15, '':26, '"':37, '':6, '':30, '<unk>':0, '':24, '':16, '':21, '':24, '':4, '':27, '':12, '':24, '<unk>':0, '':8, '':18, '':33, '':29, '':33, '':25, '':12, '':26, '':24, '':15, '':10, '':21, '':25, '':25, '':18, '':32, '':19, '':11, '':24, '':28, '':10, '':21, '':24, '':17, '':22, '':12, '$':39, '':16, '':5, '':4, '':5, '':20, '':30, '':15, '<s>':1, '':23, '':14, '':23, '':5, '':19 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -63
[1722183371] eval: [ '':19 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 71
[1722183371] last: [ ' is':338, '$':39, '':25, '#':38, '':13, '':4, '':13, '!':36, '':15, '':26, '"':37, '':6, '':30, '<unk>':0, '':24, '':16, '':21, '':24, '':4, '':27, '':12, '':24, '<unk>':0, '':8, '':18, '':33, '':29, '':33, '':25, '':12, '':26, '':24, '':15, '':10, '':21, '':25, '':25, '':18, '':32, '':19, '':11, '':24, '':28, '':10, '':21, '':24, '':17, '':22, '':12, '$':39, '':16, '':5, '':4, '':5, '':20, '':30, '':15, '<s>':1, '':23, '':14, '':23, '':5, '':19, '':28 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -64
[1722183371] eval: [ '':28 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 72
[1722183371] last: [ '$':39, '':25, '#':38, '':13, '':4, '':13, '!':36, '':15, '':26, '"':37, '':6, '':30, '<unk>':0, '':24, '':16, '':21, '':24, '':4, '':27, '':12, '':24, '<unk>':0, '':8, '':18, '':33, '':29, '':33, '':25, '':12, '':26, '':24, '':15, '':10, '':21, '':25, '':25, '':18, '':32, '':19, '':11, '':24, '':28, '':10, '':21, '':24, '':17, '':22, '':12, '$':39, '':16, '':5, '':4, '':5, '':20, '':30, '':15, '<s>':1, '':23, '':14, '':23, '':5, '':19, '':28, '<unk>':0 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -65
[1722183371] eval: [ '<unk>':0 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 73
[1722183371] last: [ '':25, '#':38, '':13, '':4, '':13, '!':36, '':15, '':26, '"':37, '':6, '':30, '<unk>':0, '':24, '':16, '':21, '':24, '':4, '':27, '':12, '':24, '<unk>':0, '':8, '':18, '':33, '':29, '':33, '':25, '':12, '':26, '':24, '':15, '':10, '':21, '':25, '':25, '':18, '':32, '':19, '':11, '':24, '':28, '':10, '':21, '':24, '':17, '':22, '':12, '$':39, '':16, '':5, '':4, '':5, '':20, '':30, '':15, '<s>':1, '':23, '':14, '':23, '':5, '':19, '':28, '<unk>':0, '':19 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -66
[1722183371] eval: [ '':19 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 74
[1722183371] last: [ '#':38, '':13, '':4, '':13, '!':36, '':15, '':26, '"':37, '':6, '':30, '<unk>':0, '':24, '':16, '':21, '':24, '':4, '':27, '':12, '':24, '<unk>':0, '':8, '':18, '':33, '':29, '':33, '':25, '':12, '':26, '':24, '':15, '':10, '':21, '':25, '':25, '':18, '':32, '':19, '':11, '':24, '':28, '':10, '':21, '':24, '':17, '':22, '':12, '$':39, '':16, '':5, '':4, '':5, '':20, '':30, '':15, '<s>':1, '':23, '':14, '':23, '':5, '':19, '':28, '<unk>':0, '':19, '':19 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -67
[1722183371] eval: [ '':19 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 75
[1722183371] last: [ '':13, '':4, '':13, '!':36, '':15, '':26, '"':37, '':6, '':30, '<unk>':0, '':24, '':16, '':21, '':24, '':4, '':27, '':12, '':24, '<unk>':0, '':8, '':18, '':33, '':29, '':33, '':25, '':12, '':26, '':24, '':15, '':10, '':21, '':25, '':25, '':18, '':32, '':19, '':11, '':24, '':28, '':10, '':21, '':24, '':17, '':22, '':12, '$':39, '':16, '':5, '':4, '':5, '':20, '':30, '':15, '<s>':1, '':23, '':14, '':23, '':5, '':19, '':28, '<unk>':0, '':19, '':19, '':8 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -68
[1722183371] eval: [ '':8 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 76
[1722183371] last: [ '':4, '':13, '!':36, '':15, '':26, '"':37, '':6, '':30, '<unk>':0, '':24, '':16, '':21, '':24, '':4, '':27, '':12, '':24, '<unk>':0, '':8, '':18, '':33, '':29, '':33, '':25, '':12, '':26, '':24, '':15, '':10, '':21, '':25, '':25, '':18, '':32, '':19, '':11, '':24, '':28, '':10, '':21, '':24, '':17, '':22, '':12, '$':39, '':16, '':5, '':4, '':5, '':20, '':30, '':15, '<s>':1, '':23, '':14, '':23, '':5, '':19, '':28, '<unk>':0, '':19, '':19, '':8, '':16 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -69
[1722183371] eval: [ '':16 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 77
[1722183371] last: [ '':13, '!':36, '':15, '':26, '"':37, '':6, '':30, '<unk>':0, '':24, '':16, '':21, '':24, '':4, '':27, '':12, '':24, '<unk>':0, '':8, '':18, '':33, '':29, '':33, '':25, '':12, '':26, '':24, '':15, '':10, '':21, '':25, '':25, '':18, '':32, '':19, '':11, '':24, '':28, '':10, '':21, '':24, '':17, '':22, '':12, '$':39, '':16, '':5, '':4, '':5, '':20, '':30, '':15, '<s>':1, '':23, '':14, '':23, '':5, '':19, '':28, '<unk>':0, '':19, '':19, '':8, '':16, '$':39 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -70
[1722183371] eval: [ '$':39 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 78
[1722183371] last: [ '!':36, '':15, '':26, '"':37, '':6, '':30, '<unk>':0, '':24, '':16, '':21, '':24, '':4, '':27, '':12, '':24, '<unk>':0, '':8, '':18, '':33, '':29, '':33, '':25, '':12, '':26, '':24, '':15, '':10, '':21, '':25, '':25, '':18, '':32, '':19, '':11, '':24, '':28, '':10, '':21, '':24, '':17, '':22, '':12, '$':39, '':16, '':5, '':4, '':5, '':20, '':30, '':15, '<s>':1, '':23, '':14, '':23, '':5, '':19, '':28, '<unk>':0, '':19, '':19, '':8, '':16, '$':39, '"':37 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -71
[1722183371] eval: [ '"':37 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 79
[1722183371] last: [ '':15, '':26, '"':37, '':6, '':30, '<unk>':0, '':24, '':16, '':21, '':24, '':4, '':27, '':12, '':24, '<unk>':0, '':8, '':18, '':33, '':29, '':33, '':25, '':12, '':26, '':24, '':15, '':10, '':21, '':25, '':25, '':18, '':32, '':19, '':11, '':24, '':28, '':10, '':21, '':24, '':17, '':22, '':12, '$':39, '':16, '':5, '':4, '':5, '':20, '':30, '':15, '<s>':1, '':23, '':14, '':23, '':5, '':19, '':28, '<unk>':0, '':19, '':19, '':8, '':16, '$':39, '"':37, '':18 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -72
[1722183371] eval: [ '':18 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 80
[1722183371] last: [ '':26, '"':37, '':6, '':30, '<unk>':0, '':24, '':16, '':21, '':24, '':4, '':27, '':12, '':24, '<unk>':0, '':8, '':18, '':33, '':29, '':33, '':25, '':12, '':26, '':24, '':15, '':10, '':21, '':25, '':25, '':18, '':32, '':19, '':11, '':24, '':28, '':10, '':21, '':24, '':17, '':22, '':12, '$':39, '':16, '':5, '':4, '':5, '':20, '':30, '':15, '<s>':1, '':23, '':14, '':23, '':5, '':19, '':28, '<unk>':0, '':19, '':19, '':8, '':16, '$':39, '"':37, '':18, ' ':35 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -73
[1722183371] eval: [ ' ':35 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 81
[1722183371] last: [ '"':37, '':6, '':30, '<unk>':0, '':24, '':16, '':21, '':24, '':4, '':27, '':12, '':24, '<unk>':0, '':8, '':18, '':33, '':29, '':33, '':25, '':12, '':26, '':24, '':15, '':10, '':21, '':25, '':25, '':18, '':32, '':19, '':11, '':24, '':28, '':10, '':21, '':24, '':17, '':22, '':12, '$':39, '':16, '':5, '':4, '':5, '':20, '':30, '':15, '<s>':1, '':23, '':14, '':23, '':5, '':19, '':28, '<unk>':0, '':19, '':19, '':8, '':16, '$':39, '"':37, '':18, ' ':35, '':5 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -74
[1722183371] eval: [ '':5 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 82
[1722183371] last: [ '':6, '':30, '<unk>':0, '':24, '':16, '':21, '':24, '':4, '':27, '':12, '':24, '<unk>':0, '':8, '':18, '':33, '':29, '':33, '':25, '':12, '':26, '':24, '':15, '':10, '':21, '':25, '':25, '':18, '':32, '':19, '':11, '':24, '':28, '':10, '':21, '':24, '':17, '':22, '':12, '$':39, '':16, '':5, '':4, '':5, '':20, '':30, '':15, '<s>':1, '':23, '':14, '':23, '':5, '':19, '':28, '<unk>':0, '':19, '':19, '':8, '':16, '$':39, '"':37, '':18, ' ':35, '':5, '<s>':1 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -75
[1722183371] eval: [ '<s>':1 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 83
[1722183371] last: [ '':30, '<unk>':0, '':24, '':16, '':21, '':24, '':4, '':27, '':12, '':24, '<unk>':0, '':8, '':18, '':33, '':29, '':33, '':25, '':12, '':26, '':24, '':15, '':10, '':21, '':25, '':25, '':18, '':32, '':19, '':11, '':24, '':28, '':10, '':21, '':24, '':17, '':22, '':12, '$':39, '':16, '':5, '':4, '':5, '':20, '':30, '':15, '<s>':1, '':23, '':14, '':23, '':5, '':19, '':28, '<unk>':0, '':19, '':19, '':8, '':16, '$':39, '"':37, '':18, ' ':35, '':5, '<s>':1, '#':38 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -76
[1722183371] eval: [ '#':38 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 84
[1722183371] last: [ '<unk>':0, '':24, '':16, '':21, '':24, '':4, '':27, '':12, '':24, '<unk>':0, '':8, '':18, '':33, '':29, '':33, '':25, '':12, '':26, '':24, '':15, '':10, '':21, '':25, '':25, '':18, '':32, '':19, '':11, '':24, '':28, '':10, '':21, '':24, '':17, '':22, '':12, '$':39, '':16, '':5, '':4, '':5, '':20, '':30, '':15, '<s>':1, '':23, '':14, '':23, '':5, '':19, '':28, '<unk>':0, '':19, '':19, '':8, '':16, '$':39, '"':37, '':18, ' ':35, '':5, '<s>':1, '#':38, '<unk>':0 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -77
[1722183371] eval: [ '<unk>':0 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 85
[1722183371] last: [ '':24, '':16, '':21, '':24, '':4, '':27, '':12, '':24, '<unk>':0, '':8, '':18, '':33, '':29, '':33, '':25, '':12, '':26, '':24, '':15, '':10, '':21, '':25, '':25, '':18, '':32, '':19, '':11, '':24, '':28, '':10, '':21, '':24, '':17, '':22, '':12, '$':39, '':16, '':5, '':4, '':5, '':20, '':30, '':15, '<s>':1, '':23, '':14, '':23, '':5, '':19, '':28, '<unk>':0, '':19, '':19, '':8, '':16, '$':39, '"':37, '':18, ' ':35, '':5, '<s>':1, '#':38, '<unk>':0, '':15 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -78
[1722183371] eval: [ '':15 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 86
[1722183371] last: [ '':16, '':21, '':24, '':4, '':27, '':12, '':24, '<unk>':0, '':8, '':18, '':33, '':29, '':33, '':25, '':12, '':26, '':24, '':15, '':10, '':21, '':25, '':25, '':18, '':32, '':19, '':11, '':24, '':28, '':10, '':21, '':24, '':17, '':22, '':12, '$':39, '':16, '':5, '':4, '':5, '':20, '':30, '':15, '<s>':1, '':23, '':14, '':23, '':5, '':19, '':28, '<unk>':0, '':19, '':19, '':8, '':16, '$':39, '"':37, '':18, ' ':35, '':5, '<s>':1, '#':38, '<unk>':0, '':15, '':33 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -79
[1722183371] eval: [ '':33 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 87
[1722183371] last: [ '':21, '':24, '':4, '':27, '':12, '':24, '<unk>':0, '':8, '':18, '':33, '':29, '':33, '':25, '':12, '':26, '':24, '':15, '':10, '':21, '':25, '':25, '':18, '':32, '':19, '':11, '':24, '':28, '':10, '':21, '':24, '':17, '':22, '':12, '$':39, '':16, '':5, '':4, '':5, '':20, '':30, '':15, '<s>':1, '':23, '':14, '':23, '':5, '':19, '':28, '<unk>':0, '':19, '':19, '':8, '':16, '$':39, '"':37, '':18, ' ':35, '':5, '<s>':1, '#':38, '<unk>':0, '':15, '':33, '':24 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -80
[1722183371] eval: [ '':24 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 88
[1722183371] last: [ '':24, '':4, '':27, '':12, '':24, '<unk>':0, '':8, '':18, '':33, '':29, '':33, '':25, '':12, '':26, '':24, '':15, '':10, '':21, '':25, '':25, '':18, '':32, '':19, '':11, '':24, '':28, '':10, '':21, '':24, '':17, '':22, '':12, '$':39, '':16, '':5, '':4, '':5, '':20, '':30, '':15, '<s>':1, '':23, '':14, '':23, '':5, '':19, '':28, '<unk>':0, '':19, '':19, '':8, '':16, '$':39, '"':37, '':18, ' ':35, '':5, '<s>':1, '#':38, '<unk>':0, '':15, '':33, '':24, '':22 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -81
[1722183371] eval: [ '':22 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 89
[1722183371] last: [ '':4, '':27, '':12, '':24, '<unk>':0, '':8, '':18, '':33, '':29, '':33, '':25, '':12, '':26, '':24, '':15, '':10, '':21, '':25, '':25, '':18, '':32, '':19, '':11, '':24, '':28, '':10, '':21, '':24, '':17, '':22, '':12, '$':39, '':16, '':5, '':4, '':5, '':20, '':30, '':15, '<s>':1, '':23, '':14, '':23, '':5, '':19, '':28, '<unk>':0, '':19, '':19, '':8, '':16, '$':39, '"':37, '':18, ' ':35, '':5, '<s>':1, '#':38, '<unk>':0, '':15, '':33, '':24, '':22, '':6 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -82
[1722183371] eval: [ '':6 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 90
[1722183371] last: [ '':27, '':12, '':24, '<unk>':0, '':8, '':18, '':33, '':29, '':33, '':25, '':12, '':26, '':24, '':15, '':10, '':21, '':25, '':25, '':18, '':32, '':19, '':11, '':24, '':28, '':10, '':21, '':24, '':17, '':22, '':12, '$':39, '':16, '':5, '':4, '':5, '':20, '':30, '':15, '<s>':1, '':23, '':14, '':23, '':5, '':19, '':28, '<unk>':0, '':19, '':19, '':8, '':16, '$':39, '"':37, '':18, ' ':35, '':5, '<s>':1, '#':38, '<unk>':0, '':15, '':33, '':24, '':22, '':6, '':13 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -83
[1722183371] eval: [ '':13 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 91
[1722183371] last: [ '':12, '':24, '<unk>':0, '':8, '':18, '':33, '':29, '':33, '':25, '':12, '':26, '':24, '':15, '':10, '':21, '':25, '':25, '':18, '':32, '':19, '':11, '':24, '':28, '':10, '':21, '':24, '':17, '':22, '':12, '$':39, '':16, '':5, '':4, '':5, '':20, '':30, '':15, '<s>':1, '':23, '':14, '':23, '':5, '':19, '':28, '<unk>':0, '':19, '':19, '':8, '':16, '$':39, '"':37, '':18, ' ':35, '':5, '<s>':1, '#':38, '<unk>':0, '':15, '':33, '':24, '':22, '':6, '':13, '<unk>':0 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -84
[1722183371] eval: [ '<unk>':0 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 92
[1722183371] last: [ '':24, '<unk>':0, '':8, '':18, '':33, '':29, '':33, '':25, '':12, '':26, '':24, '':15, '':10, '':21, '':25, '':25, '':18, '':32, '':19, '':11, '':24, '':28, '':10, '':21, '':24, '':17, '':22, '':12, '$':39, '':16, '':5, '':4, '':5, '':20, '':30, '':15, '<s>':1, '':23, '':14, '':23, '':5, '':19, '':28, '<unk>':0, '':19, '':19, '':8, '':16, '$':39, '"':37, '':18, ' ':35, '':5, '<s>':1, '#':38, '<unk>':0, '':15, '':33, '':24, '':22, '':6, '':13, '<unk>':0, '':10 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -85
[1722183371] eval: [ '':10 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 93
[1722183371] last: [ '<unk>':0, '':8, '':18, '':33, '':29, '':33, '':25, '':12, '':26, '':24, '':15, '':10, '':21, '':25, '':25, '':18, '':32, '':19, '':11, '':24, '':28, '':10, '':21, '':24, '':17, '':22, '':12, '$':39, '':16, '':5, '':4, '':5, '':20, '':30, '':15, '<s>':1, '':23, '':14, '':23, '':5, '':19, '':28, '<unk>':0, '':19, '':19, '':8, '':16, '$':39, '"':37, '':18, ' ':35, '':5, '<s>':1, '#':38, '<unk>':0, '':15, '':33, '':24, '':22, '':6, '':13, '<unk>':0, '':10, '!':36 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -86
[1722183371] eval: [ '!':36 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 94
[1722183371] last: [ '':8, '':18, '':33, '':29, '':33, '':25, '':12, '':26, '':24, '':15, '':10, '':21, '':25, '':25, '':18, '':32, '':19, '':11, '':24, '':28, '':10, '':21, '':24, '':17, '':22, '':12, '$':39, '':16, '':5, '':4, '':5, '':20, '':30, '':15, '<s>':1, '':23, '':14, '':23, '':5, '':19, '':28, '<unk>':0, '':19, '':19, '':8, '':16, '$':39, '"':37, '':18, ' ':35, '':5, '<s>':1, '#':38, '<unk>':0, '':15, '':33, '':24, '':22, '':6, '':13, '<unk>':0, '':10, '!':36, '':3 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -87
[1722183371] eval: [ '':3 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 95
[1722183371] last: [ '':18, '':33, '':29, '':33, '':25, '':12, '':26, '':24, '':15, '':10, '':21, '':25, '':25, '':18, '':32, '':19, '':11, '':24, '':28, '':10, '':21, '':24, '':17, '':22, '':12, '$':39, '':16, '':5, '':4, '':5, '':20, '':30, '':15, '<s>':1, '':23, '':14, '':23, '':5, '':19, '':28, '<unk>':0, '':19, '':19, '':8, '':16, '$':39, '"':37, '':18, ' ':35, '':5, '<s>':1, '#':38, '<unk>':0, '':15, '':33, '':24, '':22, '':6, '':13, '<unk>':0, '':10, '!':36, '':3, '':10 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -88
[1722183371] eval: [ '':10 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 96
[1722183371] last: [ '':33, '':29, '':33, '':25, '':12, '':26, '':24, '':15, '':10, '':21, '':25, '':25, '':18, '':32, '':19, '':11, '':24, '':28, '':10, '':21, '':24, '':17, '':22, '':12, '$':39, '':16, '':5, '':4, '':5, '':20, '':30, '':15, '<s>':1, '':23, '':14, '':23, '':5, '':19, '':28, '<unk>':0, '':19, '':19, '':8, '':16, '$':39, '"':37, '':18, ' ':35, '':5, '<s>':1, '#':38, '<unk>':0, '':15, '':33, '':24, '':22, '':6, '':13, '<unk>':0, '':10, '!':36, '':3, '':10, '':11 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -89
[1722183371] eval: [ '':11 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 97
[1722183371] last: [ '':29, '':33, '':25, '':12, '':26, '':24, '':15, '':10, '':21, '':25, '':25, '':18, '':32, '':19, '':11, '':24, '':28, '':10, '':21, '':24, '':17, '':22, '':12, '$':39, '':16, '':5, '':4, '':5, '':20, '':30, '':15, '<s>':1, '':23, '':14, '':23, '':5, '':19, '':28, '<unk>':0, '':19, '':19, '':8, '':16, '$':39, '"':37, '':18, ' ':35, '':5, '<s>':1, '#':38, '<unk>':0, '':15, '':33, '':24, '':22, '':6, '':13, '<unk>':0, '':10, '!':36, '':3, '':10, '':11, '':18 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -90
[1722183371] eval: [ '':18 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 98
[1722183371] last: [ '':33, '':25, '':12, '':26, '':24, '':15, '':10, '':21, '':25, '':25, '':18, '':32, '':19, '':11, '':24, '':28, '':10, '':21, '':24, '':17, '':22, '':12, '$':39, '':16, '':5, '':4, '':5, '':20, '':30, '':15, '<s>':1, '':23, '':14, '':23, '':5, '':19, '':28, '<unk>':0, '':19, '':19, '':8, '':16, '$':39, '"':37, '':18, ' ':35, '':5, '<s>':1, '#':38, '<unk>':0, '':15, '':33, '':24, '':22, '':6, '':13, '<unk>':0, '':10, '!':36, '':3, '':10, '':11, '':18, '':26 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -91
[1722183371] eval: [ '':26 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 99
[1722183371] last: [ '':25, '':12, '':26, '':24, '':15, '':10, '':21, '':25, '':25, '':18, '':32, '':19, '':11, '':24, '':28, '':10, '':21, '':24, '':17, '':22, '':12, '$':39, '':16, '':5, '':4, '':5, '':20, '':30, '':15, '<s>':1, '':23, '':14, '':23, '':5, '':19, '':28, '<unk>':0, '':19, '':19, '':8, '':16, '$':39, '"':37, '':18, ' ':35, '':5, '<s>':1, '#':38, '<unk>':0, '':15, '':33, '':24, '':22, '':6, '':13, '<unk>':0, '':10, '!':36, '':3, '':10, '':11, '':18, '':26, '"':37 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -92
[1722183371] eval: [ '"':37 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 100
[1722183371] last: [ '':12, '':26, '':24, '':15, '':10, '':21, '':25, '':25, '':18, '':32, '':19, '':11, '':24, '':28, '':10, '':21, '':24, '':17, '':22, '':12, '$':39, '':16, '':5, '':4, '':5, '':20, '':30, '':15, '<s>':1, '':23, '':14, '':23, '':5, '':19, '':28, '<unk>':0, '':19, '':19, '':8, '':16, '$':39, '"':37, '':18, ' ':35, '':5, '<s>':1, '#':38, '<unk>':0, '':15, '':33, '':24, '':22, '':6, '':13, '<unk>':0, '':10, '!':36, '':3, '':10, '':11, '':18, '':26, '"':37, '':20 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -93
[1722183371] eval: [ '':20 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 101
[1722183371] last: [ '':26, '':24, '':15, '':10, '':21, '':25, '':25, '':18, '':32, '':19, '':11, '':24, '':28, '':10, '':21, '':24, '':17, '':22, '':12, '$':39, '':16, '':5, '':4, '':5, '':20, '':30, '':15, '<s>':1, '':23, '':14, '':23, '':5, '':19, '':28, '<unk>':0, '':19, '':19, '':8, '':16, '$':39, '"':37, '':18, ' ':35, '':5, '<s>':1, '#':38, '<unk>':0, '':15, '':33, '':24, '':22, '':6, '':13, '<unk>':0, '':10, '!':36, '':3, '':10, '':11, '':18, '':26, '"':37, '':20, '':14 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -94
[1722183371] eval: [ '':14 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 102
[1722183371] last: [ '':24, '':15, '':10, '':21, '':25, '':25, '':18, '':32, '':19, '':11, '':24, '':28, '':10, '':21, '':24, '':17, '':22, '':12, '$':39, '':16, '':5, '':4, '':5, '':20, '':30, '':15, '<s>':1, '':23, '':14, '':23, '':5, '':19, '':28, '<unk>':0, '':19, '':19, '':8, '':16, '$':39, '"':37, '':18, ' ':35, '':5, '<s>':1, '#':38, '<unk>':0, '':15, '':33, '':24, '':22, '':6, '':13, '<unk>':0, '':10, '!':36, '':3, '':10, '':11, '':18, '':26, '"':37, '':20, '':14, '':20 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -95
[1722183371] eval: [ '':20 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 103
[1722183371] last: [ '':15, '':10, '':21, '':25, '':25, '':18, '':32, '':19, '':11, '':24, '':28, '':10, '':21, '':24, '':17, '':22, '':12, '$':39, '':16, '':5, '':4, '':5, '':20, '':30, '':15, '<s>':1, '':23, '':14, '':23, '':5, '':19, '':28, '<unk>':0, '':19, '':19, '':8, '':16, '$':39, '"':37, '':18, ' ':35, '':5, '<s>':1, '#':38, '<unk>':0, '':15, '':33, '':24, '':22, '':6, '':13, '<unk>':0, '':10, '!':36, '':3, '':10, '':11, '':18, '':26, '"':37, '':20, '':14, '':20, '$':39 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -96
[1722183371] eval: [ '$':39 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 104
[1722183371] last: [ '':10, '':21, '':25, '':25, '':18, '':32, '':19, '':11, '':24, '':28, '':10, '':21, '':24, '':17, '':22, '':12, '$':39, '':16, '':5, '':4, '':5, '':20, '':30, '':15, '<s>':1, '':23, '':14, '':23, '':5, '':19, '':28, '<unk>':0, '':19, '':19, '':8, '':16, '$':39, '"':37, '':18, ' ':35, '':5, '<s>':1, '#':38, '<unk>':0, '':15, '':33, '':24, '':22, '':6, '':13, '<unk>':0, '':10, '!':36, '':3, '':10, '':11, '':18, '':26, '"':37, '':20, '':14, '':20, '$':39, '':17 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -97
[1722183371] eval: [ '':17 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 105
[1722183371] last: [ '':21, '':25, '':25, '':18, '':32, '':19, '':11, '':24, '':28, '':10, '':21, '':24, '':17, '':22, '':12, '$':39, '':16, '':5, '':4, '':5, '':20, '':30, '':15, '<s>':1, '':23, '':14, '':23, '':5, '':19, '':28, '<unk>':0, '':19, '':19, '':8, '':16, '$':39, '"':37, '':18, ' ':35, '':5, '<s>':1, '#':38, '<unk>':0, '':15, '':33, '':24, '':22, '':6, '':13, '<unk>':0, '':10, '!':36, '':3, '':10, '':11, '':18, '':26, '"':37, '':20, '':14, '':20, '$':39, '':17, '':18 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -98
[1722183371] eval: [ '':18 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 106
[1722183371] last: [ '':25, '':25, '':18, '':32, '':19, '':11, '':24, '':28, '':10, '':21, '':24, '':17, '':22, '':12, '$':39, '':16, '':5, '':4, '':5, '':20, '':30, '':15, '<s>':1, '':23, '':14, '':23, '':5, '':19, '':28, '<unk>':0, '':19, '':19, '':8, '':16, '$':39, '"':37, '':18, ' ':35, '':5, '<s>':1, '#':38, '<unk>':0, '':15, '':33, '':24, '':22, '':6, '':13, '<unk>':0, '':10, '!':36, '':3, '':10, '':11, '':18, '':26, '"':37, '':20, '':14, '':20, '$':39, '':17, '':18, '':3 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -99
[1722183371] eval: [ '':3 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 107
[1722183371] last: [ '':25, '':18, '':32, '':19, '':11, '':24, '':28, '':10, '':21, '':24, '':17, '':22, '':12, '$':39, '':16, '':5, '':4, '':5, '':20, '':30, '':15, '<s>':1, '':23, '':14, '':23, '':5, '':19, '':28, '<unk>':0, '':19, '':19, '':8, '':16, '$':39, '"':37, '':18, ' ':35, '':5, '<s>':1, '#':38, '<unk>':0, '':15, '':33, '':24, '':22, '':6, '':13, '<unk>':0, '':10, '!':36, '':3, '':10, '':11, '':18, '':26, '"':37, '':20, '':14, '':20, '$':39, '':17, '':18, '':3, '<s>':1 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -100
[1722183371] eval: [ '<s>':1 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 108
[1722183371] last: [ '':18, '':32, '':19, '':11, '':24, '':28, '':10, '':21, '':24, '':17, '':22, '':12, '$':39, '':16, '':5, '':4, '':5, '':20, '':30, '':15, '<s>':1, '':23, '':14, '':23, '':5, '':19, '':28, '<unk>':0, '':19, '':19, '':8, '':16, '$':39, '"':37, '':18, ' ':35, '':5, '<s>':1, '#':38, '<unk>':0, '':15, '':33, '':24, '':22, '':6, '':13, '<unk>':0, '':10, '!':36, '':3, '':10, '':11, '':18, '':26, '"':37, '':20, '':14, '':20, '$':39, '':17, '':18, '':3, '<s>':1, '':9 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -101
[1722183371] eval: [ '':9 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 109
[1722183371] last: [ '':32, '':19, '':11, '':24, '':28, '':10, '':21, '':24, '':17, '':22, '':12, '$':39, '':16, '':5, '':4, '':5, '':20, '':30, '':15, '<s>':1, '':23, '':14, '':23, '':5, '':19, '':28, '<unk>':0, '':19, '':19, '':8, '':16, '$':39, '"':37, '':18, ' ':35, '':5, '<s>':1, '#':38, '<unk>':0, '':15, '':33, '':24, '':22, '':6, '':13, '<unk>':0, '':10, '!':36, '':3, '':10, '':11, '':18, '':26, '"':37, '':20, '':14, '':20, '$':39, '':17, '':18, '':3, '<s>':1, '':9, '':7 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -102
[1722183371] eval: [ '':7 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 110
[1722183371] last: [ '':19, '':11, '':24, '':28, '':10, '':21, '':24, '':17, '':22, '':12, '$':39, '':16, '':5, '':4, '':5, '':20, '':30, '':15, '<s>':1, '':23, '':14, '':23, '':5, '':19, '':28, '<unk>':0, '':19, '':19, '':8, '':16, '$':39, '"':37, '':18, ' ':35, '':5, '<s>':1, '#':38, '<unk>':0, '':15, '':33, '':24, '':22, '':6, '':13, '<unk>':0, '':10, '!':36, '':3, '':10, '':11, '':18, '':26, '"':37, '':20, '':14, '':20, '$':39, '':17, '':18, '':3, '<s>':1, '':9, '':7, '':15 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -103
[1722183371] eval: [ '':15 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 111
[1722183371] last: [ '':11, '':24, '':28, '':10, '':21, '':24, '':17, '':22, '':12, '$':39, '':16, '':5, '':4, '':5, '':20, '':30, '':15, '<s>':1, '':23, '':14, '':23, '':5, '':19, '':28, '<unk>':0, '':19, '':19, '':8, '':16, '$':39, '"':37, '':18, ' ':35, '':5, '<s>':1, '#':38, '<unk>':0, '':15, '':33, '':24, '':22, '':6, '':13, '<unk>':0, '':10, '!':36, '':3, '':10, '':11, '':18, '':26, '"':37, '':20, '':14, '':20, '$':39, '':17, '':18, '':3, '<s>':1, '':9, '':7, '':15, '':4 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -104
[1722183371] eval: [ '':4 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 112
[1722183371] last: [ '':24, '':28, '':10, '':21, '':24, '':17, '':22, '':12, '$':39, '':16, '':5, '':4, '':5, '':20, '':30, '':15, '<s>':1, '':23, '':14, '':23, '':5, '':19, '':28, '<unk>':0, '':19, '':19, '':8, '':16, '$':39, '"':37, '':18, ' ':35, '':5, '<s>':1, '#':38, '<unk>':0, '':15, '':33, '':24, '':22, '':6, '':13, '<unk>':0, '':10, '!':36, '':3, '':10, '':11, '':18, '':26, '"':37, '':20, '':14, '':20, '$':39, '':17, '':18, '':3, '<s>':1, '':9, '':7, '':15, '':4, '':30 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -105
[1722183371] eval: [ '':30 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 113
[1722183371] last: [ '':28, '':10, '':21, '':24, '':17, '':22, '':12, '$':39, '':16, '':5, '':4, '':5, '':20, '':30, '':15, '<s>':1, '':23, '':14, '':23, '':5, '':19, '':28, '<unk>':0, '':19, '':19, '':8, '':16, '$':39, '"':37, '':18, ' ':35, '':5, '<s>':1, '#':38, '<unk>':0, '':15, '':33, '':24, '':22, '':6, '':13, '<unk>':0, '':10, '!':36, '':3, '':10, '':11, '':18, '':26, '"':37, '':20, '':14, '':20, '$':39, '':17, '':18, '':3, '<s>':1, '':9, '':7, '':15, '':4, '':30, '':19 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -106
[1722183371] eval: [ '':19 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 114
[1722183371] last: [ '':10, '':21, '':24, '':17, '':22, '':12, '$':39, '':16, '':5, '':4, '':5, '':20, '':30, '':15, '<s>':1, '':23, '':14, '':23, '':5, '':19, '':28, '<unk>':0, '':19, '':19, '':8, '':16, '$':39, '"':37, '':18, ' ':35, '':5, '<s>':1, '#':38, '<unk>':0, '':15, '':33, '':24, '':22, '':6, '':13, '<unk>':0, '':10, '!':36, '':3, '':10, '':11, '':18, '':26, '"':37, '':20, '':14, '':20, '$':39, '':17, '':18, '':3, '<s>':1, '':9, '':7, '':15, '':4, '':30, '':19, '':32 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -107
[1722183371] eval: [ '':32 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 115
[1722183371] last: [ '':21, '':24, '':17, '':22, '':12, '$':39, '':16, '':5, '':4, '':5, '':20, '':30, '':15, '<s>':1, '':23, '':14, '':23, '':5, '':19, '':28, '<unk>':0, '':19, '':19, '':8, '':16, '$':39, '"':37, '':18, ' ':35, '':5, '<s>':1, '#':38, '<unk>':0, '':15, '':33, '':24, '':22, '':6, '':13, '<unk>':0, '':10, '!':36, '':3, '':10, '':11, '':18, '':26, '"':37, '':20, '':14, '':20, '$':39, '':17, '':18, '':3, '<s>':1, '':9, '':7, '':15, '':4, '':30, '':19, '':32, '':28 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -108
[1722183371] eval: [ '':28 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 116
[1722183371] last: [ '':24, '':17, '':22, '':12, '$':39, '':16, '':5, '':4, '':5, '':20, '':30, '':15, '<s>':1, '':23, '':14, '':23, '':5, '':19, '':28, '<unk>':0, '':19, '':19, '':8, '':16, '$':39, '"':37, '':18, ' ':35, '':5, '<s>':1, '#':38, '<unk>':0, '':15, '':33, '':24, '':22, '':6, '':13, '<unk>':0, '':10, '!':36, '':3, '':10, '':11, '':18, '':26, '"':37, '':20, '':14, '':20, '$':39, '':17, '':18, '':3, '<s>':1, '':9, '':7, '':15, '':4, '':30, '':19, '':32, '':28, '"':37 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -109
[1722183371] eval: [ '"':37 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 117
[1722183371] last: [ '':17, '':22, '':12, '$':39, '':16, '':5, '':4, '':5, '':20, '':30, '':15, '<s>':1, '':23, '':14, '':23, '':5, '':19, '':28, '<unk>':0, '':19, '':19, '':8, '':16, '$':39, '"':37, '':18, ' ':35, '':5, '<s>':1, '#':38, '<unk>':0, '':15, '':33, '':24, '':22, '':6, '':13, '<unk>':0, '':10, '!':36, '':3, '':10, '':11, '':18, '':26, '"':37, '':20, '':14, '':20, '$':39, '':17, '':18, '':3, '<s>':1, '':9, '':7, '':15, '':4, '':30, '':19, '':32, '':28, '"':37, '':11 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -110
[1722183371] eval: [ '':11 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 118
[1722183371] last: [ '':22, '':12, '$':39, '':16, '':5, '':4, '':5, '':20, '':30, '':15, '<s>':1, '':23, '':14, '':23, '':5, '':19, '':28, '<unk>':0, '':19, '':19, '':8, '':16, '$':39, '"':37, '':18, ' ':35, '':5, '<s>':1, '#':38, '<unk>':0, '':15, '':33, '':24, '':22, '':6, '':13, '<unk>':0, '':10, '!':36, '':3, '':10, '':11, '':18, '':26, '"':37, '':20, '':14, '':20, '$':39, '':17, '':18, '':3, '<s>':1, '':9, '':7, '':15, '':4, '':30, '':19, '':32, '':28, '"':37, '':11, '':11 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -111
[1722183371] eval: [ '':11 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 119
[1722183371] last: [ '':12, '$':39, '':16, '':5, '':4, '':5, '':20, '':30, '':15, '<s>':1, '':23, '':14, '':23, '':5, '':19, '':28, '<unk>':0, '':19, '':19, '':8, '':16, '$':39, '"':37, '':18, ' ':35, '':5, '<s>':1, '#':38, '<unk>':0, '':15, '':33, '':24, '':22, '':6, '':13, '<unk>':0, '':10, '!':36, '':3, '':10, '':11, '':18, '':26, '"':37, '':20, '':14, '':20, '$':39, '':17, '':18, '':3, '<s>':1, '':9, '':7, '':15, '':4, '':30, '':19, '':32, '':28, '"':37, '':11, '':11, '':29 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -112
[1722183371] eval: [ '':29 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 120
[1722183371] last: [ '$':39, '':16, '':5, '':4, '':5, '':20, '':30, '':15, '<s>':1, '':23, '':14, '':23, '':5, '':19, '':28, '<unk>':0, '':19, '':19, '':8, '':16, '$':39, '"':37, '':18, ' ':35, '':5, '<s>':1, '#':38, '<unk>':0, '':15, '':33, '':24, '':22, '':6, '':13, '<unk>':0, '':10, '!':36, '':3, '':10, '':11, '':18, '':26, '"':37, '':20, '':14, '':20, '$':39, '':17, '':18, '':3, '<s>':1, '':9, '':7, '':15, '':4, '':30, '':19, '':32, '':28, '"':37, '':11, '':11, '':29, '':19 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -113
[1722183371] eval: [ '':19 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 121
[1722183371] last: [ '':16, '':5, '':4, '':5, '':20, '':30, '':15, '<s>':1, '':23, '':14, '':23, '':5, '':19, '':28, '<unk>':0, '':19, '':19, '':8, '':16, '$':39, '"':37, '':18, ' ':35, '':5, '<s>':1, '#':38, '<unk>':0, '':15, '':33, '':24, '':22, '':6, '':13, '<unk>':0, '':10, '!':36, '':3, '':10, '':11, '':18, '':26, '"':37, '':20, '':14, '':20, '$':39, '':17, '':18, '':3, '<s>':1, '':9, '':7, '':15, '':4, '':30, '':19, '':32, '':28, '"':37, '':11, '':11, '':29, '':19, '':27 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -114
[1722183371] eval: [ '':27 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 122
[1722183371] last: [ '':5, '':4, '':5, '':20, '':30, '':15, '<s>':1, '':23, '':14, '':23, '':5, '':19, '':28, '<unk>':0, '':19, '':19, '':8, '':16, '$':39, '"':37, '':18, ' ':35, '':5, '<s>':1, '#':38, '<unk>':0, '':15, '':33, '':24, '':22, '':6, '':13, '<unk>':0, '':10, '!':36, '':3, '':10, '':11, '':18, '':26, '"':37, '':20, '':14, '':20, '$':39, '':17, '':18, '':3, '<s>':1, '':9, '':7, '':15, '':4, '':30, '':19, '':32, '':28, '"':37, '':11, '':11, '':29, '':19, '':27, '':23 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -115
[1722183371] eval: [ '':23 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 123
[1722183371] last: [ '':4, '':5, '':20, '':30, '':15, '<s>':1, '':23, '':14, '':23, '':5, '':19, '':28, '<unk>':0, '':19, '':19, '':8, '':16, '$':39, '"':37, '':18, ' ':35, '':5, '<s>':1, '#':38, '<unk>':0, '':15, '':33, '':24, '':22, '':6, '':13, '<unk>':0, '':10, '!':36, '':3, '':10, '':11, '':18, '':26, '"':37, '':20, '':14, '':20, '$':39, '':17, '':18, '':3, '<s>':1, '':9, '':7, '':15, '':4, '':30, '':19, '':32, '':28, '"':37, '':11, '':11, '':29, '':19, '':27, '':23, '':24 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -116
[1722183371] eval: [ '':24 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 124
[1722183371] last: [ '':5, '':20, '':30, '':15, '<s>':1, '':23, '':14, '':23, '':5, '':19, '':28, '<unk>':0, '':19, '':19, '':8, '':16, '$':39, '"':37, '':18, ' ':35, '':5, '<s>':1, '#':38, '<unk>':0, '':15, '':33, '':24, '':22, '':6, '':13, '<unk>':0, '':10, '!':36, '':3, '':10, '':11, '':18, '':26, '"':37, '':20, '':14, '':20, '$':39, '':17, '':18, '':3, '<s>':1, '':9, '':7, '':15, '':4, '':30, '':19, '':32, '':28, '"':37, '':11, '':11, '':29, '':19, '':27, '':23, '':24, '':21 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -117
[1722183371] eval: [ '':21 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 125
[1722183371] last: [ '':20, '':30, '':15, '<s>':1, '':23, '':14, '':23, '':5, '':19, '':28, '<unk>':0, '':19, '':19, '':8, '':16, '$':39, '"':37, '':18, ' ':35, '':5, '<s>':1, '#':38, '<unk>':0, '':15, '':33, '':24, '':22, '':6, '':13, '<unk>':0, '':10, '!':36, '':3, '':10, '':11, '':18, '':26, '"':37, '':20, '':14, '':20, '$':39, '':17, '':18, '':3, '<s>':1, '':9, '':7, '':15, '':4, '':30, '':19, '':32, '':28, '"':37, '':11, '':11, '':29, '':19, '':27, '':23, '':24, '':21, '':15 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -118
[1722183371] eval: [ '':15 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 126
[1722183371] last: [ '':30, '':15, '<s>':1, '':23, '':14, '':23, '':5, '':19, '':28, '<unk>':0, '':19, '':19, '':8, '':16, '$':39, '"':37, '':18, ' ':35, '':5, '<s>':1, '#':38, '<unk>':0, '':15, '':33, '':24, '':22, '':6, '':13, '<unk>':0, '':10, '!':36, '':3, '':10, '':11, '':18, '':26, '"':37, '':20, '':14, '':20, '$':39, '':17, '':18, '':3, '<s>':1, '':9, '':7, '':15, '':4, '':30, '':19, '':32, '':28, '"':37, '':11, '':11, '':29, '':19, '':27, '':23, '':24, '':21, '':15, '':19 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -119
[1722183371] eval: [ '':19 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 127
[1722183371] last: [ '':15, '<s>':1, '':23, '':14, '':23, '':5, '':19, '':28, '<unk>':0, '':19, '':19, '':8, '':16, '$':39, '"':37, '':18, ' ':35, '':5, '<s>':1, '#':38, '<unk>':0, '':15, '':33, '':24, '':22, '':6, '':13, '<unk>':0, '':10, '!':36, '':3, '':10, '':11, '':18, '':26, '"':37, '':20, '':14, '':20, '$':39, '':17, '':18, '':3, '<s>':1, '':9, '':7, '':15, '':4, '':30, '':19, '':32, '':28, '"':37, '':11, '':11, '':29, '':19, '':27, '':23, '':24, '':21, '':15, '':19, '':8 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -120
[1722183371] eval: [ '':8 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 128
[1722183371] last: [ '<s>':1, '':23, '':14, '':23, '':5, '':19, '':28, '<unk>':0, '':19, '':19, '':8, '':16, '$':39, '"':37, '':18, ' ':35, '':5, '<s>':1, '#':38, '<unk>':0, '':15, '':33, '':24, '':22, '':6, '':13, '<unk>':0, '':10, '!':36, '':3, '':10, '':11, '':18, '':26, '"':37, '':20, '':14, '':20, '$':39, '':17, '':18, '':3, '<s>':1, '':9, '':7, '':15, '':4, '':30, '':19, '':32, '':28, '"':37, '':11, '':11, '':29, '':19, '':27, '':23, '':24, '':21, '':15, '':19, '':8, '':16 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -121
[1722183371] eval: [ '':16 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 129
[1722183371] last: [ '':23, '':14, '':23, '':5, '':19, '':28, '<unk>':0, '':19, '':19, '':8, '':16, '$':39, '"':37, '':18, ' ':35, '':5, '<s>':1, '#':38, '<unk>':0, '':15, '':33, '':24, '':22, '':6, '':13, '<unk>':0, '':10, '!':36, '':3, '':10, '':11, '':18, '':26, '"':37, '':20, '':14, '':20, '$':39, '':17, '':18, '':3, '<s>':1, '':9, '':7, '':15, '':4, '':30, '':19, '':32, '':28, '"':37, '':11, '':11, '':29, '':19, '':27, '':23, '':24, '':21, '':15, '':19, '':8, '':16, '':13 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -122
[1722183371] eval: [ '':13 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 130
[1722183371] last: [ '':14, '':23, '':5, '':19, '':28, '<unk>':0, '':19, '':19, '':8, '':16, '$':39, '"':37, '':18, ' ':35, '':5, '<s>':1, '#':38, '<unk>':0, '':15, '':33, '':24, '':22, '':6, '':13, '<unk>':0, '':10, '!':36, '':3, '':10, '':11, '':18, '':26, '"':37, '':20, '':14, '':20, '$':39, '':17, '':18, '':3, '<s>':1, '':9, '':7, '':15, '':4, '':30, '':19, '':32, '':28, '"':37, '':11, '':11, '':29, '':19, '':27, '':23, '':24, '':21, '':15, '':19, '':8, '':16, '':13, '':3 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -123
[1722183371] eval: [ '':3 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 131
[1722183371] last: [ '':23, '':5, '':19, '':28, '<unk>':0, '':19, '':19, '':8, '':16, '$':39, '"':37, '':18, ' ':35, '':5, '<s>':1, '#':38, '<unk>':0, '':15, '':33, '':24, '':22, '':6, '':13, '<unk>':0, '':10, '!':36, '':3, '':10, '':11, '':18, '':26, '"':37, '':20, '':14, '':20, '$':39, '':17, '':18, '':3, '<s>':1, '':9, '':7, '':15, '':4, '':30, '':19, '':32, '':28, '"':37, '':11, '':11, '':29, '':19, '':27, '':23, '':24, '':21, '':15, '':19, '':8, '':16, '':13, '':3, '!':36 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -124
[1722183371] eval: [ '!':36 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 132
[1722183371] last: [ '':5, '':19, '':28, '<unk>':0, '':19, '':19, '':8, '':16, '$':39, '"':37, '':18, ' ':35, '':5, '<s>':1, '#':38, '<unk>':0, '':15, '':33, '':24, '':22, '':6, '':13, '<unk>':0, '':10, '!':36, '':3, '':10, '':11, '':18, '':26, '"':37, '':20, '':14, '':20, '$':39, '':17, '':18, '':3, '<s>':1, '':9, '':7, '':15, '':4, '':30, '':19, '':32, '':28, '"':37, '':11, '':11, '':29, '':19, '':27, '':23, '':24, '':21, '':15, '':19, '':8, '':16, '':13, '':3, '!':36, '':28 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -125
[1722183371] eval: [ '':28 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 133
[1722183371] last: [ '':19, '':28, '<unk>':0, '':19, '':19, '':8, '':16, '$':39, '"':37, '':18, ' ':35, '':5, '<s>':1, '#':38, '<unk>':0, '':15, '':33, '':24, '':22, '':6, '':13, '<unk>':0, '':10, '!':36, '':3, '':10, '':11, '':18, '':26, '"':37, '':20, '':14, '':20, '$':39, '':17, '':18, '':3, '<s>':1, '':9, '':7, '':15, '':4, '':30, '':19, '':32, '':28, '"':37, '':11, '':11, '':29, '':19, '':27, '':23, '':24, '':21, '':15, '':19, '':8, '':16, '':13, '':3, '!':36, '':28, '':3 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -126
[1722183371] eval: [ '':3 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 134
[1722183371] last: [ '':28, '<unk>':0, '':19, '':19, '':8, '':16, '$':39, '"':37, '':18, ' ':35, '':5, '<s>':1, '#':38, '<unk>':0, '':15, '':33, '':24, '':22, '':6, '':13, '<unk>':0, '':10, '!':36, '':3, '':10, '':11, '':18, '':26, '"':37, '':20, '':14, '':20, '$':39, '':17, '':18, '':3, '<s>':1, '':9, '':7, '':15, '':4, '':30, '':19, '':32, '':28, '"':37, '':11, '':11, '':29, '':19, '':27, '':23, '':24, '':21, '':15, '':19, '':8, '':16, '':13, '':3, '!':36, '':28, '':3, '':23 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -127
[1722183371] eval: [ '':23 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 135
[1722183371] last: [ '<unk>':0, '':19, '':19, '':8, '':16, '$':39, '"':37, '':18, ' ':35, '':5, '<s>':1, '#':38, '<unk>':0, '':15, '':33, '':24, '':22, '':6, '':13, '<unk>':0, '':10, '!':36, '':3, '':10, '':11, '':18, '':26, '"':37, '':20, '':14, '':20, '$':39, '':17, '':18, '':3, '<s>':1, '':9, '':7, '':15, '':4, '':30, '':19, '':32, '':28, '"':37, '':11, '':11, '':29, '':19, '':27, '':23, '':24, '':21, '':15, '':19, '':8, '':16, '':13, '':3, '!':36, '':28, '':3, '':23, '!':36 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -128
[1722183371] eval: [ '!':36 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 136
[1722183371] last: [ '':19, '':19, '':8, '':16, '$':39, '"':37, '':18, ' ':35, '':5, '<s>':1, '#':38, '<unk>':0, '':15, '':33, '':24, '':22, '':6, '':13, '<unk>':0, '':10, '!':36, '':3, '':10, '':11, '':18, '':26, '"':37, '':20, '':14, '':20, '$':39, '':17, '':18, '':3, '<s>':1, '':9, '':7, '':15, '':4, '':30, '':19, '':32, '':28, '"':37, '':11, '':11, '':29, '':19, '':27, '':23, '':24, '':21, '':15, '':19, '':8, '':16, '':13, '':3, '!':36, '':28, '':3, '':23, '!':36, '':30 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -129
[1722183371] eval: [ '':30 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 137
[1722183371] last: [ '':19, '':8, '':16, '$':39, '"':37, '':18, ' ':35, '':5, '<s>':1, '#':38, '<unk>':0, '':15, '':33, '':24, '':22, '':6, '':13, '<unk>':0, '':10, '!':36, '':3, '':10, '':11, '':18, '':26, '"':37, '':20, '':14, '':20, '$':39, '':17, '':18, '':3, '<s>':1, '':9, '':7, '':15, '':4, '':30, '':19, '':32, '':28, '"':37, '':11, '':11, '':29, '':19, '':27, '':23, '':24, '':21, '':15, '':19, '':8, '':16, '':13, '':3, '!':36, '':28, '':3, '':23, '!':36, '':30, '$':39 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -130
[1722183371] eval: [ '$':39 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 138
[1722183371] last: [ '':8, '':16, '$':39, '"':37, '':18, ' ':35, '':5, '<s>':1, '#':38, '<unk>':0, '':15, '':33, '':24, '':22, '':6, '':13, '<unk>':0, '':10, '!':36, '':3, '':10, '':11, '':18, '':26, '"':37, '':20, '':14, '':20, '$':39, '':17, '':18, '':3, '<s>':1, '':9, '':7, '':15, '':4, '':30, '':19, '':32, '':28, '"':37, '':11, '':11, '':29, '':19, '':27, '':23, '':24, '':21, '':15, '':19, '':8, '':16, '':13, '':3, '!':36, '':28, '':3, '':23, '!':36, '':30, '$':39, '':22 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -131
[1722183371] eval: [ '':22 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 139
[1722183371] last: [ '':16, '$':39, '"':37, '':18, ' ':35, '':5, '<s>':1, '#':38, '<unk>':0, '':15, '':33, '':24, '':22, '':6, '':13, '<unk>':0, '':10, '!':36, '':3, '':10, '':11, '':18, '':26, '"':37, '':20, '':14, '':20, '$':39, '':17, '':18, '':3, '<s>':1, '':9, '':7, '':15, '':4, '':30, '':19, '':32, '':28, '"':37, '':11, '':11, '':29, '':19, '':27, '':23, '':24, '':21, '':15, '':19, '':8, '':16, '':13, '':3, '!':36, '':28, '':3, '':23, '!':36, '':30, '$':39, '':22, '':22 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -132
[1722183371] eval: [ '':22 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 140
[1722183371] last: [ '$':39, '"':37, '':18, ' ':35, '':5, '<s>':1, '#':38, '<unk>':0, '':15, '':33, '':24, '':22, '':6, '':13, '<unk>':0, '':10, '!':36, '':3, '':10, '':11, '':18, '':26, '"':37, '':20, '':14, '':20, '$':39, '':17, '':18, '':3, '<s>':1, '':9, '':7, '':15, '':4, '':30, '':19, '':32, '':28, '"':37, '':11, '':11, '':29, '':19, '':27, '':23, '':24, '':21, '':15, '':19, '':8, '':16, '':13, '':3, '!':36, '':28, '':3, '':23, '!':36, '':30, '$':39, '':22, '':22, '':23 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -133
[1722183371] eval: [ '':23 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 141
[1722183371] last: [ '"':37, '':18, ' ':35, '':5, '<s>':1, '#':38, '<unk>':0, '':15, '':33, '':24, '':22, '':6, '':13, '<unk>':0, '':10, '!':36, '':3, '':10, '':11, '':18, '':26, '"':37, '':20, '':14, '':20, '$':39, '':17, '':18, '':3, '<s>':1, '':9, '':7, '':15, '':4, '':30, '':19, '':32, '':28, '"':37, '':11, '':11, '':29, '':19, '':27, '':23, '':24, '':21, '':15, '':19, '':8, '':16, '':13, '':3, '!':36, '':28, '':3, '':23, '!':36, '':30, '$':39, '':22, '':22, '':23, '':3 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -134
[1722183371] eval: [ '':3 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 142
[1722183371] last: [ '':18, ' ':35, '':5, '<s>':1, '#':38, '<unk>':0, '':15, '':33, '':24, '':22, '':6, '':13, '<unk>':0, '':10, '!':36, '':3, '':10, '':11, '':18, '':26, '"':37, '':20, '':14, '':20, '$':39, '':17, '':18, '':3, '<s>':1, '':9, '':7, '':15, '':4, '':30, '':19, '':32, '':28, '"':37, '':11, '':11, '':29, '':19, '':27, '':23, '':24, '':21, '':15, '':19, '':8, '':16, '':13, '':3, '!':36, '':28, '':3, '':23, '!':36, '':30, '$':39, '':22, '':22, '':23, '':3, '':19 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -135
[1722183371] eval: [ '':19 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 143
[1722183371] last: [ ' ':35, '':5, '<s>':1, '#':38, '<unk>':0, '':15, '':33, '':24, '':22, '':6, '':13, '<unk>':0, '':10, '!':36, '':3, '':10, '':11, '':18, '':26, '"':37, '':20, '':14, '':20, '$':39, '':17, '':18, '':3, '<s>':1, '':9, '':7, '':15, '':4, '':30, '':19, '':32, '':28, '"':37, '':11, '':11, '':29, '':19, '':27, '':23, '':24, '':21, '':15, '':19, '':8, '':16, '':13, '':3, '!':36, '':28, '':3, '':23, '!':36, '':30, '$':39, '':22, '':22, '':23, '':3, '':19, '':15 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -136
[1722183371] eval: [ '':15 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 144
[1722183371] last: [ '':5, '<s>':1, '#':38, '<unk>':0, '':15, '':33, '':24, '':22, '':6, '':13, '<unk>':0, '':10, '!':36, '':3, '':10, '':11, '':18, '':26, '"':37, '':20, '':14, '':20, '$':39, '':17, '':18, '':3, '<s>':1, '':9, '':7, '':15, '':4, '':30, '':19, '':32, '':28, '"':37, '':11, '':11, '':29, '':19, '':27, '':23, '':24, '':21, '':15, '':19, '':8, '':16, '':13, '':3, '!':36, '':28, '':3, '':23, '!':36, '':30, '$':39, '':22, '':22, '':23, '':3, '':19, '':15, '':22 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -137
[1722183371] eval: [ '':22 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 145
[1722183371] last: [ '<s>':1, '#':38, '<unk>':0, '':15, '':33, '':24, '':22, '':6, '':13, '<unk>':0, '':10, '!':36, '':3, '':10, '':11, '':18, '':26, '"':37, '':20, '':14, '':20, '$':39, '':17, '':18, '':3, '<s>':1, '':9, '':7, '':15, '':4, '':30, '':19, '':32, '':28, '"':37, '':11, '':11, '':29, '':19, '':27, '':23, '':24, '':21, '':15, '':19, '':8, '':16, '':13, '':3, '!':36, '':28, '':3, '':23, '!':36, '':30, '$':39, '':22, '':22, '':23, '':3, '':19, '':15, '':22, '':8 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -138
[1722183371] eval: [ '':8 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 146
[1722183371] last: [ '#':38, '<unk>':0, '':15, '':33, '':24, '':22, '':6, '':13, '<unk>':0, '':10, '!':36, '':3, '':10, '':11, '':18, '':26, '"':37, '':20, '':14, '':20, '$':39, '':17, '':18, '':3, '<s>':1, '':9, '':7, '':15, '':4, '':30, '':19, '':32, '':28, '"':37, '':11, '':11, '':29, '':19, '':27, '':23, '':24, '':21, '':15, '':19, '':8, '':16, '':13, '':3, '!':36, '':28, '':3, '':23, '!':36, '':30, '$':39, '':22, '':22, '':23, '':3, '':19, '':15, '':22, '':8, '':4 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -139
[1722183371] eval: [ '':4 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 147
[1722183371] last: [ '<unk>':0, '':15, '':33, '':24, '':22, '':6, '':13, '<unk>':0, '':10, '!':36, '':3, '':10, '':11, '':18, '':26, '"':37, '':20, '':14, '':20, '$':39, '':17, '':18, '':3, '<s>':1, '':9, '':7, '':15, '':4, '':30, '':19, '':32, '':28, '"':37, '':11, '':11, '':29, '':19, '':27, '':23, '':24, '':21, '':15, '':19, '':8, '':16, '':13, '':3, '!':36, '':28, '':3, '':23, '!':36, '':30, '$':39, '':22, '':22, '':23, '':3, '':19, '':15, '':22, '':8, '':4, '':3 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -140
[1722183371] eval: [ '':3 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 148
[1722183371] last: [ '':15, '':33, '':24, '':22, '':6, '':13, '<unk>':0, '':10, '!':36, '':3, '':10, '':11, '':18, '':26, '"':37, '':20, '':14, '':20, '$':39, '':17, '':18, '':3, '<s>':1, '':9, '':7, '':15, '':4, '':30, '':19, '':32, '':28, '"':37, '':11, '':11, '':29, '':19, '':27, '':23, '':24, '':21, '':15, '':19, '':8, '':16, '':13, '':3, '!':36, '':28, '':3, '':23, '!':36, '':30, '$':39, '':22, '':22, '':23, '':3, '':19, '':15, '':22, '':8, '':4, '':3, '':15 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -141
[1722183371] eval: [ '':15 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 149
[1722183371] last: [ '':33, '':24, '':22, '':6, '':13, '<unk>':0, '':10, '!':36, '':3, '':10, '':11, '':18, '':26, '"':37, '':20, '':14, '':20, '$':39, '':17, '':18, '':3, '<s>':1, '':9, '':7, '':15, '':4, '':30, '':19, '':32, '':28, '"':37, '':11, '':11, '':29, '':19, '':27, '':23, '':24, '':21, '':15, '':19, '':8, '':16, '':13, '':3, '!':36, '':28, '':3, '':23, '!':36, '':30, '$':39, '':22, '':22, '':23, '':3, '':19, '':15, '':22, '':8, '':4, '':3, '':15, ' ':35 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -142
[1722183371] eval: [ ' ':35 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 150
[1722183371] last: [ '':24, '':22, '':6, '':13, '<unk>':0, '':10, '!':36, '':3, '':10, '':11, '':18, '':26, '"':37, '':20, '':14, '':20, '$':39, '':17, '':18, '':3, '<s>':1, '':9, '':7, '':15, '':4, '':30, '':19, '':32, '':28, '"':37, '':11, '':11, '':29, '':19, '':27, '':23, '':24, '':21, '':15, '':19, '':8, '':16, '':13, '':3, '!':36, '':28, '':3, '':23, '!':36, '':30, '$':39, '':22, '':22, '':23, '':3, '':19, '':15, '':22, '':8, '':4, '':3, '':15, ' ':35, '':8 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -143
[1722183371] eval: [ '':8 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 151
[1722183371] last: [ '':22, '':6, '':13, '<unk>':0, '':10, '!':36, '':3, '':10, '':11, '':18, '':26, '"':37, '':20, '':14, '':20, '$':39, '':17, '':18, '':3, '<s>':1, '':9, '':7, '':15, '':4, '':30, '':19, '':32, '':28, '"':37, '':11, '':11, '':29, '':19, '':27, '':23, '':24, '':21, '':15, '':19, '':8, '':16, '':13, '':3, '!':36, '':28, '':3, '':23, '!':36, '':30, '$':39, '':22, '':22, '':23, '':3, '':19, '':15, '':22, '':8, '':4, '':3, '':15, ' ':35, '':8, '':30 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -144
[1722183371] eval: [ '':30 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 152
[1722183371] last: [ '':6, '':13, '<unk>':0, '':10, '!':36, '':3, '':10, '':11, '':18, '':26, '"':37, '':20, '':14, '':20, '$':39, '':17, '':18, '':3, '<s>':1, '':9, '':7, '':15, '':4, '':30, '':19, '':32, '':28, '"':37, '':11, '':11, '':29, '':19, '':27, '':23, '':24, '':21, '':15, '':19, '':8, '':16, '':13, '':3, '!':36, '':28, '':3, '':23, '!':36, '':30, '$':39, '':22, '':22, '':23, '':3, '':19, '':15, '':22, '':8, '':4, '':3, '':15, ' ':35, '':8, '':30, '':9 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -145
[1722183371] eval: [ '':9 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 153
[1722183371] last: [ '':13, '<unk>':0, '':10, '!':36, '':3, '':10, '':11, '':18, '':26, '"':37, '':20, '':14, '':20, '$':39, '':17, '':18, '':3, '<s>':1, '':9, '':7, '':15, '':4, '':30, '':19, '':32, '':28, '"':37, '':11, '':11, '':29, '':19, '':27, '':23, '':24, '':21, '':15, '':19, '':8, '':16, '':13, '':3, '!':36, '':28, '':3, '':23, '!':36, '':30, '$':39, '':22, '':22, '':23, '':3, '':19, '':15, '':22, '':8, '':4, '':3, '':15, ' ':35, '':8, '':30, '':9, '':26 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -146
[1722183371] eval: [ '':26 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 154
[1722183371] last: [ '<unk>':0, '':10, '!':36, '':3, '':10, '':11, '':18, '':26, '"':37, '':20, '':14, '':20, '$':39, '':17, '':18, '':3, '<s>':1, '':9, '':7, '':15, '':4, '':30, '':19, '':32, '':28, '"':37, '':11, '':11, '':29, '':19, '':27, '':23, '':24, '':21, '':15, '':19, '':8, '':16, '':13, '':3, '!':36, '':28, '':3, '':23, '!':36, '':30, '$':39, '':22, '':22, '':23, '':3, '':19, '':15, '':22, '':8, '':4, '':3, '':15, ' ':35, '':8, '':30, '':9, '':26, ' ':35 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -147
[1722183371] eval: [ ' ':35 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 155
[1722183371] last: [ '':10, '!':36, '':3, '':10, '':11, '':18, '':26, '"':37, '':20, '':14, '':20, '$':39, '':17, '':18, '':3, '<s>':1, '':9, '':7, '':15, '':4, '':30, '':19, '':32, '':28, '"':37, '':11, '':11, '':29, '':19, '':27, '':23, '':24, '':21, '':15, '':19, '':8, '':16, '':13, '':3, '!':36, '':28, '':3, '':23, '!':36, '':30, '$':39, '':22, '':22, '':23, '':3, '':19, '':15, '':22, '':8, '':4, '':3, '':15, ' ':35, '':8, '':30, '':9, '':26, ' ':35, '':22 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -148
[1722183371] eval: [ '':22 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 156
[1722183371] last: [ '!':36, '':3, '':10, '':11, '':18, '':26, '"':37, '':20, '':14, '':20, '$':39, '':17, '':18, '':3, '<s>':1, '':9, '':7, '':15, '':4, '':30, '':19, '':32, '':28, '"':37, '':11, '':11, '':29, '':19, '':27, '':23, '':24, '':21, '':15, '':19, '':8, '':16, '':13, '':3, '!':36, '':28, '':3, '':23, '!':36, '':30, '$':39, '':22, '':22, '':23, '':3, '':19, '':15, '':22, '':8, '':4, '':3, '':15, ' ':35, '':8, '':30, '':9, '':26, ' ':35, '':22, '':19 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -149
[1722183371] eval: [ '':19 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 157
[1722183371] last: [ '':3, '':10, '':11, '':18, '':26, '"':37, '':20, '':14, '':20, '$':39, '':17, '':18, '':3, '<s>':1, '':9, '':7, '':15, '':4, '':30, '':19, '':32, '':28, '"':37, '':11, '':11, '':29, '':19, '':27, '':23, '':24, '':21, '':15, '':19, '':8, '':16, '':13, '':3, '!':36, '':28, '':3, '':23, '!':36, '':30, '$':39, '':22, '':22, '':23, '':3, '':19, '':15, '':22, '':8, '':4, '':3, '':15, ' ':35, '':8, '':30, '':9, '':26, ' ':35, '':22, '':19, '':9 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -150
[1722183371] eval: [ '':9 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 158
[1722183371] last: [ '':10, '':11, '':18, '':26, '"':37, '':20, '':14, '':20, '$':39, '':17, '':18, '':3, '<s>':1, '':9, '':7, '':15, '':4, '':30, '':19, '':32, '':28, '"':37, '':11, '':11, '':29, '':19, '':27, '':23, '':24, '':21, '':15, '':19, '':8, '':16, '':13, '':3, '!':36, '':28, '':3, '':23, '!':36, '':30, '$':39, '':22, '':22, '':23, '':3, '':19, '':15, '':22, '':8, '':4, '':3, '':15, ' ':35, '':8, '':30, '':9, '':26, ' ':35, '':22, '':19, '':9, '':24 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -151
[1722183371] eval: [ '':24 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 159
[1722183371] last: [ '':11, '':18, '':26, '"':37, '':20, '':14, '':20, '$':39, '':17, '':18, '':3, '<s>':1, '':9, '':7, '':15, '':4, '':30, '':19, '':32, '':28, '"':37, '':11, '':11, '':29, '':19, '':27, '':23, '':24, '':21, '':15, '':19, '':8, '':16, '':13, '':3, '!':36, '':28, '':3, '':23, '!':36, '':30, '$':39, '':22, '':22, '':23, '':3, '':19, '':15, '':22, '':8, '':4, '':3, '':15, ' ':35, '':8, '':30, '':9, '':26, ' ':35, '':22, '':19, '':9, '':24, '':12 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -152
[1722183371] eval: [ '':12 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 160
[1722183371] last: [ '':18, '':26, '"':37, '':20, '':14, '':20, '$':39, '':17, '':18, '':3, '<s>':1, '':9, '':7, '':15, '':4, '':30, '':19, '':32, '':28, '"':37, '':11, '':11, '':29, '':19, '':27, '':23, '':24, '':21, '':15, '':19, '':8, '':16, '':13, '':3, '!':36, '':28, '':3, '':23, '!':36, '':30, '$':39, '':22, '':22, '':23, '':3, '':19, '':15, '':22, '':8, '':4, '':3, '':15, ' ':35, '':8, '':30, '':9, '':26, ' ':35, '':22, '':19, '':9, '':24, '':12, '':12 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -153
[1722183371] eval: [ '':12 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 161
[1722183371] last: [ '':26, '"':37, '':20, '':14, '':20, '$':39, '':17, '':18, '':3, '<s>':1, '':9, '':7, '':15, '':4, '':30, '':19, '':32, '':28, '"':37, '':11, '':11, '':29, '':19, '':27, '':23, '':24, '':21, '':15, '':19, '':8, '':16, '':13, '':3, '!':36, '':28, '':3, '':23, '!':36, '':30, '$':39, '':22, '':22, '':23, '':3, '':19, '':15, '':22, '':8, '':4, '':3, '':15, ' ':35, '':8, '':30, '':9, '':26, ' ':35, '':22, '':19, '':9, '':24, '':12, '':12, '':33 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -154
[1722183371] eval: [ '':33 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 162
[1722183371] last: [ '"':37, '':20, '':14, '':20, '$':39, '':17, '':18, '':3, '<s>':1, '':9, '':7, '':15, '':4, '':30, '':19, '':32, '':28, '"':37, '':11, '':11, '':29, '':19, '':27, '':23, '':24, '':21, '':15, '':19, '':8, '':16, '':13, '':3, '!':36, '':28, '':3, '':23, '!':36, '':30, '$':39, '':22, '':22, '':23, '':3, '':19, '':15, '':22, '':8, '':4, '':3, '':15, ' ':35, '':8, '':30, '':9, '':26, ' ':35, '':22, '':19, '':9, '':24, '':12, '':12, '':33, '$':39 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -155
[1722183371] eval: [ '$':39 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 163
[1722183371] last: [ '':20, '':14, '':20, '$':39, '':17, '':18, '':3, '<s>':1, '':9, '':7, '':15, '':4, '':30, '':19, '':32, '':28, '"':37, '':11, '':11, '':29, '':19, '':27, '':23, '':24, '':21, '':15, '':19, '':8, '':16, '':13, '':3, '!':36, '':28, '':3, '':23, '!':36, '':30, '$':39, '':22, '':22, '':23, '':3, '':19, '':15, '':22, '':8, '':4, '':3, '':15, ' ':35, '':8, '':30, '':9, '':26, ' ':35, '':22, '':19, '':9, '':24, '':12, '':12, '':33, '$':39, '!':36 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -156
[1722183371] eval: [ '!':36 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 164
[1722183371] last: [ '':14, '':20, '$':39, '':17, '':18, '':3, '<s>':1, '':9, '':7, '':15, '':4, '':30, '':19, '':32, '':28, '"':37, '':11, '':11, '':29, '':19, '':27, '':23, '':24, '':21, '':15, '':19, '':8, '':16, '':13, '':3, '!':36, '':28, '':3, '':23, '!':36, '':30, '$':39, '':22, '':22, '':23, '':3, '':19, '':15, '':22, '':8, '':4, '':3, '':15, ' ':35, '':8, '':30, '':9, '':26, ' ':35, '':22, '':19, '':9, '':24, '':12, '':12, '':33, '$':39, '!':36, '':22 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -157
[1722183371] eval: [ '':22 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 165
[1722183371] last: [ '':20, '$':39, '':17, '':18, '':3, '<s>':1, '':9, '':7, '':15, '':4, '':30, '':19, '':32, '':28, '"':37, '':11, '':11, '':29, '':19, '':27, '':23, '':24, '':21, '':15, '':19, '':8, '':16, '':13, '':3, '!':36, '':28, '':3, '':23, '!':36, '':30, '$':39, '':22, '':22, '':23, '':3, '':19, '':15, '':22, '':8, '':4, '':3, '':15, ' ':35, '':8, '':30, '':9, '':26, ' ':35, '':22, '':19, '':9, '':24, '':12, '':12, '':33, '$':39, '!':36, '':22, '':19 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -158
[1722183371] eval: [ '':19 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 166
[1722183371] last: [ '$':39, '':17, '':18, '':3, '<s>':1, '':9, '':7, '':15, '':4, '':30, '':19, '':32, '':28, '"':37, '':11, '':11, '':29, '':19, '':27, '':23, '':24, '':21, '':15, '':19, '':8, '':16, '':13, '':3, '!':36, '':28, '':3, '':23, '!':36, '':30, '$':39, '':22, '':22, '':23, '':3, '':19, '':15, '':22, '':8, '':4, '':3, '':15, ' ':35, '':8, '':30, '':9, '':26, ' ':35, '':22, '':19, '':9, '':24, '':12, '':12, '':33, '$':39, '!':36, '':22, '':19, '':10 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -159
[1722183371] eval: [ '':10 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 167
[1722183371] last: [ '':17, '':18, '':3, '<s>':1, '':9, '':7, '':15, '':4, '':30, '':19, '':32, '':28, '"':37, '':11, '':11, '':29, '':19, '':27, '':23, '':24, '':21, '':15, '':19, '':8, '':16, '':13, '':3, '!':36, '':28, '':3, '':23, '!':36, '':30, '$':39, '':22, '':22, '':23, '':3, '':19, '':15, '':22, '':8, '':4, '':3, '':15, ' ':35, '':8, '':30, '':9, '':26, ' ':35, '':22, '':19, '':9, '':24, '':12, '':12, '':33, '$':39, '!':36, '':22, '':19, '':10, '':25 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -160
[1722183371] eval: [ '':25 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 168
[1722183371] last: [ '':18, '':3, '<s>':1, '':9, '':7, '':15, '':4, '':30, '':19, '':32, '':28, '"':37, '':11, '':11, '':29, '':19, '':27, '':23, '':24, '':21, '':15, '':19, '':8, '':16, '':13, '':3, '!':36, '':28, '':3, '':23, '!':36, '':30, '$':39, '':22, '':22, '':23, '':3, '':19, '':15, '':22, '':8, '':4, '':3, '':15, ' ':35, '':8, '':30, '':9, '':26, ' ':35, '':22, '':19, '':9, '':24, '':12, '':12, '':33, '$':39, '!':36, '':22, '':19, '':10, '':25, '!':36 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -161
[1722183371] eval: [ '!':36 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 169
[1722183371] last: [ '':3, '<s>':1, '':9, '':7, '':15, '':4, '':30, '':19, '':32, '':28, '"':37, '':11, '':11, '':29, '':19, '':27, '':23, '':24, '':21, '':15, '':19, '':8, '':16, '':13, '':3, '!':36, '':28, '':3, '':23, '!':36, '':30, '$':39, '':22, '':22, '':23, '':3, '':19, '':15, '':22, '':8, '':4, '':3, '':15, ' ':35, '':8, '':30, '':9, '':26, ' ':35, '':22, '':19, '':9, '':24, '':12, '':12, '':33, '$':39, '!':36, '':22, '':19, '':10, '':25, '!':36, '$':39 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -162
[1722183371] eval: [ '$':39 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 170
[1722183371] last: [ '<s>':1, '':9, '':7, '':15, '':4, '':30, '':19, '':32, '':28, '"':37, '':11, '':11, '':29, '':19, '':27, '':23, '':24, '':21, '':15, '':19, '':8, '':16, '':13, '':3, '!':36, '':28, '':3, '':23, '!':36, '':30, '$':39, '':22, '':22, '':23, '':3, '':19, '':15, '':22, '':8, '':4, '':3, '':15, ' ':35, '':8, '':30, '':9, '':26, ' ':35, '':22, '':19, '':9, '':24, '':12, '':12, '':33, '$':39, '!':36, '':22, '':19, '':10, '':25, '!':36, '$':39, ' ':35 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -163
[1722183371] eval: [ ' ':35 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 171
[1722183371] last: [ '':9, '':7, '':15, '':4, '':30, '':19, '':32, '':28, '"':37, '':11, '':11, '':29, '':19, '':27, '':23, '':24, '':21, '':15, '':19, '':8, '':16, '':13, '':3, '!':36, '':28, '':3, '':23, '!':36, '':30, '$':39, '':22, '':22, '':23, '':3, '':19, '':15, '':22, '':8, '':4, '':3, '':15, ' ':35, '':8, '':30, '':9, '':26, ' ':35, '':22, '':19, '':9, '':24, '':12, '':12, '':33, '$':39, '!':36, '':22, '':19, '':10, '':25, '!':36, '$':39, ' ':35, '':29 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -164
[1722183371] eval: [ '':29 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 172
[1722183371] last: [ '':7, '':15, '':4, '':30, '':19, '':32, '':28, '"':37, '':11, '':11, '':29, '':19, '':27, '':23, '':24, '':21, '':15, '':19, '':8, '':16, '':13, '':3, '!':36, '':28, '':3, '':23, '!':36, '':30, '$':39, '':22, '':22, '':23, '':3, '':19, '':15, '':22, '':8, '':4, '':3, '':15, ' ':35, '':8, '':30, '':9, '':26, ' ':35, '':22, '':19, '':9, '':24, '':12, '':12, '':33, '$':39, '!':36, '':22, '':19, '':10, '':25, '!':36, '$':39, ' ':35, '':29, '':6 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -165
[1722183371] eval: [ '':6 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 173
[1722183371] last: [ '':15, '':4, '':30, '':19, '':32, '':28, '"':37, '':11, '':11, '':29, '':19, '':27, '':23, '':24, '':21, '':15, '':19, '':8, '':16, '':13, '':3, '!':36, '':28, '':3, '':23, '!':36, '':30, '$':39, '':22, '':22, '':23, '':3, '':19, '':15, '':22, '':8, '':4, '':3, '':15, ' ':35, '':8, '':30, '':9, '':26, ' ':35, '':22, '':19, '':9, '':24, '':12, '':12, '':33, '$':39, '!':36, '':22, '':19, '':10, '':25, '!':36, '$':39, ' ':35, '':29, '':6, '':29 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -166
[1722183371] eval: [ '':29 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 174
[1722183371] last: [ '':4, '':30, '':19, '':32, '':28, '"':37, '':11, '':11, '':29, '':19, '':27, '':23, '':24, '':21, '':15, '':19, '':8, '':16, '':13, '':3, '!':36, '':28, '':3, '':23, '!':36, '':30, '$':39, '':22, '':22, '':23, '':3, '':19, '':15, '':22, '':8, '':4, '':3, '':15, ' ':35, '':8, '':30, '':9, '':26, ' ':35, '':22, '':19, '':9, '':24, '':12, '':12, '':33, '$':39, '!':36, '':22, '':19, '':10, '':25, '!':36, '$':39, ' ':35, '':29, '':6, '':29, '':13 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -167
[1722183371] eval: [ '':13 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 175
[1722183371] last: [ '':30, '':19, '':32, '':28, '"':37, '':11, '':11, '':29, '':19, '':27, '':23, '':24, '':21, '':15, '':19, '':8, '':16, '':13, '':3, '!':36, '':28, '':3, '':23, '!':36, '':30, '$':39, '':22, '':22, '':23, '':3, '':19, '':15, '':22, '':8, '':4, '':3, '':15, ' ':35, '':8, '':30, '':9, '':26, ' ':35, '':22, '':19, '':9, '':24, '':12, '':12, '':33, '$':39, '!':36, '':22, '':19, '':10, '':25, '!':36, '$':39, ' ':35, '':29, '':6, '':29, '':13, '':34 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -168
[1722183371] eval: [ '':34 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 176
[1722183371] last: [ '':19, '':32, '':28, '"':37, '':11, '':11, '':29, '':19, '':27, '':23, '':24, '':21, '':15, '':19, '':8, '':16, '':13, '':3, '!':36, '':28, '':3, '':23, '!':36, '':30, '$':39, '':22, '':22, '':23, '':3, '':19, '':15, '':22, '':8, '':4, '':3, '':15, ' ':35, '':8, '':30, '':9, '':26, ' ':35, '':22, '':19, '':9, '':24, '':12, '':12, '':33, '$':39, '!':36, '':22, '':19, '':10, '':25, '!':36, '$':39, ' ':35, '':29, '':6, '':29, '':13, '':34, '':27 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -169
[1722183371] eval: [ '':27 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 177
[1722183371] last: [ '':32, '':28, '"':37, '':11, '':11, '':29, '':19, '':27, '':23, '':24, '':21, '':15, '':19, '':8, '':16, '':13, '':3, '!':36, '':28, '':3, '':23, '!':36, '':30, '$':39, '':22, '':22, '':23, '':3, '':19, '':15, '':22, '':8, '':4, '':3, '':15, ' ':35, '':8, '':30, '':9, '':26, ' ':35, '':22, '':19, '':9, '':24, '':12, '':12, '':33, '$':39, '!':36, '':22, '':19, '':10, '':25, '!':36, '$':39, ' ':35, '':29, '':6, '':29, '':13, '':34, '':27, '$':39 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -170
[1722183371] eval: [ '$':39 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 178
[1722183371] last: [ '':28, '"':37, '':11, '':11, '':29, '':19, '':27, '':23, '':24, '':21, '':15, '':19, '':8, '':16, '':13, '':3, '!':36, '':28, '':3, '':23, '!':36, '':30, '$':39, '':22, '':22, '':23, '':3, '':19, '':15, '':22, '':8, '':4, '':3, '':15, ' ':35, '':8, '':30, '':9, '':26, ' ':35, '':22, '':19, '':9, '':24, '':12, '':12, '':33, '$':39, '!':36, '':22, '':19, '':10, '':25, '!':36, '$':39, ' ':35, '':29, '':6, '':29, '':13, '':34, '':27, '$':39, '':34 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -171
[1722183371] eval: [ '':34 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 179
[1722183371] last: [ '"':37, '':11, '':11, '':29, '':19, '':27, '':23, '':24, '':21, '':15, '':19, '':8, '':16, '':13, '':3, '!':36, '':28, '':3, '':23, '!':36, '':30, '$':39, '':22, '':22, '':23, '':3, '':19, '':15, '':22, '':8, '':4, '':3, '':15, ' ':35, '':8, '':30, '':9, '':26, ' ':35, '':22, '':19, '':9, '':24, '':12, '':12, '':33, '$':39, '!':36, '':22, '':19, '':10, '':25, '!':36, '$':39, ' ':35, '':29, '':6, '':29, '':13, '':34, '':27, '$':39, '':34, '':32 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -172
[1722183371] eval: [ '':32 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 180
[1722183371] last: [ '':11, '':11, '':29, '':19, '':27, '':23, '':24, '':21, '':15, '':19, '':8, '':16, '':13, '':3, '!':36, '':28, '':3, '':23, '!':36, '':30, '$':39, '':22, '':22, '':23, '':3, '':19, '':15, '':22, '':8, '':4, '':3, '':15, ' ':35, '':8, '':30, '':9, '':26, ' ':35, '':22, '':19, '':9, '':24, '':12, '':12, '':33, '$':39, '!':36, '':22, '':19, '':10, '':25, '!':36, '$':39, ' ':35, '':29, '':6, '':29, '':13, '':34, '':27, '$':39, '':34, '':32, '':8 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -173
[1722183371] eval: [ '':8 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 181
[1722183371] last: [ '':11, '':29, '':19, '':27, '':23, '':24, '':21, '':15, '':19, '':8, '':16, '':13, '':3, '!':36, '':28, '':3, '':23, '!':36, '':30, '$':39, '':22, '':22, '':23, '':3, '':19, '':15, '':22, '':8, '':4, '':3, '':15, ' ':35, '':8, '':30, '':9, '':26, ' ':35, '':22, '':19, '':9, '':24, '':12, '':12, '':33, '$':39, '!':36, '':22, '':19, '':10, '':25, '!':36, '$':39, ' ':35, '':29, '':6, '':29, '':13, '':34, '':27, '$':39, '':34, '':32, '':8, '':6 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -174
[1722183371] eval: [ '':6 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 182
[1722183371] last: [ '':29, '':19, '':27, '':23, '':24, '':21, '':15, '':19, '':8, '':16, '':13, '':3, '!':36, '':28, '':3, '':23, '!':36, '':30, '$':39, '':22, '':22, '':23, '':3, '':19, '':15, '':22, '':8, '':4, '':3, '':15, ' ':35, '':8, '':30, '':9, '':26, ' ':35, '':22, '':19, '':9, '':24, '':12, '':12, '':33, '$':39, '!':36, '':22, '':19, '':10, '':25, '!':36, '$':39, ' ':35, '':29, '':6, '':29, '':13, '':34, '':27, '$':39, '':34, '':32, '':8, '':6, '':25 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -175
[1722183371] eval: [ '':25 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 183
[1722183371] last: [ '':19, '':27, '':23, '':24, '':21, '':15, '':19, '':8, '':16, '':13, '':3, '!':36, '':28, '':3, '':23, '!':36, '':30, '$':39, '':22, '':22, '':23, '':3, '':19, '':15, '':22, '':8, '':4, '':3, '':15, ' ':35, '':8, '':30, '':9, '':26, ' ':35, '':22, '':19, '':9, '':24, '':12, '':12, '':33, '$':39, '!':36, '':22, '':19, '':10, '':25, '!':36, '$':39, ' ':35, '':29, '':6, '':29, '':13, '':34, '':27, '$':39, '':34, '':32, '':8, '':6, '':25, '':7 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -176
[1722183371] eval: [ '':7 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 184
[1722183371] last: [ '':27, '':23, '':24, '':21, '':15, '':19, '':8, '':16, '':13, '':3, '!':36, '':28, '':3, '':23, '!':36, '':30, '$':39, '':22, '':22, '':23, '':3, '':19, '':15, '':22, '':8, '':4, '':3, '':15, ' ':35, '':8, '':30, '':9, '':26, ' ':35, '':22, '':19, '':9, '':24, '':12, '':12, '':33, '$':39, '!':36, '':22, '':19, '':10, '':25, '!':36, '$':39, ' ':35, '':29, '':6, '':29, '':13, '':34, '':27, '$':39, '':34, '':32, '':8, '':6, '':25, '':7, '':16 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -177
[1722183371] eval: [ '':16 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 185
[1722183371] last: [ '':23, '':24, '':21, '':15, '':19, '':8, '':16, '':13, '':3, '!':36, '':28, '':3, '':23, '!':36, '':30, '$':39, '':22, '':22, '':23, '':3, '':19, '':15, '':22, '':8, '':4, '':3, '':15, ' ':35, '':8, '':30, '':9, '':26, ' ':35, '':22, '':19, '':9, '':24, '':12, '':12, '':33, '$':39, '!':36, '':22, '':19, '':10, '':25, '!':36, '$':39, ' ':35, '':29, '':6, '':29, '':13, '':34, '':27, '$':39, '':34, '':32, '':8, '':6, '':25, '':7, '':16, '':13 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -178
[1722183371] eval: [ '':13 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 186
[1722183371] last: [ '':24, '':21, '':15, '':19, '':8, '':16, '':13, '':3, '!':36, '':28, '':3, '':23, '!':36, '':30, '$':39, '':22, '':22, '':23, '':3, '':19, '':15, '':22, '':8, '':4, '':3, '':15, ' ':35, '':8, '':30, '':9, '':26, ' ':35, '':22, '':19, '':9, '':24, '':12, '':12, '':33, '$':39, '!':36, '':22, '':19, '':10, '':25, '!':36, '$':39, ' ':35, '':29, '':6, '':29, '':13, '':34, '':27, '$':39, '':34, '':32, '':8, '':6, '':25, '':7, '':16, '':13, '':32 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -179
[1722183371] eval: [ '':32 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 187
[1722183371] last: [ '':21, '':15, '':19, '':8, '':16, '':13, '':3, '!':36, '':28, '':3, '':23, '!':36, '':30, '$':39, '':22, '':22, '':23, '':3, '':19, '':15, '':22, '':8, '':4, '':3, '':15, ' ':35, '':8, '':30, '':9, '':26, ' ':35, '':22, '':19, '':9, '':24, '':12, '':12, '':33, '$':39, '!':36, '':22, '':19, '':10, '':25, '!':36, '$':39, ' ':35, '':29, '':6, '':29, '':13, '':34, '':27, '$':39, '':34, '':32, '':8, '':6, '':25, '':7, '':16, '':13, '':32, '$':39 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -180
[1722183371] eval: [ '$':39 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 188
[1722183371] last: [ '':15, '':19, '':8, '':16, '':13, '':3, '!':36, '':28, '':3, '':23, '!':36, '':30, '$':39, '':22, '':22, '':23, '':3, '':19, '':15, '':22, '':8, '':4, '':3, '':15, ' ':35, '':8, '':30, '':9, '':26, ' ':35, '':22, '':19, '':9, '':24, '':12, '':12, '':33, '$':39, '!':36, '':22, '':19, '':10, '':25, '!':36, '$':39, ' ':35, '':29, '':6, '':29, '':13, '':34, '':27, '$':39, '':34, '':32, '':8, '':6, '':25, '':7, '':16, '':13, '':32, '$':39, '':24 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -181
[1722183371] eval: [ '':24 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 189
[1722183371] last: [ '':19, '':8, '':16, '':13, '':3, '!':36, '':28, '':3, '':23, '!':36, '':30, '$':39, '':22, '':22, '':23, '':3, '':19, '':15, '':22, '':8, '':4, '':3, '':15, ' ':35, '':8, '':30, '':9, '':26, ' ':35, '':22, '':19, '':9, '':24, '':12, '':12, '':33, '$':39, '!':36, '':22, '':19, '':10, '':25, '!':36, '$':39, ' ':35, '':29, '':6, '':29, '':13, '':34, '':27, '$':39, '':34, '':32, '':8, '':6, '':25, '':7, '':16, '':13, '':32, '$':39, '':24, '':15 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -182
[1722183371] eval: [ '':15 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 190
[1722183371] last: [ '':8, '':16, '':13, '':3, '!':36, '':28, '':3, '':23, '!':36, '':30, '$':39, '':22, '':22, '':23, '':3, '':19, '':15, '':22, '':8, '':4, '':3, '':15, ' ':35, '':8, '':30, '':9, '':26, ' ':35, '':22, '':19, '':9, '':24, '':12, '':12, '':33, '$':39, '!':36, '':22, '':19, '':10, '':25, '!':36, '$':39, ' ':35, '':29, '':6, '':29, '':13, '':34, '':27, '$':39, '':34, '':32, '':8, '':6, '':25, '':7, '':16, '':13, '':32, '$':39, '':24, '':15, '':12 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -183
[1722183371] eval: [ '':12 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 191
[1722183371] last: [ '':16, '':13, '':3, '!':36, '':28, '':3, '':23, '!':36, '':30, '$':39, '':22, '':22, '':23, '':3, '':19, '':15, '':22, '':8, '':4, '':3, '':15, ' ':35, '':8, '':30, '':9, '':26, ' ':35, '':22, '':19, '':9, '':24, '':12, '':12, '':33, '$':39, '!':36, '':22, '':19, '':10, '':25, '!':36, '$':39, ' ':35, '':29, '':6, '':29, '':13, '':34, '':27, '$':39, '':34, '':32, '':8, '':6, '':25, '':7, '':16, '':13, '':32, '$':39, '':24, '':15, '':12, '':24 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -184
[1722183371] eval: [ '':24 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 192
[1722183371] last: [ '':13, '':3, '!':36, '':28, '':3, '':23, '!':36, '':30, '$':39, '':22, '':22, '':23, '':3, '':19, '':15, '':22, '':8, '':4, '':3, '':15, ' ':35, '':8, '':30, '':9, '':26, ' ':35, '':22, '':19, '':9, '':24, '':12, '':12, '':33, '$':39, '!':36, '':22, '':19, '':10, '':25, '!':36, '$':39, ' ':35, '':29, '':6, '':29, '':13, '':34, '':27, '$':39, '':34, '':32, '':8, '':6, '':25, '':7, '':16, '':13, '':32, '$':39, '':24, '':15, '':12, '':24, '':16 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -185
[1722183371] eval: [ '':16 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 193
[1722183371] last: [ '':3, '!':36, '':28, '':3, '':23, '!':36, '':30, '$':39, '':22, '':22, '':23, '':3, '':19, '':15, '':22, '':8, '':4, '':3, '':15, ' ':35, '':8, '':30, '':9, '':26, ' ':35, '':22, '':19, '':9, '':24, '':12, '':12, '':33, '$':39, '!':36, '':22, '':19, '':10, '':25, '!':36, '$':39, ' ':35, '':29, '':6, '':29, '':13, '':34, '':27, '$':39, '':34, '':32, '':8, '':6, '':25, '':7, '':16, '':13, '':32, '$':39, '':24, '':15, '':12, '':24, '':16, '':13 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -186
[1722183371] eval: [ '':13 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 194
[1722183371] last: [ '!':36, '':28, '':3, '':23, '!':36, '':30, '$':39, '':22, '':22, '':23, '':3, '':19, '':15, '':22, '':8, '':4, '':3, '':15, ' ':35, '':8, '':30, '':9, '':26, ' ':35, '':22, '':19, '':9, '':24, '':12, '':12, '':33, '$':39, '!':36, '':22, '':19, '':10, '':25, '!':36, '$':39, ' ':35, '':29, '':6, '':29, '':13, '':34, '':27, '$':39, '':34, '':32, '':8, '':6, '':25, '':7, '':16, '':13, '':32, '$':39, '':24, '':15, '':12, '':24, '':16, '':13, '!':36 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -187
[1722183371] eval: [ '!':36 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 195
[1722183371] last: [ '':28, '':3, '':23, '!':36, '':30, '$':39, '':22, '':22, '':23, '':3, '':19, '':15, '':22, '':8, '':4, '':3, '':15, ' ':35, '':8, '':30, '':9, '':26, ' ':35, '':22, '':19, '':9, '':24, '':12, '':12, '':33, '$':39, '!':36, '':22, '':19, '':10, '':25, '!':36, '$':39, ' ':35, '':29, '':6, '':29, '':13, '':34, '':27, '$':39, '':34, '':32, '':8, '':6, '':25, '':7, '':16, '':13, '':32, '$':39, '':24, '':15, '':12, '':24, '':16, '':13, '!':36, '':10 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -188
[1722183371] eval: [ '':10 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 196
[1722183371] last: [ '':3, '':23, '!':36, '':30, '$':39, '':22, '':22, '':23, '':3, '':19, '':15, '':22, '':8, '':4, '':3, '':15, ' ':35, '':8, '':30, '':9, '':26, ' ':35, '':22, '':19, '':9, '':24, '':12, '':12, '':33, '$':39, '!':36, '':22, '':19, '':10, '':25, '!':36, '$':39, ' ':35, '':29, '':6, '':29, '':13, '':34, '':27, '$':39, '':34, '':32, '':8, '':6, '':25, '':7, '':16, '':13, '':32, '$':39, '':24, '':15, '':12, '':24, '':16, '':13, '!':36, '':10, '':27 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -189
[1722183371] eval: [ '':27 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 197
[1722183371] last: [ '':23, '!':36, '':30, '$':39, '':22, '':22, '':23, '':3, '':19, '':15, '':22, '':8, '':4, '':3, '':15, ' ':35, '':8, '':30, '':9, '':26, ' ':35, '':22, '':19, '':9, '':24, '':12, '':12, '':33, '$':39, '!':36, '':22, '':19, '':10, '':25, '!':36, '$':39, ' ':35, '':29, '':6, '':29, '':13, '':34, '':27, '$':39, '':34, '':32, '':8, '':6, '':25, '':7, '':16, '':13, '':32, '$':39, '':24, '':15, '':12, '':24, '':16, '':13, '!':36, '':10, '':27, '':32 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -190
[1722183371] eval: [ '':32 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 198
[1722183371] last: [ '!':36, '':30, '$':39, '':22, '':22, '':23, '':3, '':19, '':15, '':22, '':8, '':4, '':3, '':15, ' ':35, '':8, '':30, '':9, '':26, ' ':35, '':22, '':19, '':9, '':24, '':12, '':12, '':33, '$':39, '!':36, '':22, '':19, '':10, '':25, '!':36, '$':39, ' ':35, '':29, '':6, '':29, '':13, '':34, '':27, '$':39, '':34, '':32, '':8, '':6, '':25, '':7, '':16, '':13, '':32, '$':39, '':24, '':15, '':12, '':24, '':16, '':13, '!':36, '':10, '':27, '':32, '':4 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -191
[1722183371] eval: [ '':4 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 199
[1722183371] last: [ '':30, '$':39, '':22, '':22, '':23, '':3, '':19, '':15, '':22, '':8, '':4, '':3, '':15, ' ':35, '':8, '':30, '':9, '':26, ' ':35, '':22, '':19, '':9, '':24, '':12, '':12, '':33, '$':39, '!':36, '':22, '':19, '':10, '':25, '!':36, '$':39, ' ':35, '':29, '':6, '':29, '':13, '':34, '':27, '$':39, '':34, '':32, '':8, '':6, '':25, '':7, '':16, '':13, '':32, '$':39, '':24, '':15, '':12, '':24, '':16, '':13, '!':36, '':10, '':27, '':32, '':4, '#':38 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -192
[1722183371] eval: [ '#':38 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 200
[1722183371] last: [ '$':39, '':22, '':22, '':23, '':3, '':19, '':15, '':22, '':8, '':4, '':3, '':15, ' ':35, '':8, '':30, '':9, '':26, ' ':35, '':22, '':19, '':9, '':24, '':12, '':12, '':33, '$':39, '!':36, '':22, '':19, '':10, '':25, '!':36, '$':39, ' ':35, '':29, '':6, '':29, '':13, '':34, '':27, '$':39, '':34, '':32, '':8, '':6, '':25, '':7, '':16, '':13, '':32, '$':39, '':24, '':15, '':12, '':24, '':16, '':13, '!':36, '':10, '':27, '':32, '':4, '#':38, '"':37 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -193
[1722183371] eval: [ '"':37 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 201
[1722183371] last: [ '':22, '':22, '':23, '':3, '':19, '':15, '':22, '':8, '':4, '':3, '':15, ' ':35, '':8, '':30, '':9, '':26, ' ':35, '':22, '':19, '':9, '':24, '':12, '':12, '':33, '$':39, '!':36, '':22, '':19, '':10, '':25, '!':36, '$':39, ' ':35, '':29, '':6, '':29, '':13, '':34, '':27, '$':39, '':34, '':32, '':8, '':6, '':25, '':7, '':16, '':13, '':32, '$':39, '':24, '':15, '':12, '':24, '':16, '':13, '!':36, '':10, '':27, '':32, '':4, '#':38, '"':37, '':21 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -194
[1722183371] eval: [ '':21 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 202
[1722183371] last: [ '':22, '':23, '':3, '':19, '':15, '':22, '':8, '':4, '':3, '':15, ' ':35, '':8, '':30, '':9, '':26, ' ':35, '':22, '':19, '':9, '':24, '':12, '':12, '':33, '$':39, '!':36, '':22, '':19, '':10, '':25, '!':36, '$':39, ' ':35, '':29, '':6, '':29, '':13, '':34, '':27, '$':39, '':34, '':32, '':8, '':6, '':25, '':7, '':16, '':13, '':32, '$':39, '':24, '':15, '':12, '':24, '':16, '':13, '!':36, '':10, '':27, '':32, '':4, '#':38, '"':37, '':21, '':25 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -195
[1722183371] eval: [ '':25 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 203
[1722183371] last: [ '':23, '':3, '':19, '':15, '':22, '':8, '':4, '':3, '':15, ' ':35, '':8, '':30, '':9, '':26, ' ':35, '':22, '':19, '':9, '':24, '':12, '':12, '':33, '$':39, '!':36, '':22, '':19, '':10, '':25, '!':36, '$':39, ' ':35, '':29, '':6, '':29, '':13, '':34, '':27, '$':39, '':34, '':32, '':8, '':6, '':25, '':7, '':16, '':13, '':32, '$':39, '':24, '':15, '':12, '':24, '':16, '':13, '!':36, '':10, '':27, '':32, '':4, '#':38, '"':37, '':21, '':25, '':16 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -196
[1722183371] eval: [ '':16 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 204
[1722183371] last: [ '':3, '':19, '':15, '':22, '':8, '':4, '':3, '':15, ' ':35, '':8, '':30, '':9, '':26, ' ':35, '':22, '':19, '':9, '':24, '':12, '':12, '':33, '$':39, '!':36, '':22, '':19, '':10, '':25, '!':36, '$':39, ' ':35, '':29, '':6, '':29, '':13, '':34, '':27, '$':39, '':34, '':32, '':8, '':6, '':25, '':7, '':16, '':13, '':32, '$':39, '':24, '':15, '':12, '':24, '':16, '':13, '!':36, '':10, '':27, '':32, '':4, '#':38, '"':37, '':21, '':25, '':16, '':23 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -197
[1722183371] eval: [ '':23 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 205
[1722183371] last: [ '':19, '':15, '':22, '':8, '':4, '':3, '':15, ' ':35, '':8, '':30, '':9, '':26, ' ':35, '':22, '':19, '':9, '':24, '':12, '':12, '':33, '$':39, '!':36, '':22, '':19, '':10, '':25, '!':36, '$':39, ' ':35, '':29, '':6, '':29, '':13, '':34, '':27, '$':39, '':34, '':32, '':8, '':6, '':25, '':7, '':16, '':13, '':32, '$':39, '':24, '':15, '':12, '':24, '':16, '':13, '!':36, '':10, '':27, '':32, '':4, '#':38, '"':37, '':21, '':25, '':16, '':23, '':5 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -198
[1722183371] eval: [ '':5 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 206
[1722183371] last: [ '':15, '':22, '':8, '':4, '':3, '':15, ' ':35, '':8, '':30, '':9, '':26, ' ':35, '':22, '':19, '':9, '':24, '':12, '':12, '':33, '$':39, '!':36, '':22, '':19, '':10, '':25, '!':36, '$':39, ' ':35, '':29, '':6, '':29, '':13, '':34, '':27, '$':39, '':34, '':32, '':8, '':6, '':25, '':7, '':16, '':13, '':32, '$':39, '':24, '':15, '':12, '':24, '':16, '':13, '!':36, '':10, '':27, '':32, '':4, '#':38, '"':37, '':21, '':25, '':16, '':23, '':5, '':15 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -199
[1722183371] eval: [ '':15 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 207
[1722183371] last: [ '':22, '':8, '':4, '':3, '':15, ' ':35, '':8, '':30, '':9, '':26, ' ':35, '':22, '':19, '':9, '':24, '':12, '':12, '':33, '$':39, '!':36, '':22, '':19, '':10, '':25, '!':36, '$':39, ' ':35, '':29, '':6, '':29, '':13, '':34, '':27, '$':39, '':34, '':32, '':8, '':6, '':25, '':7, '':16, '':13, '':32, '$':39, '':24, '':15, '':12, '':24, '':16, '':13, '!':36, '':10, '':27, '':32, '':4, '#':38, '"':37, '':21, '':25, '':16, '':23, '':5, '':15, ' ':35 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -200
[1722183371] eval: [ ' ':35 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 208
[1722183371] last: [ '':8, '':4, '':3, '':15, ' ':35, '':8, '':30, '':9, '':26, ' ':35, '':22, '':19, '':9, '':24, '':12, '':12, '':33, '$':39, '!':36, '':22, '':19, '':10, '':25, '!':36, '$':39, ' ':35, '':29, '':6, '':29, '':13, '':34, '':27, '$':39, '':34, '':32, '':8, '':6, '':25, '':7, '':16, '':13, '':32, '$':39, '':24, '':15, '':12, '':24, '':16, '':13, '!':36, '':10, '':27, '':32, '':4, '#':38, '"':37, '':21, '':25, '':16, '':23, '':5, '':15, ' ':35, '':24 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -201
[1722183371] eval: [ '':24 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 209
[1722183371] last: [ '':4, '':3, '':15, ' ':35, '':8, '':30, '':9, '':26, ' ':35, '':22, '':19, '':9, '':24, '':12, '':12, '':33, '$':39, '!':36, '':22, '':19, '':10, '':25, '!':36, '$':39, ' ':35, '':29, '':6, '':29, '':13, '':34, '':27, '$':39, '':34, '':32, '':8, '':6, '':25, '':7, '':16, '':13, '':32, '$':39, '':24, '':15, '':12, '':24, '':16, '':13, '!':36, '':10, '':27, '':32, '':4, '#':38, '"':37, '':21, '':25, '':16, '':23, '':5, '':15, ' ':35, '':24, '':15 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -202
[1722183371] eval: [ '':15 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 210
[1722183371] last: [ '':3, '':15, ' ':35, '':8, '':30, '':9, '':26, ' ':35, '':22, '':19, '':9, '':24, '':12, '':12, '':33, '$':39, '!':36, '':22, '':19, '':10, '':25, '!':36, '$':39, ' ':35, '':29, '':6, '':29, '':13, '':34, '':27, '$':39, '':34, '':32, '':8, '':6, '':25, '':7, '':16, '':13, '':32, '$':39, '':24, '':15, '':12, '':24, '':16, '':13, '!':36, '':10, '':27, '':32, '':4, '#':38, '"':37, '':21, '':25, '':16, '':23, '':5, '':15, ' ':35, '':24, '':15, '':22 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -203
[1722183371] eval: [ '':22 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 211
[1722183371] last: [ '':15, ' ':35, '':8, '':30, '':9, '':26, ' ':35, '':22, '':19, '':9, '':24, '':12, '':12, '':33, '$':39, '!':36, '':22, '':19, '':10, '':25, '!':36, '$':39, ' ':35, '':29, '':6, '':29, '':13, '':34, '':27, '$':39, '':34, '':32, '':8, '':6, '':25, '':7, '':16, '':13, '':32, '$':39, '':24, '':15, '':12, '':24, '':16, '':13, '!':36, '':10, '':27, '':32, '':4, '#':38, '"':37, '':21, '':25, '':16, '':23, '':5, '':15, ' ':35, '':24, '':15, '':22, '':34 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -204
[1722183371] eval: [ '':34 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 212
[1722183371] last: [ ' ':35, '':8, '':30, '':9, '':26, ' ':35, '':22, '':19, '':9, '':24, '':12, '':12, '':33, '$':39, '!':36, '':22, '':19, '':10, '':25, '!':36, '$':39, ' ':35, '':29, '':6, '':29, '':13, '':34, '':27, '$':39, '':34, '':32, '':8, '':6, '':25, '':7, '':16, '':13, '':32, '$':39, '':24, '':15, '':12, '':24, '':16, '':13, '!':36, '':10, '':27, '':32, '':4, '#':38, '"':37, '':21, '':25, '':16, '':23, '':5, '':15, ' ':35, '':24, '':15, '':22, '':34, '':24 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -205
[1722183371] eval: [ '':24 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 213
[1722183371] last: [ '':8, '':30, '':9, '':26, ' ':35, '':22, '':19, '':9, '':24, '':12, '':12, '':33, '$':39, '!':36, '':22, '':19, '':10, '':25, '!':36, '$':39, ' ':35, '':29, '':6, '':29, '':13, '':34, '':27, '$':39, '':34, '':32, '':8, '':6, '':25, '':7, '':16, '':13, '':32, '$':39, '':24, '':15, '':12, '':24, '':16, '':13, '!':36, '':10, '':27, '':32, '':4, '#':38, '"':37, '':21, '':25, '':16, '':23, '':5, '':15, ' ':35, '':24, '':15, '':22, '':34, '':24, '':34 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -206
[1722183371] eval: [ '':34 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 214
[1722183371] last: [ '':30, '':9, '':26, ' ':35, '':22, '':19, '':9, '':24, '':12, '':12, '':33, '$':39, '!':36, '':22, '':19, '':10, '':25, '!':36, '$':39, ' ':35, '':29, '':6, '':29, '':13, '':34, '':27, '$':39, '':34, '':32, '':8, '':6, '':25, '':7, '':16, '':13, '':32, '$':39, '':24, '':15, '':12, '':24, '':16, '':13, '!':36, '':10, '':27, '':32, '':4, '#':38, '"':37, '':21, '':25, '':16, '':23, '':5, '':15, ' ':35, '':24, '':15, '':22, '':34, '':24, '':34, '':4 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -207
[1722183371] eval: [ '':4 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 215
[1722183371] last: [ '':9, '':26, ' ':35, '':22, '':19, '':9, '':24, '':12, '':12, '':33, '$':39, '!':36, '':22, '':19, '':10, '':25, '!':36, '$':39, ' ':35, '':29, '':6, '':29, '':13, '':34, '':27, '$':39, '':34, '':32, '':8, '':6, '':25, '':7, '':16, '':13, '':32, '$':39, '':24, '':15, '':12, '':24, '':16, '':13, '!':36, '':10, '':27, '':32, '':4, '#':38, '"':37, '':21, '':25, '':16, '':23, '':5, '':15, ' ':35, '':24, '':15, '':22, '':34, '':24, '':34, '':4, '':12 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -208
[1722183371] eval: [ '':12 ]
[1722183371] ggml_metal_graph_compute: command buffer 0 failed with status 5
[1722183371] error: Insufficient Memory (00000008:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorOutOfMemory)
[1722183371] n_past = 216
[1722183371] last: [ '':26, ' ':35, '':22, '':19, '':9, '':24, '':12, '':12, '':33, '$':39, '!':36, '':22, '':19, '':10, '':25, '!':36, '$':39, ' ':35, '':29, '':6, '':29, '':13, '':34, '':27, '$':39, '':34, '':32, '':8, '':6, '':25, '':7, '':16, '':13, '':32, '$':39, '':24, '':15, '':12, '':24, '':16, '':13, '!':36, '':10, '':27, '':32, '':4, '#':38, '"':37, '':21, '':25, '':16, '':23, '':5, '':15, ' ':35, '':24, '':15, '':22, '':34, '':24, '':34, '':4, '':12, '</s>':2 ]
[1722183371] n_remain: -209
[1722183371] found an EOG token
[1722183371] [end of text]
[1722183371] llama_print_timings: load time = 13155.24 ms
[1722183371] llama_print_timings: sample time = 10.66 ms / 208 runs ( 0.05 ms per token, 19514.03 tokens per second)
[1722183371] llama_print_timings: prompt eval time = 26.92 ms / 9 tokens ( 2.99 ms per token, 334.30 tokens per second)
[1722183371] llama_print_timings: eval time = 398.69 ms / 207 runs ( 1.93 ms per token, 519.20 tokens per second)
[1722183371] llama_print_timings: total time = 529.59 ms / 216 tokens
[1722183371] ggml_metal_free: deallocating
[1722183371] Log end